The Urban Water Sector Project (PSEU)and the additional activities financed on a contribution from the World
Bank amounting to one hundred and sixty (160) million dollars, will contribute to achieve the Millennium
Development Goals (MDG) in the field of potable water and sanitation in urban areas, through improved access to
potable water and promoting onsite wastewater treatment.
The realization of developments provided for within the framework of the Urban Water Sector Project and the
additional activitiesmay generate important impacts on the environment, if appropriate and preliminary measures
for environmental management are not taken into account in the project comprehensive planning process: this is
the reason why a Framework for Environmental and Social Management (CGES) was established and revised to
take in consideration this key concern. The main objective behind the creation of such a Framework is to develop
and to propose mechanisms and the procedures to identify and manage any potential impacts of the Urban Water
Sectoral Project and the additional activities.
This document being only a Framework for Environmental and Social Management revised, it is planned to carry
out Environmental Impact Statements (NIE) as well as Specific Environmental and Social Management Plans for
some activities during the implementation of the Urban Water Sector Project and the additional activities.
It is also important to note that this Framework for Environmental and Social Management revised will:
- take in account the requirements of the World Bank conservation policies of and comply with the
Burkinabè laws in the field of environmental and social management;
- consider the project implementation institutional framework, with a view to assessing the PSEU actors’
capacities in environmental management and to propose if necessary, training activities for the executive
on the project and the additional activities environmental aspects, preparation and supervision of the
Environmental impact Statements, implementation and monitoring of the Environmental and Social
Management Plans.
Besides, the total budget for the implementation of the Framework for Environmental and Social Management is
estimated at FCFA 60,000,000 distributed as follow: FCFA 15,000,000 for communication and education actions,
FCFA 20,000,000 for supervision and coordination of the CGES activities, FCFA 20,000,000 for capacity building
and FCFA 5,000,000 for contingencies.
The cost for the effective implemention of specific mitigation measures for subprojects, shall be taken into account
in the forecast budgets for these subprojects. Pending the specific impact studies to be carried out under
APS/APD (Draft Project Summary / Draft Detailed Project), the overall cost for impacts assessments is estimated
at about 1% of the project total cost, i.e. 500 millions.
In the same vein, a process of public information and consultation is planned in order to:
- present the Urban Water Sector Project,its components and the additional activities(objectives, planned
activities, intervention zones, etc);
- collect the opinions, concerns and suggestions put forward by the project and the additional activities
different stakeholders.
The stakeholders concerned are the actors directly who are involved in the implementation of the various
components (ONEA, town councils, decentralized technical services), the NGO, the populations likely to be
affected, resources persons, etc.
In conclusion, the PSEU and the additional activitieswhich general objective to increase in a sustainable way
access to drinkable water and develop autonomous sanitation, will mainly have positive impacts on the social,
economic and environmental plans.
However, the negative environmental impacts identified, most of which are temporary, will be taken in
consideration in the Urban Water Sector Project and the additional activities. Some programs for environmental
surveillance and monitoring will be developed to address these concerns. Furthermore, measures will be taken to
strengthen the project positive impacts.
Despite these positive and negative impacts of the Urban Water Sector Project and the additional activities on
living environment of concerned town councils, urban populations are aware that access to drinkable water supply
and onsite wastewater treatment is a factor that will improve life quality and welfare. Consequently, we may say
that the objectives of the Urban Water Sector Project and the additional activities clearly demonstrate that the
positive aspects largely prevail over the negative impacts that may derive from the project implementation.