Résistances Pluridrogues (MDR)
1993 - 2015
Last update: 2015-05-12
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1. Résistances Pluridrogues (MDR)
1. Pencreach E., Arrivé M., Raffelsberger W., Lelong-rebel I., Larsen A.K., Gaub M.P., Guenot D. Rational design of
effective therapy combining irinotecan and rapamycin to target m TOR/HIF-1 alpha axis in colon cancer. 20th
EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, Geneva (Switzerland), 21-24 October
2008. Poster presentation.
2. Pencreach E., Arrivé M., Raffelsberger W., Lelong-rebel I., Larsen A.K., Gaub M.P., Guenot D. Rational design of
effective therapy combining irinotecan and rapamycin to target mTOR/HIF-1 alpha axis in colon cancer. 20th
EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, Kos (Greece), 21-24 October 2008.
Poster presentation.
3. Lelong-rebel I., Rebel G., Bergerat J.-P. Spatial redistribution of P-glycoprotein linked to estradiol treatment in
endometrial and prostatic cancer cells. Eighth International Conference of Anticancer Research, Kos (Greece), 17-22
October 2008. Poster.
4. Lelong-rebel I., Pencreach E., Rebel G., Bergerat J.-P. Alteration of chemotherapeutic effect of anticancer agents linked
to hypoxia of MDR and non-MDR Lo Vo colon carcinoma cells. Eighth International Conference of Anticancer Research,
Kos (Greece), 17-22 October 2008.
5. Pencreach E., Arrivé M., Lelong-rebel I., Rebel G., Guenot D., Gaub M.P., Guérin E. Synergistic activity of rapamycin
and irinotecan combination therapy on colon cancer in vivo and in vitro. AACR Special Conference - Recent Advances in
Colon Cancer Research, Boton (USA), 14-17 November 2007. Poster presentation.
6. Pavlou P., Kyriazi M., Dadesshidje I., Bajelidje N., Papagiannis C., Verikokidis A., Yova D., Rallis M., Papaioanno G.,
Rebel G., Rebel I. Mouse keraticocyte culture: A useful model in pharmacology. 12th Panhellenic Pharmaceutical
Congress, Athens (Greece), 14-16 May 2005.
7. Lelong-Rebel I.H., Rebel G. Effects of 'Physiological hypoxia' on human endometrial adenocarcinoma variants. Session 35
'Molecular biology of cancer'. Seventh International Conference of Anticancer Research (supported by IIAR - October
25-30 2004), Corfu (Grèce), 28 October 2004.
8. Collery P., Maymard I., Bourleaud M., Estevez G., Rebel I., Rebel G., Badawi A. Metal ions and cancer cells. Session 32:
'New anticancer agents'. Seventh International Conference of Anticancer Research (supported by IIAR - October 25-30
2004), Corfu (Grèce), 27 October 2004. Abstract 91 publié dans Anticancer Research ISSN : 0250-7005, vol 24, nb5D,
sept-oct 2004.
9. Lelong-rebel I., Brisson C., Voegelin J., Wersinger C., Rebel G. Are differentially altered sensitivities to doxorubicin and
to 5-FU defense lines linked to intracellular localization of P-glycoprotein in Lovo colon carcinoma cells ?. 94th Annual
meeting AACR, Washington (USA), 11-14 July 2003. Washington Convention Center.
10. Lelong-rebel I. Phosphorylation de la P-glycoprotéine : un rôle controversé. Franco-Belge ABC Protein Meeting, Paris
(France), 24 June 2003. Organized by Holland B., Chimini G. and Goffeau A. Faculté de Pharmacie - Paris V.
11. Lelong-rebel I., Brisson C., Voegelin J., Wersinger C., Rebel G. Are differentially altered sensitivities to doxorubicin and
to 5-FU defense lines linked to intracellular localization of P-glycoprotein in Lovo colon carcinoma cells ?. Annual meeting
AACR, Toronto (Canada), 01 April 2003. Abstract nb 3762.
12. Lelong-rebel I., Brisson C., Voegelin J., Rebel G. Intracellular localization of P-glycoprotein and antimetabolic drug
altered sensitivity in non-MDR versus MDR colon cancer carcinoma : a collateral defense line against antineoplastic drugs
? Communication : Abstract n° 86. ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins : from multidrug resistance to genetic disease.
ABC 2003 - The 4th FEBS Advanced Lecture Course, Gosau (Autriche), 04-08 March 2003.
13. Rebel G., Voegelin J., Wersinger C., Lelong-rebel I. Modulation of multifactorial intrinsic resistance of Lovo colon
carcinoma cells by pO2 levels. Communication : Abstract n° 86. ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins : from multidrug
resistance to genetic disease. ABC 2003 - The 4th FEBS Advanced Lecture Course, Gosau (Autriche), 04-08 March 2003.
