Last Revised, October 10, 2008
Radnor High School
Course Syllabus
French 4 Language Honors
French 4 Language Honors is an introduction to Advanced Placement French Language
and deals in depth with four basic skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. The
course highlights French history from the megalithic period to the present. In order to
enhance students’ listening skills, the course uses the French in Action series, French
music, and films. Students practice the speaking part of the Advanced Placement exam
through the use of recorded assignments. Students are required to write frequent
compositions on a variety of subjects. An intensive grammar review and oral
presentations are an important component of the course.
II. Materials & Equipment
Trésors du Temps, Reprise, Barron’s AP French, Ecouter pour S’exprimer
Un Coup d’Oeil sur la France
Teacher generated handouts
Videos (Full-length films)
Video Series – French in Action
Short stories, poems and fables
French realia (i.e. films, magazines, newspapers, music, internet articles,
III. Course Goals & Objectives
The goals of the French IV Honors are consistent with those outlined by College
Board©for the Advanced Placement course.
The content for this course will emphasize the use of language for active
communication and help students do the following:
A. Develop the ability to understand spoken French in various contexts
B. Develop a French vocabulary sufficiently ample for reading newspaper and
magazine articles, literary text, and other non-technical writings without dependence
on a dictionary
C. Develop the ability to express themselves coherently, resourcefully, and with
reasonable fluency and accuracy in both written and spoken French.
IV. Course Topics (Summary Outline)