15. Chaney Damien, Ben Slimane Karim and Humphreys Ashlee (2016), Megamarketing
expanded by neo-institutional theory. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 24, 6, 470-483 [ABS
ranking 2, FNEGE ranking 4, ABCD ranking A]
14. Chaney Damien and Goulding Christina (2016), Dress, transformation and conformity in
the heavy rock subculture. Journal of Business Research, 69, 1, 155-165 [ABS ranking 3,
FNEGE ranking 2, ABCD ranking A]
13. Chaney Damien, Lunardo Renaud and Saintives Camille (2015), In-store quality
(in)congruency as a driver of perceived legitimacy and patronage behavior. Journal of
Retailing and Consumer Services, 24, 51-59. [ABS ranking 2, FNEGE ranking 3, ABCD ranking
12. Ben Slimane Karim and Chaney Damien (2015), Towards marketing of functionality:
insights from Michelin and Hilti. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 23, 3, 225-237. [ABS ranking
2, FNEGE ranking 4, ABCD ranking A]
11. Chaney Damien and Ben Slimane (2014), La grille d’analyse néo-institutionnelle au
bénéfice de l’élargissement du marketing à des dimensions institutionnelle, Recherche et
Applications en Marketing, 29, 2, 99-117. [FNEGE ranking 2]
[English version: A neo-institutional analytic grid for extending marketing to institutional
10. Ben Slimane Karim, Chaney Damien and M’Bengue Ababacar (2014), Introducing
customer blindspots: a cognitive approach on non-customers, Journal of Strategic
Marketing, 22, 2, 135-148. [ABS ranking 2, FNEGE ranking 4, ABCD ranking A]
9. Chaney Damien and Roger Marschall (2013), Social legitimacy versus distinctiveness:
Mapping the place of consumers in the mental representations of managers in an
institutionalized environment, Journal of Business Research, 66, 9, 1550-1558. [ABS ranking 3,
FNEGE ranking 3, ABCD ranking A]
8. Chaney Damien (2012), The music industry in the digital age: consumer participation in
value creation, International Journal of Arts Management, 15, 1, 42-52. [FNEGE ranking 4,
ABCD ranking B]
7. Ben Slimane Karim and Chaney Damien (2011), Don’t stay so close to your customer: le
paradoxe de la satisfaction client, Décisions Marketing, 63, 73-78. [FNEGE ranking 3]
6. Chaney Damien (2011), Conquête ou fidélisation : la perception des stratégies
relationnelles d’un festival de musiques actuelles par ses organisateurs et par son public,
Décisions Marketing, 63, 49-59. [FNEGE ranking 3]
5. Chaney Damien (2010), L’apport des cartes cognitives à l’analyse des représentations
mentales, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 25, 2, 93-115. [FNEGE ranking 2]
[English version : Analyzing mental representations: The contribution of cognitive maps]
4. Chaney Damien (2010), Fan-funded labels: what future for the recorded music industry?
Presentation of the two cases, MyMajorCompany and ArtistShare, International Journal of
Arts Management, 12, 2, 44-48. [FNEGE ranking 4, ABCD ranking B]