RFP 4212-15-0001
Graphic and Web Design / Conception graphiques et web
Question no. 4
Can the sample of the Mandatory requirements be the same sample as the Rated requirements, point
Response 4
Question no. 5
For Point R4, sample “c” - when you say “a project that clearly demonstrates seamless integration
between print and web formats”. What exactly do you mean? For example, if we have designed a report
for print, prepared PDF posted on the Web and produced the HTML version of the same report also for
the web is this what would be considered “seamless”. Obviously a PDF of the report posted on the
web would look exactly the same as the printed/designed version. Government coded HTML, that needs
to be accessible, will not look like the original document. Please confirm.
Response 5
By seamless we don't mean identical. A print or PDF product would have to be adapted for HTML. What
we are looking for is the manner in which they are adapted. The information in the rated elements
provides more details:
Are the print and electronic formats complementary do they have the same look and
text elements?
Is the content and design adapted in a way that makes sense for each format?
If sample is only in one format (e.g. for sample a), rate the item below out of 15 instead
and award no points for this item.
Question no. 6
On page 42, Rated Requirement 1, you say: " If the firm assigns an art director, a senior designer, an
account representative, a proof reader, a graphic artist, 2 pts for each up to a max of four employees
(8 points) " But you have 5 types of employees listed here. I suppose this means you will give points for
only 4, even if 5 are provided?
Response 6
Different types of employees are listed as examples. We are giving 2 pts for each, up to a max to four
employees (8 points). Providing more than four employees will not get extra points here.
Question 7
How would you like us to provide visuals of the samples? Are screen captures, placed directly within the
proposal document, sufficient? Or are you looking for hard copies (for the printed materials only of
Response 7
We would prefer a hard copy, if possible.
Question 8
Are we required to submit a completed Annex C (Client project references) for each of the 3 samples
provided in our proposal?
Response 8
No, Annex C is an example of the questions we may ask. During the period of technical proposals
evaluation, the Agency may request resources be interviewed by the Agency’s evaluation team.
Participants will be notified if this is necessary.
Question 9
Certifications are they to be included in an appendix of the technical proposal, or submitted under
separate cover?
Response 9
Please include the certifications with the technical proposal. They can be included as an appendix.
Question 10
Under M2. Samples, a letter (fax, letter, email, invoice) from the client confirming that the project was
completed and/or a link to the online project is requested. Can you please clarify whether or not client
project references will be contacted, per Annex C?
Response 10
References will not necessarily be contacted. During the period of technical proposals evaluation, the
Agency may request resources be interviewed by the Agency’s evaluation team. Participants will be
notified if this is necessary.
Question 11
Is “Project Manager” synonymous with “Account Representative” in your RFP document?
Response 11
Question 12
M.3 Official Languages: We have over 30 years of working in both official languages and all our designers
have lots of experience in design of bilingual materials. However, we cannot present in French but we
can complete projects in French. Will we be eliminated on mandatories if we cannot present in French?
Response 12
We would like to amend the RFP to change the mandatory requirement on official languages. We do not
want to require that companies be able to present and provide services in both official languages, just
that they can provide bilingual products.
Question 13
M.2 Samples: For Sample A you state "for a significant corporate publication". Can you please expand
on what you mean by "corporate"? Does this mean that annual reports and other significant documents
for government departments are not acceptable?
Response 13
By corporate, we mean documents of a corporate nature, which can include annual reports or other
similar documents produced for government departments.
Question 14
3. R.1 Qualifications: You are asking for projects worked on by each designer that a similar to the
statement of work. You require quite a bit of detail on each. How may relevant projects would you need
to see per designer in R.1?
Response 14
We don't require a certain number of relevant projects per designer. The intent is to demonstrate that
personnel have already participated in projects of a scope and nature comparable to those described in
the statement of work it doesn't need to be extremely detailed. You should indicate how your
employees meet the rated elements.
Question 15
We would like to know if the table "Graphic and web design services mandatory criteria grid -
Mandatory Criteria" has to be completed by us and sent to you?
Response 15
No. The table is for your information only. It's our evaluation grid and we will complete the table
Question 16
You talk about a proof reader as one of the members of the team. What level of proof reading does the
Agency need?
1. Simple verification to ensure that any corrections the Agency asks for are made? OR
2. Exhaustive proof reading and revisions to suggest that the Agency make corrections or changes
to the text (spelling, syntax, etc).
Response 16
The proof reader would do simple verification and quality control.
Question 17
In section 5 of the pricing schedule in Appendix C, do you want the hourly rate of the photographer?
Response 17
Yes, we'd like the rate of the photographer.
Question 18
M1. Completed Pricing schedule section (Appendix C) in the Mandatory criteria. Is this section content
the same as the Financial proposal section the RFP ?
Response 18
Yes. For M1, we are verifying that you have completed the financial proposal section of the RFP.
Question 19
M2. Samples section - “provide 3 samples of graphic and web design work produced in the last three
years”. Is this expected to be the exact same content that is to be supplied in the R4 Rated criteria
Response 19
Question 20
There is no letter of intention to participate posted with the RFP? Are you expecting a Letter of intention
for this RFP
Response 20
No, you simply need to submit copies of your technical proposal and financial proposal on or before the
close date.
Question no. 4
Les échantillons fournis au titre des exigences obligatoires peuvent-ils être les mêmes que ceux fournis
au titre des exigences cotées du point R4?
ponse 4
Question no. 5
Au point R4, léchantillon « c » - lorsque vous dites « un projet qui montre bien lintégration
harmonieuse entre les imprimées et les publications sur le Web », que voulez-vous dire exactement? Par
exemple, si nous avons conçu un rapport aux fins dimpression, préparé des documents PDF qui seront
publiés sur le Web et produit une version HTML du même rapport, qui sera également publiée sur le
Web, peut-on considérer cela comme une intégration « harmonieuse »? Manifestement, une
version PDF du rapport affiché sur le Web aura exactement la même apparence que la version
imprimée/conçue. La version en langage HTML du gouvernement, qui doit être accessible, ne
ressemblera pas au document original. Merci de confirmer.
Réponse 5
Par harmonieuse nous ne voulons pas dire identique. Le document imprimé ou le document PDF devra
être adapté au format HTML. Ce que nous voulons savoir, cest de quelle façon il sera adapté au
format HTML. Les renseignements contenus dans les éléments cotés sont plus explicites :
Les formats imprimés et électroniques sont-ils complémentaires ont-ils la même
apparence et les mêmes éléments de texte?
Le contenu et la conception sont-ils adaptés de manière logique à chaque format?
Si léchantillon nest que dans un seul format (léchantillon a, p. ex.), notez plutôt
lélément ci-dessous sur 15 et naccordez aucun point pour cet élément-ci.
Question no. 6
À la page 42, à lexigence cotée 1, vous dites : « Si lentreprise nomme un concepteur artistique, un
concepteur principal, un représentant de compte, un correcteur dépreuves, un graphiste, 2 points pour
chacun jusquà concurrence de quatre employés (8 points) ». Mais comme vous énumérez ici 5 types
demployés, je suppose que vous naccorderez des points que pour 4 employés, même si on en
fournit 5?
Réponse 6
1 / 9 100%
La catégorie de ce document est-elle correcte?
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