Are veneers permanent?
Bear in mind however that this option is considered a permanent process because the dentist
actually shaves about half of a millimeter of enamel off your natural tooth in a process
referred to as 'roughing up' your tooth in order for the veneers near me to adhere correctly.
This process will permanently and visibly damage your natural tooth and require some sort
of permanent coverage afterward to conceal it. So if you are not committed to keeping caps
in place for your lifetime, you should definitely consult with your dentist about other viable
options open to you instead. You can get veneer teeth from a cosmetic dentist near me.
One option would be Lumineers. These are not considered permanent because they do not
require shaving the enamel in order for them to adhere properly as composite or porcelain
veneers require. Eliminating the roughing up process can eliminate some of the expense and
the time you spend in the dental chair as well, making it an attractive option.
Since most dental insurance won’t pay for cosmetic work such as this procedure, it may be
well worthwhile to investigate the cost for Lumineers if cost is a consideration.
If you think you’re a good candidate the first step is to consult with your cosmetic dentist
who will do x-rays on your mouth and give you a full dental exam. Any tooth decay or root
canals will need to be corrected before you proceed any further so your capped teeth will be
as strong and healthy as possible before you permanently seal them.
The veneer itself is custom-made in the dental lab from a dental impression of your teeth that
your dentist made. Once it is made it adheres in place with resin cement, polished and
cleaned up it cannot be distinguished from your natural teeth.