Unité 7A la nourriture = food les légumes = the vegetables les petits

Unité 7A
la nourriture = food
les légumes = the vegetables
la pomme de terre = the potato
les frites = French fries
le riz = the rice
le maïs = the corn
les haricots verts = the green beans
l’oignon = the onion
le chou = the cabbage
le champignon = the mushroom
les petits pois = the peas
les asperges = the asparagus
le céleri = the celery
la carotte = the carrot
la tomate = the tomato
le concombre = the cucumber
la laitue = the lettuce
le chou-fleur = the cauliflower
le poivre vert = the green pepper
l’ail = garlic
le sucre = sugar
le beurre = the butter
le sel = salt
le poivre = pepper
les fruits = the fruits
la pomme = the apple
l’orange (m.) = the orange
la pêche = the peach
la fraise = the strawberry
la framboise = the raspberry
la poire = the pear
la pastèque = the watermelon
la prune = the plum
l’ananas = the pineapple
le citron = the lemon
la banana = the banana
la cerise = the cherry
le bleuet = the blueberry
le melon = the melon
le pamplemousse = the grapefruit
les raisins = the grapes
l’abricot = the apricot
la viande = the meat
le poulet = the chicken
le veau = the veal
le porc = the pork
les fruits de mer = the seafood
le poisson = the fish
le pâté = liver spread
la saucisse = the sausage
le boeuf = the beef
le steak = the steak
le biftec = the steak
la crevette = the shrimp
le jambon = the ham
les boissons = the drinks
l’eau = water
le jus d’orange = the orange juice
le coca = Coke
la limonade = fizzy lemon drink
le jus de pomme = the apple juice
le café = the coffee
la grenadine = pomegranate syrup
le lait = the milk
le thé = the tea
le crèpe = the pancake
la baguette = the long bread
les céréales = the cereal
la soupe = the soup
le Croque Monsieur = ham/cheese sandwich
le fromage = the cheese
la confiture = the jelly
les pâtes = the pasta
le pain = the bread
le sandwich = the sandwich
la salade = the salad
le croissant = crescent bread
les oeufs = the eggs
le yaourt = the yogurt
la tartine = bread & butter & jam
la pizza = the pizza
épicé = spicy
végétarien (végétarienne) = vegetarian
gratuit = free, no charge
vouloir = to want
aimer = to like
boire = to drink
manger = to eat
je voudrais = I would like
j’aimerais = I would like
finir = to finish
choisir = to choose
pour = for
le petit déjeuner = the breakfast
le déjeuner = the lunch
le dîner = the dinner
le goûter = the snack
Review of the Partitive
All can mean “some” or “any”
de + le = du
de + la = de la
de + l’ = de l’
de + les = des
To mean “a” or “an”
un = masc, singular
une = fem., singular
**ALL Partitive forms change to “de” or d’ when the negative of “ne…pas” is added to
the sentence.