Resin-based composite veneers:
These Veneers In Houston Tx are much simpler than laboratory fabricated veneers and often do not yield
the best esthetic and functional results. The whole process can be completed in one doctor's visit at Dental
Houston Heights. The tooth is first prepared and reshaped if necessary, similar to ceramic veneers. Using
a composite material that matches the color and shade of the original teeth, the dentist carefully sculpts and
bonds the Dental Veneers Houston. Finally, a special light is used to solidify the composite and the tooth
is polished and smoothened to look natural.
Empress Veneers:
These Houston Dental Veneers are arguably the most effective and popular type of veneers. Empress
Veneers offer the best fit with enamel-like wear that is gentle to opposing tooth structures, which makes it
the better choice as opposed to other veneers. They are a great substitute for orthodontics as they can
whiten teeth, close gaps, and create an overall perfect smile.
The IPS Empress pressed ceramic system provides optimum aesthetics and durability with over 25 million
patients worldwide. These high-quality, glass-ceramic materials provide long-lasting dependable veneers.
Similarly, empress veneers are thin ceramic/porcelain shells that are bonded onto the teeth. They cause no
problems with gums or the surrounding teeth and offer a very natural white look with no staining. Moreover,
they are a great solution for stained and chipped teeth creating the best smile possible.
There are many factors to consider before deciding to get a veneer. The teeth must be completely healthy
with no decay or active periodontal disease. Although veneers require less removal of enamel than crowns
do, the process is nevertheless permanent. Many habits can also come in conflict with veneers. Patients
who clench or grind their teeth, bite fingernails, or chew on any hard objects, can damage the veneer and
are generally not considered ideal candidates. Otherwise, regular dental visits with proper home hygiene
are all that is needed to maintain the veneer.