youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sh9tYsgXoG8
« The average young person spends 8 and a half hour each day exposed to digital technology. The constant use of
the Internet, the Blackberry, those video games is not only altering our lives, but it’s altering our brains ! Oh my
Gosh ! Here’s the author of « I brain, surviving the technological alteration of the modern mind », please welcome
Dr Gary Smar.
Altering our brain, I am in trouble, what do you mean ? »
« Well, you know, it’s not all bad, and it’s not all good. You mention that kids are spending a lot of time with
technology and the concern is that they’re not spending enough time in face to face conversation off-line. So, they’re
neglecting those skills that define our humanity. You know I said it’s not all bad, we know that it help hand-eye
coordination, it help peripheral vision, it helps activate our minds. In fact there’s a recent study that found that
surgeons who play video games actually make fewer errors in the operating room. Part of the negative side, there’s
been an association with symptoms of attention deficit disorder and spending time with technology. In fact the
academy of neural , excuse me, the academy of paediatrics has recommended no television and video games for
children under two because of this concern. So in « I brain » the theme is balance, to take breaks, to protect the
dinner time with family, and even to have rules in the house where you say « No tech after 8 or 9 o’clock ».