Table des matières
BERNARD, H.R. « Participant observation », Research methods in anthropology: Qualitative and
quantitative approaches, Third edition, Alta Mira Press (Rowman &Litlefield Publishers, 2002,
p. 322-364. _______________________________________________________________ 6
BERNARD, H.R. « Field notes : how to take them, code them, manage them », Research methods
in anthropology: Qualitative and quantitative approaches, Third edition, Alta Mira Press
(Rowman &Litlefield Publishers, 2002, p. 365-389._________________________________15
S.P. Bate, ”Whatever Happened to Organizational Anthropology? A Review of the Field of
Organizational Ethnography and Anthropological Studies”, Human Relations, Vol. 50, No. 9,
EMERSON, R.M., FRETZ, R.I., SHAW, L.L., “Writing Up Fieldnotes I: From Field to Desk”.
Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes, London and Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1995,
254 p. (Se concentrer sur les chapitres 3 et 7). _____________________________________26
HAMMERSLEY, M. et ATKINSON, P. « Writing ethnography » Ethnography. Principles in
Practice, Londres et New York, Tavistock, 1983, p. 207-232__________________________32
EMERSON, R.M., FRETZ, R.I., SHAW, L.L., “Writing an Ethnography”. Writing Ethnographic
Fieldnotes, London and Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1995, p. 169-210. ______36
Adler, p.a. et Adler, p. 1994. Observational Techniques. Dans Denzin, N.K. et Lincoln, Y.S.
Handbook of Qualitative Resarch, Thousaud Oaks, London and New Delhi, Sage Publications,
1994, p. 377-392.___________________________________________________________41