PDA resection) by reducing the secretion of chemoprotective factors, and presents a potent
chemosensitization potential in vivo on pancreatic cancer models (Duluc et al, EMBO Mol Med,
Fibrotic stroma is certainly not inert. Proteins of the extracellular matrix (ECM), secreted by tumor
cells but abundantly by CAFs, affect, in the tumor and metastases, the biology of cancer cells but also
of stromal cells (fibroblasts, CAFs, endothelial and immune cells). Nevertheless, mechanisms of
regulation of ECM production (qualitative and quantitative composition) by CAFs, and the impact of
this composition on cancer cell chemoresistance are yet poorly understood.
This project aims at studying those aspects by using murine models of pancreatic cancer as well as by
developing tridimensional organotypic cultures of pancreas.
Experimentation on mice: genotyping, phenotyping (survival, blood analyses, cytokines ELISA,
histology and immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence on pancreas, and other organs), bone
marrow transfer, surgery with intra-pancreatic grafting of cancer cells, in vivo exploration (imaging) ;
Immunophenotyping (bone marrow, blood, spleen, pancreas) by FACS
Molecular biology and Biochemistry: RT-qPCR, in situ hybridization, Western-blot, ELISA
Cell biology and associated techniques (transfection, si/shRNA lentivectors) – 2D and 3D
invasion assay, 3D culture of organoids
Quantitative proteomic analyses by mass spectrometry (Proteomic platform IPBS Toulouse)
Recent publications:
Laval S, Laklai H, Fanjul M, Pucelle M, Laurell H, Billon-Galés A, Le Guellec S, Delisle MB,
Sonnenberg A, Susini C, Pyronnet S, Bousquet C. Dual roles of hemidesmosomal proteins in the
pancreatic epithelium: the phosphoinositide 3-kinase decides. Oncogene. 2014, 33(15):1934-44.
Chalabi M, Duluc C, Caron P, Vezzosi D, Guillermet-Guibert J, Pyronnet S, Bousquet C.
Somatostatin analogs: does pharmacology impact antitumor efficacy? Trends Endocrinol Metab.
2014, 25(3):115-27. Review
Chalabi-Dchar M, Cassant-Sourdy S, Duluc C, Fanjul M, Lulka H, Samain R, Roche C, Breibach
F, Delisle MB, Poupot M, Dufresne M, Shimaoka T, Yonehara S, Mathonnet M, Pyronnet S, Bousquet
C. Loss of Somatostatin Receptor Subtype 2 Promotes Growth of KRAS-induced Pancreatic Tumors in
Mice by Activating PI3K Signaling and Overexpression of CXCL16. Gastroenterology. 2015
Jun;148(7):1452-65. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2015.02.009. Epub 2015 Feb 13.
Duluc C, Moatassim-Billah S, Chalabi-Dchar M, Perraud A, Samain R, Breibach F, Gayral M,
Cordelier P, Delisle MB, Bousquet-Dubouch MP, Tomasini R, Schmid H, Mathonnet M, Pyronnet S,
Martineau Y, Bousquet C. Pharmacological targeting of the protein synthesis mTOR/4E-BP1 pathway
in cancer-associated fibroblasts abrogates pancreatic tumour chemoresistance. EMBO Mol Med.
2015 Apr 1;7(6):735-53. doi: 10.15252/emmm.201404346.
Moatassim-Billah S, Duluc C, Samain R, Jean C, Perraud A, Decaup E, Cassant-Sourdy S, Bakri
Y, Selves J, Schmid H, Martineau Y, Mathonnet M, Pyronnet S, Bousquet C. Anti-metastatic potential
of somatostatin analog SOM230: Indirect pharmacological targeting of pancreatic Cancer-Associated
Fibroblasts. Oncotarget. 2016 May 12. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.9296.
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