Opening new doors ANG-P101-4
Teacher’s guide and Student’s answer sheet
Centre l’Avenir – François Marceau et Barbara Schumann
Sylvie Hamelin, conseillère pédagogique
Finding information about someone over the Internet (2)
Learning Situation Outcomes: This learning situation is about bringing the adult to find information about someone he or she likes or
admires on the Internet. The goal is to gather the information, share it orally as well as in writing with key words.
Note: This learning situation is to be done after “Introducing yourself to someone else”.
Class of situation
Satisfying essential needs in an English-speaking environment
Categories of actions
Interacting orally
Making use of written language
Operational Competencies
o Adjusting and adapting strategies on an ongoing basis
o Decoding
Acts methodically
o Adjusting and adapting strategies on an ongoing basis
o Using material resources to prepare for the situation
Life situation
Getting information about someone
Essentiel Knowledge
Language functions
o Asking and giving information
o Expressing comprehension/lack of comprehension
o Obtaining information about someone (personal identity,
nationality, country, language)
o Verbs at simple present
o Adverbs of interrogation (Who, What, Where)
o Phonology
o Reading
Observing visual clues (pictures)
o Speaking
Using short sentences
Not worrying about errors/pronunciation
Exploring ITC: Using the Web (Students must have access to a
computer to do this learning situation.)
Duration for the learning situation : __ hours
Student’s name:
Starting date:
Ending date:
Opening new doors ANG-P101-4
Student’s answer sheet
Opening new doors ANG-P101-4 2
(Trigger questions)
Pedagogical follow-up
You certainly like to use the Internet to find different information. In this learning situation, we want you to get
specific information about a person you admire.
(Vous aimez certainement utiliser l’internet pour trouver de l’information. Dans cette situation d’apprentissage, nous voulons que vous
trouviez de l’information sur une personne que vous admirez).
Name a person that you like or admire.
What information do you want to get about this person?
Getting started
Now, watch this video: (
Cliquez sur ce lien
Here is an example of the information someone found about the Beatles: [Wikipédia en ligne, consulté le 23 mars 2009]
The Beatles
from Liverpool, England.
four members: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr.
The Beatles
one of the most successful bands of the 60’s.
Opening new doors ANG-P101-4
Student’s answer sheet
Opening new doors ANG-P101-4 3
(Adult is in action)
Pedagogical follow-up
Voici quelques activités que vous allez faire pendant cette situation d’apprentissage :
Chercher de l’information sur Internet
Écrire de courtes phrases en utilisant le verbe être « To be »
Partager cette information
Activity 1: Finding information about a band that you like (music group)
Follow this link and read the 4 steps:
Allez à cette adresse et suivez les 4 étapes de recherche sur Google.
Go on Google and type in the name of the music group you want information about.
Allez sur Google et inscrivez le nom d’un groupe de musique pour lequel vous désirez de l’information.
Get three (3) pieces of information and write them below.
Cherchez trois informations et inscrivez-les ci-dessous.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Opening new doors ANG-P101-4
Student’s answer sheet
Opening new doors ANG-P101-4 4
Activity 2: Giving information using the verb To be
When you write information about a subject or about someone, you often use the verb “To be”.
Quand vous écrivez de l’information à propos de quelque chose ou de quelqu’un, vous utilisez souvent le verbe « être ».
For example: The Beatles
from Liverpool, England.
Do the quiz on the following webpage for English beginners to learn how to use the verb “To be”.
Cliquez sur le lien suivant pour faire le quiz avec le verbe « être ».
When the quiz is completed, click on this new link below and do the exercises with “To be”.
Cliquez sur cet autre lien pour faire l’exercice avec le verbe « être ».
Now it’s your turn. Write three (3) sentences using the verb To be.
Maintenant, à votre tour d’écrire trios phrase avec le verbe “To be”.
a. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Opening new doors ANG-P101-4
Student’s answer sheet
Opening new doors ANG-P101-4 5
Pedagogical follow-up
Activity 3: Share your information
Present your three (3) pieces of information to someone in the class or to your teacher.
Présentez vos trois informations à quelqu’un dans la classe ou à l’enseignant(e).
Activity 4: Present something or someone…
Present orally someone or something that you discovered on the Internet to a friend (using the verb “to be”).
Send an email (to the teacher or to a friend in the class) with a few sentences (using the verb “to be”)
presenting what information you have found about something or someone.
Stratégies utilisées pendant l’apprentissage
Cochez les stratégies que vous avez utilisées et qui vous ont permis de mieux comprendre l’anglais.
Utiliser le dictionnaire……………………………………………………
Consulter le Web……………………………………………………………
Demander de l’aide à l’enseignant………………………………
Faites valider votre cheminement avec votre enseignant(e).
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