handicap. According to the Subregional Office for West Africa of the United
Nations Economic Commission for Africa "57% of jobseekers do not have a
diploma and only 1.6% A university degree ". There are more male job
seekers than women According to this source, there are more men (64%) than
women (36%) who are looking for a job. And among these applicants, those
aged 15 to 35 represent 56%. It is also reported that the majority of
jobseekers (53%) did not study, while 74% of those who attended school did
not go beyond the primary level and 87% Secondary education. This situation
of unemployment is a brake on the socio-economic development of our
The persistence of poverty, especially in rural and peri-urban areas, the
extreme youth of the population, the exodus to cities and emigration for
economic reasons, are now making the employment problem particularly acute
Employment of young people. Despite the creation of employment as a major
theme of economic and social policies in the 1990s, the unemployment
situation in Senegal remains difficult and most of the difficulties
identified remain still current.
In Senegal, the unemployment rate stands at 10.2% (ESPS 2011). It mainly
affects young people and graduates of higher education in search of their
first job. The youth unemployment rate (15-35 years) would be 13% by 2017.
The achievement of the objective of creating 300,000 jobs, set for the
period 2013 to 2017, raises this rate to 6% at the end of the SNDES period
Thus, faced with this situation, Dr Touré advocates the development,
strengthening and decentralization of training, demonstration and
incubation at the development poles. The goal, says Dr. Moctar Touré, is to
increase by 20% the number of graduates per year. "Young job-seekers are
faced with enormous difficulties in accessing information on training and
development opportunities and on financing opportunities for
entrepreneurs," said Dr Moctar, Sees as a solution, the promotion of
"steering of the educational system by command"
Various initiatives have often been implemented to combat youth
unemployment. For example, in order to settle unemployment among young
people in France, the government has used the reduction of working time: if
an individual works shorter than before, then he "frees" hours of work The
result of a reduction of almost 10% in the national labor market).
Such an initiative, if implemented in SENEGAL, could make it possible to
insert another employee into the system, without jeopardizing wages.
Reduction of working time, by reducing the hourly volume per worker, thus
reduces the overall supply of labor. It should be noted, however, that in
SENEGAL particular attention should be paid to working hours which must be
appropriately reduced and with the aim of creating a job opportunity for
other unemployed persons while guaranteeing productivity In the different
sectors of activity.
The other solution would be to improve the employability of young people by
taking pride in excellence by directly hiring the best students of the
various outgoing promotions of universities and grandes écoles from the
private as well as the public. The aim is to reinforce their skills and
abilities through a short, adapted training period, through the acquisition
of new technical and professional skills in administration and management.
In reality, it is not enough today to obtain a diploma to find a job. The
guarantee of any success for young people in the labor market now requires
a continuous development of their skills to adapt to the demands of the
market. Education remains essential, but it is above all through the most
relevant training tools, namely apprenticeship and traineeship, that the