Fall 2019 Midterm1 Solution

Telechargé par Youssef Gebreel 201-900-300
Zewail City of Science and Technology–Fall 2019.
PEU 346: Mathematical Physics 1–Midterm 1 Solution
(1) (a) Construct the most general 2 ×2 anti-Hermitian matrix.
(b) If Mis anti-Hermitian
(i) Show that U=eiM is Hermitian
(ii) Show that the determinant of Uis real.
(c) Two n×nmatrices Aand Bare such that Tr(A) = 0 and Tr(B)6= 0. Show
that Aand Bare linearly independent.
(d) Show that any n×nHermitian matrix Hcan be written as
where Sis a real symmetric matrix and Pis a real anti-symmetric matrix.
(e) If Tis an n×nanti-symmetric real matrix and S=eT
(i) Show that Sis orthogonal
(ii) What is the determinant of Sin this case?
(iii) Show that if nis odd then the determinant of Tis zero.
(a) The most general 2 ×2 matrix is
A= a b
c d!,
where a, b, c, d are complex numbers. Now we impose A=A
a b
c d!= ac
which gives
a=a, d=d, c=b.
a=ix1, d =ix2, b =x3+ix4, c =b=x3+ix4,
where x1, x2, x3, x4are real numbers. Now the general form of Ais
A= ix1x3+ix4
Notice that Tr(A) = i(x1+x2), i.e., pure imaginary.
U=eiM=eiM =U
det(U) = det(eiM ) = eiTr(M).
From exercise (a), we know that Tr(M) = ic, where cis some real number. Hence
det(U) = ec.
(c) To prove the linear independence we need to show that
aA +bB = 0
implies a= 0, b= 0. By taking the trace of the above equation and using Tr(A) = 0
and Tr(B)6= 0
bTr(B) = 0, b = 0
which means
aA = 0.
But since A6= 0, then a= 0.
(d) Since H=H, then the matrix elements Hij satisfy
Hij =H
The matrix elements Hij are complex numbers and as such we can write them as
Hij =xij +iyij ,
where xij , yij are real numbers. Now using Hij =H
xij +iyij =xji iyji
which gives
xij =xji, yij =yji.
Hence xij are the matrix elements of a real symmetric matrix Sand yij are the
matrix elements of a real anti-symmetric matrix P,
det(S) = det(eT) = eTr(T)=e0= 1,
where we used the fact that the diagonal elements of an anti-symmetric matrix are
zero (Tii =Tii).
(iii) By taking the determinant of the two sides
det( ˜
T) = ()ndet(T).
If nis odd then det(T) must be zero.
(2) (a) Consider the following matrices:
Σi=σiIn, i = 1,2,3,
where Inis an n×nidentity matrix and σiare the Pauli matrices which satisfy
[σi, σj] = 2iX
ijkσk,{σi, σj}= 2δij I2.
(i) Show that
ijkΣk,{Σi,Σj}= 2δij I2n,
where I2nis an 2n×2nidentity matrix.
(ii) Show that Tr(Σi) = 0, i= 1,2,3.
(b) The matrix Bsatisfies B2=I, show that
eiθB =Icosh θ+iB sinh θ.
(c) A general 2 ×2 Hermitian matrix Hcan be written in terms of Pauli matrices
Please answer the following questions without using any explicit form of the Pauli
(i) Show that c0, c1, c2, c3are real.
(ii) If Tr(H) = 0, show that c0= 0.
(a) (i) We will use the following property of the direct products
(AB)(CD) = AC BD.
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Fall 2019 Midterm1 Solution

Telechargé par Youssef Gebreel 201-900-300
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