Revue française d'économie
L'analyse de l'innovation dans les modèles de croissance endogène
Patricia Crifo-Tillet
As major determinants of economic activity, innovation and research and development activities are major issues in the analysis
of growth. Focusing on microeconomic aspects of innovation within the endogenous growth literature helps reconsidering the
sources and mechanisms of growth. This article studies the analysis of innovation within endogenous growth models by
reconsidering the standard decomposition based on the nature of technological progress, namely an increase in the variety or
quality of goods. In the light of recent contributions on public policy analysis, these theoretical models are analysed within the
debate on market structures and the nature of the discovery process. The technological adoption process turns out to be
enriched, and competition, traditionnally viewed as detrimental, recovers relevancy in the analysis of growth.
Citer ce document / Cite this document :
Crifo-Tillet Patricia. L'analyse de l'innovation dans les modèles de croissance endogène . In: Revue française d'économie,
volume 14, n°2, 1999. pp. 189-221;
doi :
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