Cadre de gestion environnementale et sociale du Projet d’Appui à l’Education de Base (CGES/PAEB)
In order to render the Accelerated Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (ADPRS)
operational, many sector-based policies and programmes have been developed and/or
implemented of which the Decennial Education Development Programme (DEDP). The
DEDP constitutes the main framework of reference for the intervention of many actors of the
Niger based education system for the incoming decade (2003-2013).
The execution of the first stage of this programme (2003 -2007) in which the financing of the
catalytic funds allowed developing the access, the training quality as well as the institutional
capacity of the Ministry of National Education (MNE).
The Stage 2 (2008-2010) pursues the expansion of the basic training by practicing the
lessons learned from the Stage 1. The Catalytic Funds will support the programme during
this stage through the Basic Education Support Project (BESP). In order to achieve such
objectives, this stage envisages the building and equipment of 400 classrooms, the setting
up of 160 blocks of toilet, the acquisition of manual school furniture through the Management
Committees and capacity reinforcement of the central and decentralized structures
In order to take into account the environmental concerns in the Decennial Education
Development Programme (DEDP) and its first stage (PADEB), initial studies have been
financed by the MNE in 2003 in conformity with the acting national regulation and the
regulation of the financial partner. These studies focused on the environmental and social
management framework and political reinstallation framework.
The aim of the present study is to evaluate the social and environmental consequences of
the second stage activities particularly concerning the activities of the classroom building and
the setting up of the toilets and to define the measures of attenuation, monitoring as well as
the institutional measures to be taken in order to eliminate or attenuate the unfavourable
environmental and social impacts.
The project will operate at national scale (that means in the whole of the 7 regions and
Niamey urban community).
At national plan, the political, legal and institutional context both in the environmental sector
and the other sectors as well, presents experiences in the document matter in the strategic
planning and orientation, legislations and regulations. At international plan equally, Niger
has signed and ratified many international conventions of which the application could have
an impact on the activities of sectors of education, water resources, land regulation, etc.
Concerning the financial partner, the safeguard policies of the World Bank constitute a
mechanism of integration of environmental and social concerns in the decision making. It
reveals from the analysis done that, the BESP is in conformity with the Safeguard Policies
without specific measures. Two safeguard policies are susceptible to be decentralized by the
BESP It concerns the 4.01 (Environmental Evaluation) and the 4.12 (Displacement and
involuntary reinstallation). To answer to these requirements, specific measures and actions
have been suggested in the environmental and social management framework and the
reinstallation policy framework.
The extent of the environmental and social measures required for the project activities will
depend on the results of the selection process. This selection process aims to: (i) determine
the BESP actions susceptible to get negative impacts at environmental and social level, (ii)
determine the adequate attenuation measures for the activities having detrimental impacts,
(iii) identify the activities necessitating simple attenuation measures or simplified
environmental and social impact study, (iv) describe the institutional responsibilities for the
analysis and approval of the selection results, the implementation of the suggested