14. Lelong-rebel I., Wersinger C., Voegelin J., Rebel G. Comparative studies on the effect of taurine and of various
antioxidants on the growth and anticancer drug sensitivity of tumoral cells cultured either in standard air-5%CO2
atmosphere or at the pO2 found in tumors. Conferences sur invitation et chairing "Taurine in the 21st Century", Hawaii
(USA), 20-23 September 2002. Radisson Kauai Beach Resort.
15. Rebel G., Deret S., Voegeli J., Lelong-rebel I. Taurine uptake in cultured cells varies with the culture conditions : study
of endometrial Ishikawa cell lines. Conferences sur invitation et chairing "Taurine in the 21st Century", Hawaii (USA),
20-23 September 2002. Radisson Kauai Beach Resort.
16. Ensemble de séminaires consacrés aux Technologies de la Culture Cellulaire. Applications : Hépatocytes et Hépatomes
en Cultures. Sensibilisation des utilisateurs de la culture cellulaire à certaines formes de contaminations pathogènes
chez le Dr M. Padieu - INRA, Dijon (France), 08-10 April 2002.
17. Séminaires dans le cadre de « Partages de Technologie de Cultures » et « Multirésistances en Chimiothérapie
Anticancéreuse » chez le Professeur Jacques Robert. Centre Anticancéreux Bergonie, Bordeaux (France), 02-17 February
18. Deret S., Lelong-rebel I., Rebel G. Effets de l'hypoxie et du tamoxifène sur la prolifération de cellules
hormono-dépendantes : Etudes de la variabilité des propriétés des lignées disponibles. XXVIIIème Forum des Jeunes
Chercheurs de la SFBBM, Strasbourg (France), 03-07 September 2001.
19. Rebel G., Lelong-rebel I. Invasion and Metastasis. International conference organized and supported by the
International Institute of Anticancer Research, Kapandriti - Athènes (Grèce), 14-17 June 2001. Participation au congrès.
20. Rebel G., Lelong-rebel I. New Anticancer Agents. International Conference organized and supported by the
International Institute of Anticancer Research, Kapandriti - Athens (Greece), 09-12 June 2001. Lelong-Rebel I. in the
Organizing Committee of this meeting.
1. Résistances Pluridrogues (MDR)
21. Brisson C., Lelong-rebel I., Mottolese C., Fevre-montange M., Jouvet A., Belin M.F. Modèle d'études de cellules
tumorales épendymaires humaires en coculture avec des cellules endothéliales 'tubulaires' en matrigel. Résultats
préliminaires. Société Française de Neuropathologie, Lyon (France), 08-09 June 2001. CIRC, 150 Cours Albert Thomas
69372 Lyon.
22. Lelong-rebel I., Margaroni M., Wersinger C., Deret S., Delinassios J.G., Rebel G. Effect of oxygen pressure on epithelial
cancer cell and stroma fibroblast cell growth and properties in vitro. 'Antioxidants in Cancer Prevention and Therapy'.
International Conference organized and supported by the International Institute of Anticancer Research, Kapandriti -
Athènes (Grèce), 04-07 June 2001.
23. Brisson C., Lelong-rebel I., Mottolese C., Fevre-montange M., Jouvet A., Belin M.F. Modèle d'études de cellules
tumorales épendymaires humaires en coculture avec des cellules endothéliales 'tubulaires' en matrigel. Résultats
préliminaires. 6ème Colloque National d'Angiogenèse, Paris (France), 27-28 April 2001. Institut des Vaisseaux et du
Sang (IVS) Hôpital Lariboisière.
24. Lelong-Rebel I.H., Brisson C., Rebel G. Differential intracellular distribution of MDR proteins in LoVo cell variants.
Symposium "Mechanism - Function and Clinical Relevance of P-gps", Gosau (Autriche), 03-10 March 2001. 3d
Advanced Lecture Course. ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Proteins: From Multidrugresistance to Genetic Disease.
Abstract n°135.
25. Rebel G. XVèmes Journées de la Société française de Chirurgie Digestive. Palais des Congrès, Vichy (France), 07-08
December 2000. Participation au congrès.
26. Rebel G., Lelong-Rebel I.H. Journée d'information sur les problèmes liés à l'utilisation de la culture cellulaire. INRA,
Jouy-en-Josas (France), 07 July 2000. Journée de séminaires sur invitation.
27. Rebel G. Séminaire de cytotechnologie. Faculté de Médecine Laennec, Lyon (France), 09 December 1999. Conférence
sur invitation, U 433 INSERM, rue Guillaume Paradin.
28. Rebel G. Use of 3-dimensional culture systems for cancer studies. Workshop: Basic Research in Brain Tumors, Munster
(Allemagne), 24 November 1999. Westfâlische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Conférence sur invitation.
