Porcelain veneers - are small, wafer-thin sheets of porcelain that are applied over the
surface of your teeth, altering the distorted, chipped, crooked, stained, or badly worn
dentition into a brand new, straight, radiant smile.
The porcelain veneer process is not very burdensome or technical. After a complete
evaluation of your dentition, your cosmetic dentist will take an impression of your teeth and
then send it to a technician in a lab to have the veneer fabricated.
The most apparent advantage of connecting porcelain dental veneer is that it offers patients
with clear, straight, and ordinary-looking smiles easily and painlessly by putting glass-like
ceramic porcelain on the tooth covering.
Composite resin - is another material that is used for making cosmetic dental veneers.
Composite resin is available in the same color as your natural teeth. This type of dental
veneer does not include making a patient's teeth impressions. The dentist will tear the tooth
enamel and then fix the resin material to the surface himself. These veneers can be repaired
Composite veneers are thicker compared to the porcelain ones and generally less expensive
than their porcelain counterpart.
Veneers are actually delicate until they are attached or cemented to the teeth. After applying
cement effectively, they will become as strong as or even stronger than your real, healthy
teeth. The wafer slim veneers are extremely strong and never or in a rare case become
broken or chipped. After the installation of veneers, you can have an attractive all-new smile
and self-confidence. If taken proper care of them, veneers can last for many years to come.