precondition of any metrical coordinate system, and cannot be held doubtful while such a system
is retained.”
Henceforth we could be stricken with the contrast between, on one hand, Russell’s capacity of
evolution, beginning with this thesis of an a priori knowledge of the spatial uniformity towards
the main stream of the theoretical physics, when he will write The Analysis of Matter (1929);
on the other hand, Whitehead’s stubborn refusal that the geometry of the real space actually
become something like a geography of space-time.
Here, our hypothesis will be that the so-called Riemann-Helmholtz-Lie problem of space
constituted for Whitehead an intangible structuring frame of though, explaining his reception
of the Einsteinian physics.
I – What was the “Helmholtz-Riemann-Lie” problem of space?
At the end of the XIXth century, grounding metrical geometry apart from the physical notion of
movement seemed hopeless. The metrization of space implied to determinate the conditions of
congruence or superposition; and the very possibility of congruence itself led to draw the
necessary and sufficient conditions for moving a rigid body.
What did the meaning of the opposition between hypothesis and facts, supposed at the basis of
the geometrical metrization of space, involve?
1. Riemann: the starting point of the problem of space.
In the aim of characterizing the nature of physical space, Riemann takes the issue at the highest
level of generality, namely, from the concept of magnitude with any number of dimensions, in
his famous Habilitationsvortrag lectured in 1854.
Magnitude divides two kind of manifold depending on whether it’s discrete or continuous. We
obtains quantum of a magnitude as soon as a limit is introduced. In order to compare various
quanta, the operation of counting on the side of the discrete manifolds corresponds to measuring
on the side of the continuous manifolds.
Riemann trusted in the differentiability of a continuous manifold to express the simplest way
of spatial metrization
. His leading twofold hypothesis bears on the sufficient and necessary
conditions for the determination of the metric relations of space
The first hypothesis would grant the possibility of comparing any parts of space in the case of
continuous manifolds, initially deprived of any relation to numbers. Indeed the possibility of
measurement is guaranteed with the transference from place to place of the same standards
If the geometer agrees that “measure-determinations require that magnitudes should be
independent from position”, the first hypothesis following from amounts to:
“[…] that according to which the length of lines is independent of their position and consequently every line is
measurable by means of every other.”
1902, « Geometry, Non-Euclidean », Encyclopædia Britannica, tenth edition, 28, pp. 664-674 (also The
Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, vol. 3, Towards the “Principles of Mathematics”, 1900-1902, Routledge,
London and New York, part IV, « Geometry », § 18, pp. 474–504). The same arguments were put forth in (Russell,
1897), pp. 152-153. – We underline.
“On the Hypotheses which lie at the Basis of Geometry”, part II § 1, translated by William K. Clifford, Jürgen
Post editor, Birkhäuser, 2016, p. 34-35.
Ibid. part III § 1, p. 38.
Ibid. part II § 5, p. 38.
Ibid. part II § 1, pp. 34-35.