Des impacts d’astéroïdes ont-ils pu initier des points
chauds et provoquer la dislocation de la Pangée ?
Gérard Lelièvre
Observatoire de Paris, GEPI, UMR 8111 : 1 Place J. Janssen, 92195 Meudon Cedex, France.
Mission des Ressources et Compétences Technologiques du CNRS, CNRS/MRCT/ UPS2274 :
1 Place A. Briand, 92195 Meudon Cedex, France.
E-mail : gerard.lelievre@cnrs-dir.fr
A la mémoire de Albin et Germaine LELIEVRE
Fifteen major meteorite impacts have hit the Earth between -90 My and -250 My and
are reviewed. The purpose of this study is to check if they could have been involved in
long-term and/or long distance geophysical effects. Using plate tectonic reconstructions,
it appears that, in 11 out of these 15 cases, the original impact positions fall in the
vicinity of hotspots or volcanic activities that developed later. In addition, four older
impacts, with ages in the range -400 to -250 My, can also be associated with such
volcanic events.
Moreover, if multiple impacts occurred within few hours, several systems of shockwaves
were present at the same time in the crust, coming from different points and travelling
in different directions. The waves would have interfered on well-defined loci and left
their footprints in the lithosphere. These loci may have initiated the fragmentation of the
crust and/or facilitated the outbreak of underlying mantle plume magma. Computations
are developed for four events that may have occurred at critical dates in the history of
the Earth: -250 My (3 impacts), -214 My (3), -145 My (2) and -90 My (2 impacts). The
systems of interferences generated by these impacts reflect most of the break up lines in
the Pangea/Gondwana and explain more than 100 000 km of existing rifts, trenches and
shorelines. Typical geographical features are direct consequences of these interferences:
The Caledonian channel, the Bathurst Inlet, the Rio de la Plata, etc. For all cases, the
speed of seismic waves is found to be close to 6.4 km/s.
Combinations and relationships between all these effects (hot spots, interferences and
magma plumes) could help understand the genesis and the outcome of major events
such as the CAMP (-200 My), the Africa-South America separation (-135 My) and the
North Atlantic Volcanic Province (-60 My).
This whole approach leads to several consequences or “predictions” to be verified:
- Suggestions are made for The Hawaiian Island, the Siberian traps, and lake Qinghaï.
- A global tectonic motion of North Africa should be involved in order to explain the
90° change of coastline direction in the gulf of Guinea.
- The 4000km-long Valles Marineris, on Mars, can also be explained by a double
impact and gives a realistic image of effects which could have appended on Earth.
- Computations suggest that a fifth event have occurred in -128 My: in addition to the
Tookoonooka crater, a second impact crater may exist, half-way between New
Caledonia and New Zealand at position 173°E and 28°S.