Who, Which, That
Choose the correct pronoun between who and which
1) I can see a man is wearing a costume.
2) Superman has got accessories will enable him to fly.
3) We can see Spiderman is flying between the building.
4) I have a comic strip is worth £100 .
5) Peter Parker is a journalist becomes a superhero at night.
6) Spiderman has superpowers he uses to save people.
7) Batman is the one fights against the Joker.
8) He has a double identity cannot be revealed.
9) There are a lot of bats are flying around.
10) Superman is the comics trip I prefer.
Choose the correct pronoun between which and that
1) You can borrow the book which/that I have just finished reading.
2) The used car, which/that I bought last year, is a brown one.
3) Sophie ate the last piece of sushi which/that he was saving in the fridge.
4) The wagon, which/that he bought at a garage sale, is broken.
5) Where’s the dress which/that you plan to dress tomorrow ?
6) Please stop by the supermarket, which/that is on road 8,on your way home.
7) The whale, which/that swam into the bay, was successfully returned to the ocean.
8) Please pick up the clothes which/that you dropped off at the dry cleaners yesterday.