French II / III /IV
Using the Thanksgiving vocabulary, write a 5-sentence paragraph in French about how you celebrate
Thanksgiving. Be sure to tell them what you prefer to eat for Thanksgiving.
Here are some helpful phrases:
Aux États-Unis, on fête le Jour d’Action de Grâce le quatrième jeudi en novembre.
Pour fêter le Jour d’Action de Grâce, je …
Je mange… / Je ne mange pas de…
Il n’y a pas d’école
Then, write a 5-sentence paragraph in English about why we celebrate Thanksgiving.
Include two questions in French and two questions in English.
French I
Write 5 sentences about your family in French.
Combien de personnes y a-t-il dans ta famille?
Comment s’appellent les personnes dans ta famille?
As-tu des frères ou des soeurs? Comment est ton frère ou ta soeur?
Write 5 sentences about Thanksgiving in English.
Include two questions in French and two questions in English.