29. Wersinger R. Point sur la résistance aux drogues : recherche d'agents susceptibles de moduler les effets secondaires
d'agents de chimiothérapie utilisés pour les cancers chimiosensibles et résistants - Implications de la taurine. Réunion de
la Ligue Contre le Cancer - Comités Départementaux du Bas-Rhin et du Haut-Rhin, Strasbourg (France), 21 November
30. Lelong-Rebel I.H, Chair person. Session 4: Signalling, gene expression, IIAR. International Conference on Oxidative
Stress in Skin Biology and Medecine, Kapandriti - Attiki (Grèce), 14 September 1999.
31. Rebel G., Lelong-Rebel I.H. Antioxidant properties of taurine. International Conference on Oxidative Stress in Skin
Biology and Medecine, Kapandriti - Attiki (Grèce), 13-16 September 1999. Conférence sur invitation. International Institute
of Anticancer Research.
32. Rebel G., Chair person. Session 1: Oxidative stress and Antioxidants, IIAR. International Conference on Oxidative
Stress in Skin Biology and Medecine, Kapandriti - Attiki (Grèce), 13 September 1999.
33. Rebel G. The use of 3D cultures in Pharmacology and Toxicology. International Institute of Anticancer Research,
Kapandriti - Attiki (Grèce), 01 September 1999. Séminaire sur invitation.
34. Rebel G., Lelong-rebel I. Antioxidant properties of taurine. International Taurine Symposium 1999 -Taurine and
Excitable Tissues: Certosa di Pontignano, Sienne (Italie), 04-08 August 1999. Conférence sur invitation.
35. Lelong-Rebel I.H., Rebel G. Taurine Uptake Measurements of Cultured Cells in a CO2 Independent Medium. International
Taurine Symposium 1999 -Taurine and Excitable Tissues: Certosa di Pontignano, Sienne (Italie), 04-08 August 1999.
Conférence sur invitation.
36. Rebel G., Lelong-rebel I. Chirurgie Endocrinienne. VIème Congrès de l'Association francophone de Chirurgie
Endocrinienne, Lille (France), 10-12 June 1999. Participation au congrès.
37. Lelong-Rebel I.H., Zhang J., Cardarelli C.O., Pastan I., Gottesman M., Ambudkar S. Phosphorylation of P-glycoprotein
from KB multidrug resistant cells in a reconstitution system. 2nd FEBS Advanced Lecture Course on "ATP-Binding
Cassette Transporters : From Multidrug Resistance to Genetic disease", Gosau (Autriche), 20-27 February 1999.
38. Wersinger C., Rebel G., Lelong-Rebel I.H. Taurine uptake in human MDR and non-MDR KB and LoVo tumour cell lines in
culture. Sixth International Conference of Anticancer Research, Kallithea - Halkidiki (Grèce), 21-25 October 1998.
Résumé publié dans le journal Anticancer Res., vol 18 n°6C, p 4972, 1998.
39. Rebel G. Participation à la cinquième réunion de l'EUCC (European Cancer Center, Basel - Freiburg - Strasbourg).
Organisé par le Service d'Onco-Hématologie des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, Strasbourg (France), 16
October 1998.
40. Wersinger C., Lelong I.H. Participation à la seizième réunion du CECED (Club d'Etudes des Cellules Epithéliales
Digestives). Organisée par l'unité U 381 de l'INSERM, Strasbourg (France), 11-12 December 1997.
41. Wersinger C., Guerin P., Rebel G., Lelong I.H. Characterisation of Taurine uptake in human MDR and non-MDR tumor
cell lines in culture. 5th International Congress on Amino Acids, Kallithea - Chalcidique (Grèce), 25-29 August 1997.
Résumé publié dans Amino Acids, vol 13, 1997.
42. Lelong I.H. La P-glucoprotéine : un transporteur membranaire associé au phénotype MDR (résistance pléotropique aux
agents anticancéreux). Colloque 'groupe d'étude des interactions molécules membranes' ; Groupe Français de
Bioenergétique. Société Française de Biophysique, Toulouse (France), 25-29 September 1995.
1. Résistances Pluridrogues (MDR)
43. Rebel G. Taurine uptake in cultured cells. International Taurine Symposium 1995, Cologne (Allemagne), 29 August - 01
September 1995.
44. Rebel G., Petegnief V., Lelong I., Lleu P.L. Study on the different effects of the taurine analogs on taurine uptake by
cultured nervous cells when present during the cell culture or the uptake measurement. InternationalTaurine Symposium
?95' ; Taurine : basic and clinical aspects, Osaka (Japon), 27 June - 01 July 1995.
45. Rebel G. Modification of Secreted Proteins by Cultured Cells in Culture Media. 1st International Symposium "Trends in
peptide research", Perugia (Italie), 14-18 May 1995.
46. Lelong I.H. ATP/GTP-dependent Phosphorylation of the P-glycoprotein, the Transporter Responsible for Multidrug
Resistance. 1st International Symposium "Trends in peptide research", Perugia (Italie), 14-18 May 1995.
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