Do you know what permaculture is?
Living and cultivating in a sustainable way, without polluting and without exploiting
resources, is possible. Permaculture is proof of this. We explain what it is, what its practice is
based on and how to apply it.
Origin of permaculture
In the mid- 1970s two Australian ecologists, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, began to
develop ideas with the intention of creating stable farming systems in response to the rapid
growth of agribusiness, the destruction of soil and water, and the drastic reduction of
biodiversity. This is how permaculture was born, a term made up of the words "permanent"
and "agriculture" and encompassing social and economic aspects.
It is a creative and conscious system of values and practices applicable in the design and
preservation of spaces (small, medium and large scale) that are productive and sustainable in
full harmony with the environment.
Others go further and claim that it is a movement made up of people who want to conserve
natural systems and restore the damage caused by uncontrolled exploitation, offering positive
and sustainable design alternatives.
But, whether it is a philosophy, an ecological trend, or a design process, the truth is that
Permaculture Australia is based on the integration of environmental, community and
economic aspects, as a way of integrating our lifestyles, our subsistence, the use of resources
and energy needs and for this allows the fusion of scientific knowledge with ancient
What's your objective?
Basically, what Pdc Australia seeks is to combine the life of human beings with the
environment in a respectful and beneficial way for both. The aim is to satisfy the needs of the
human being in the friendliest way possible, without exploiting natural resources and without
polluting. Thus, food production, energy supply and water security stand out among its
central axes.
It pursues the design of social infrastructures that promote the sustainable use of resources,
both ecologically and economically and socially. That is, they are sustainable in the long term
like Syntropic Farming Queensland, they make rational use of resources, they are healthy
and they satisfy human and environmental needs.
Ethical pillars
Caring for the Earth: it implies conserving and respecting the soil, the forests, the water and
the species in their different varieties as a way of allowing life to continue and prosper. For
this reason, it advises that particular associations of trees be used that nurture and protect
each other, that water bodies be built and that the Syntropic Gardening Queensland and its
elements be used to the best of their ability in the interaction of ecosystems.
Caring for people: refers to understanding the need to take into account the needs and rights
of people, peoples, communities. Here the balance between the individual and the collective
is considered in terms of law, access and knowledge. Therefore, Permaculture Community
Australia not only focuses on food production, but also bets on working together, on
cooperation and not on competition.
Fair distribution: talks about redistributing surplus time, money and energy by setting limits
on consumption and reproduction, reinserting waste produced by plants, animals and human
activities in other parts of the system, and taking or using only what is necessary.
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