Contents Contents
2.8.30. YMONSTAT - Multi-year monthly statistical values .................. 115
2.8.31. YMONPCTL - Multi-year monthly percentile values .................. 117
2.8.32. YSEASSTAT - Multi-year seasonal statistical values .................. 118
2.8.33. YSEASPCTL - Multi-year seasonal percentile values .................. 119
2.8.34. YDRUNSTAT - Multi-year daily running statistical values ............... 120
2.8.35. YDRUNPCTL - Multi-year daily running percentile values .............. 122
2.9. Correlation and co. ......................................... 123
2.9.1. FLDCOR - Correlation in grid space ........................... 124
2.9.2. TIMCOR - Correlation over time ............................. 124
2.9.3. FLDCOVAR - Covariance in grid space ......................... 125
2.9.4. TIMCOVAR - Covariance over time ........................... 125
2.10. Regression .............................................. 126
2.10.1. REGRES - Regression ................................... 127
2.10.2. DETREND - Detrend time series ............................. 127
2.10.3. TREND - Trend of time series .............................. 128
2.10.4. SUBTREND - Subtract a trend .............................. 128
2.11. EOFs ................................................ 129
2.11.1. EOFS - Empirical Orthogonal Functions ......................... 130
2.11.2. EOFCOEFF - Principal coefficients of EOFs ...................... 132
2.12. Interpolation ............................................ 133
2.12.1. REMAPGRID - SCRIP grid interpolation ........................ 134
2.12.2. GENWEIGHTS - Generate SCRIP grid interpolation weights ............. 136
2.12.3. REMAP - SCRIP grid remapping ............................ 138
2.12.4. REMAPETA - Remap vertical hybrid level ....................... 139
2.12.5. INTVERT - Vertical interpolation ............................ 141
2.12.6. INTLEVEL - Linear level interpolation ......................... 142
2.12.7. INTLEVEL3D - Linear level interpolation from/to 3d vertical coordinates . . . . . . 143
2.12.8. INTTIME - Time interpolation .............................. 144
2.12.9. INTYEAR - Year interpolation .............................. 145
2.13. Transformation ........................................... 146
2.13.1. SPECTRAL - Spectral transformation .......................... 147
2.13.2. WIND - Wind transformation ............................... 148
2.14. Import/Export ........................................... 149
2.14.1. IMPORTBINARY - Import binary data sets ...................... 150
2.14.2. IMPORTCMSAF - Import CM-SAF HDF5 files .................... 151
2.14.3. IMPORTAMSR - Import AMSR binary files ...................... 152
2.14.4. INPUT - Formatted input ................................. 153
2.14.5. OUTPUT - Formatted output .............................. 154
2.15. Miscellaneous ............................................ 156
2.15.1. GRADSDES - GrADS data descriptor file ........................ 157
2.15.2. FILTER - Time series filtering .............................. 158
2.15.3. GRIDCELL - Grid cell quantities ............................. 159
2.15.4. SMOOTH9 - 9 point smoothing .............................. 160
2.15.5. REPLACEVALUES - Replace variable values ...................... 160
2.15.6. TIMSORT - Timsort .................................... 161
2.15.7. VARGEN - Generate a field ................................ 161
2.15.8. ROTUV - Rotation .................................... 163
2.15.9. MASTRFU - Mass stream function ............................ 163
2.15.10.DERIVEPAR - Sea level pressure ............................. 164
2.15.11.ADISIT - Potential temperature to in-situ temperature and vice versa ........ 165
2.15.12.RHOPOT - Calculates potential density ......................... 165
2.15.13.HISTOGRAM - Histogram ................................ 167
2.15.14.SETHALO - Set the left and right bounds of a field .................. 167
2.15.15.WCT - Windchill temperature .............................. 168
2.15.16.FDNS - Frost days where no snow index per time period ................ 168
2.15.17.STRWIN - Strong wind days index per time period ................... 168
2.15.18.STRBRE - Strong breeze days index per time period .................. 169
2.15.19.STRGAL - Strong gale days index per time period ................... 169