Mots clés: insuffisance cardiaque, yoga, qualité de vie, méditation, psychologie
Heart failure is an increasingly important issue associated with disturbances of the
immune, cardiovascular, and autonomic nervous systems. These disturbances contribute to
several incapacitating physical and psychological symptoms. Research to date on yoga-based
exercise programs has shown some promise in addressing these symptoms in heart failure.
Nevertheless, there remain limitations in the literature concerning the populations tested, lack of
attention to psychological dimensions of heart failure, follow-up of treatment adherence at home
and daily symptom experience.
This pilot project aims to develop a complementary yoga-based program for patients with
heart failure, to evaluate feasibility and acceptability of the program within a mainly francophone
community, and to obtain preliminary data on the impact of this intervention on quality of life
and physical and psychological symptoms. The first two participants enrolled in the pilot study are
considered for this memoire. They attended eight weekly sessions in which were dispensed
instructions on Bali yoga postures, in addition to psychoeducation, relaxation exercises, and
meditation. Sessions were completed at the Montreal Heart Institute by a certified instructor. The
development of tools necessary for the program, including a teaching manual and patient DVD,
the feasibility and assessment of the effects of the program on the physical and psychological
symptoms are amongst the topics discussed. The results, though preliminary, seem to suggest
improvement of physiological correlates related to heart failure, including in autonomic nervous
system control of the heart and inflammatory processes.
Key words: heart failure, yoga, quality of life, meditation, psychology