Level II Unit 2: Bon Appétit!
I can interact with restaurant staff and other customers in a restaurant by:
o reading a restaurant menu
o ordering and paying for the meal
o commenting on food and service
o requesting items I need (e.g. ketchup, salt, knife, napkin)
I can make choices about restaurants/food based on:
o a restaurant review
o reading a restaurant menu
what I want or need to eat
I can say where I went yesterday
I can say what I ate yesterday
I can say where different foods are sold
I can purchase an item I need in a food store
I can say to which to store I went yesterday
I can say what I eat and drink (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, holidays/family
I can say what I ate and drank
Structures- Introduced
and practiced as
-Passé compose of aller
-En used with quantities
and numbers
Essential Structures
-Pouvoir in the present
tense, all forms.
-Passé compose with avoir
in all forms for –er verbs
such as commander,
manger, acheter,
payer),and irregular verbs
prendre & boire, affirmative
and negative
-Direct Object Pronouns in
present tense
-Partitive article
Money exchange (euros)
Kilos vs. pounds
Typical breakfast
Menu of the day/Prix Fixe
Courses of a meal
Traditional dishes
Open markets/Specialty
Family traditions (Sunday
lunch) / Dinners