L.1 My story began about seven years ago, in 1875. My name is

L.1 My story began about seven years ago, in 1875. My name is Jonathan
Harker, and I live and work in London. My job is to buy and sell houses for other
people. One day a letter arrived for me from a very rich man who lived in
Transylvania. He wanted to buy a house in England and he needed my help. The
man was Count Dracula, and I agreed to help him.
L.6 I found a house for him, and he asked me to take all the papers to
Transylvania. I did not know then of the terrible danger waiting for me in
L.9 On May 4th, I arrived at a little town called Bistritz. Transylvania was a
strange and beautiful country. There were mountains, trees and rivers
everywhere. And somewhere high in the mountains was the Count’s home, Castle
Dracula. I had six hours to wait before the coach came to take me there, so I
went into a little hotel. Inside the hotel, it was warm and friendly. The people
there were all laughing and talking.
L.15 “Where are you going?” they asked me.
“To Castle Dracula,” I replied.
L.17 Suddenly the room was silent and everyone turned to look at me. I could
not understand why they all looked afraid.
“Don’t go there,” someone said.
“But I have to,” I answered. “It’s business.”
L.21 Slowly the hotel keeper’s wife took the gold cross from her neck and
put it into my hand.
Take this to protect yourself,” she said. “There is danger at Castle
Dracula. Perhaps this will help you.
Adapted from DRACULA by Bram Stoker.
Nom de l’auteur: BRAM STOKER
Titre du roman: DRACULA
Nom du narrateur: JONATHAN HARKER /3
Dates : /2
- Quand l’histoire débute-t-elle ? 1875
- Quand est-elle écrite ? 1882
-Que savez-vous du narrateur ?
Son métier
Vend des maisons/ agent
immobilier /1
La ville où il vit
Londres /1
Où se rend-il ?
Ecris le nom de cette région sur la carte proposée
Qui doit-il rencontrer ?
Count Dracula
Pourquoi ?
Lui porter des papiers
relatifs à l’achat d’une maison
Description de ce lieu :
Entoure les images qui correspondent à la description
faite dans le texte
(Autre possibilité : demandez aux élèves de dessiner)
Lequel de ces deux châteaux illustre celui du texte ?
Entoure l’image qui convient
Quand arrive-t-il dans cette région ?
Le 4 mai (1875)
Dans quelle ville ?
Où se rend-il en premier ?
Dans un hôtel
Combien de temps y reste-t-il ?
Pourquoi ? (+1 point bonus = attendre la diligence)
6 heures
PAR LA SUITE silence
Justification : 1 adjectif = /1
Quelle est la réaction des personnes
présentes ? la peur /1
Justification : 1 verbe + 1 adjectif = /1
Cause du changement d’atmosphère
BONUS ! Adverbe qui l’indique
Traduisez la ligne 18 : « Don’t go there, » ……………………………………………………………/1
Pourquoi lui dit-on cela ? ……………………….......................................................................... /1
Que décide-t-il finalement ? ……………………………………………………………………………………… /1
BONUS ! Pourquoi ? (obligation professionnelle)
Que fait la femme de l’hôtelier ? Elle lui donne un objet, quelque chose pour qu’il se
protège /2
(si les élèves donnent le mot ‘croix’ = bonus)
Dans quel but ? /1
Quel important personnage n’est pas physiquement présent dans ce texte ? /1
Retrouvez le mot qui signifie /5
Diligence (1)
Comte (1)
Rire (1)
Croix en or (2)
Trouvez un titre en Anglais /1
Writer’s name:
Title of the novel:
Narrator’s name : /3
Dates : /2
- When did the story begin? Give a date :
- When was it written? Give a date:
-What do you know about the narrator ?
(job + residence)
Where did he have to go ?
Write the name of this place on the map
Who did he have to meet?
Description of this place :
Circle the right pictures
Which castle illustrates the castle described in the
text? Circle the right picture :
When did he arrive there ? Give a date
Name of the city ?
Where did he go first?
How long did he stay there?
Why? (+1 point bonus)
Justification : 1 adjective = /1
People’s reactions ? /1
Justification : 1 verbe + 1 adjective = /1
Why did the atmosphere change ?
BONUS ! Give the adverb indicating this
Translate line 18 : « Don’t go there, » ……………………………………………………………… /1
Why was he told to do that ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………/1
(= Why did someone say that to him ?)
What about his final decision ? ……………………………………………………………………………………… /1
BONUS ! Why ?
What does the hotel keeper’s wife do ? /2
(si les élèves donnent le mot ‘cross’ = bonus)
What for ? /1
Give the name of an important character who is absent : /1
Find the word meaning : /5
Diligence (1)
Comte (1)
Rire (1)
Croix en or (2)
Find a title in English /1
1 / 6 100%
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