SAGC Electronic Update as of February 2020 - Copy for ECRA

Telechargé par Ajmal K
The Saudi Arabian Grid Code
Electronic Update as of February 2020
Prepared by:
National Grid SA
Table of Contents
The Saudi Arabian Grid Code Electronic Update as of February 2020
Table of Contents
Foreword ....................................................................................................... ix
Preface ............................................................................................................ x
List of Abbreviations ................................................................................... xii
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS ....................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Scope ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Grid Code Implementation and Enforcement ...................................................... 2
1.5 Settlement of Disputes .......................................................................................... 2
1.6 Unforeseen Circumstances ................................................................................... 2
1.7 Suspension of Grid Code Provisions................................................................... 3
1.8 Illegality and Partial Invalidity ............................................................................... 3
1.9 Force Majeure ......................................................................................................... 3
1.10 The Grid Code Supervisory Committee (GCSC) ................................................. 3
1.11 Grid Code Amendment or Derogation Process .................................................. 5
1.12 Communication between the TSP and Users ...................................................... 7
1.13 Data, Notices, and Confidentiality ........................................................................ 8
1.14 Ownership of Plant and/or Apparatus ................................................................. 9
1.15 System Control ....................................................................................................... 9
1.16 Code Interpretation ................................................................................................ 9
1.16.1 Precedence 9
1.16.2 Glossary and Definitions 9
1.16.3 Foreword, Preface, Table of Contents, and Titles 9
1.16.4 Mandatory Provisions 9
1.16.5 Plural and Gender 10
1.16.6 Person or Entity 10
1.16.7 Amendment of Standards 10
1.16.8 Figures 10
CHAPTER 2 CONNECTION CODE .......................................................... 11
Table of Contents
The Saudi Arabian Grid Code Electronic Update as of February 2020
2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................. 11
2.3 Grid Connection Procedure ................................................................................ 11
2.3.1 General Provisions 11
2.3.2 Grid Impact Studies 13
2.3.3 Application for a New, or Modification of an Existing, Connection 13
2.3.4 Processing of the Application 14
2.3.5 Connection Agreement 16
2.3.6 Submittals Prior to the Commissioning Date 16
2.3.7 Commissioning of Equipment and Physical Connection to the Grid 17
2.4 Transmission System Performance ................................................................... 17
2.4.1 General Provisions 17
2.4.2 Frequency Variations 18
2.4.3 Voltage Variations 18
2.4.4 Harmonic Distortion 19
2.4.5 Voltage Unbalance 19
2.4.6 Voltage Fluctuation and Flicker Severity 19
2.4.7 Transient Voltage Variations 20
2.4.8 Grounding 20
2.5 Plant and Apparatus at Connection Points ....................................................... 20
2.5.1 General Provisions 20
2.5.2 Protection Equipment/Schemes 21
2.5.3 Operation and Maintenance Safety Conditions 24
2.5.4 Metering 24
2.5.5 Requirements for Generators 24
2.5.6 Requirements for Distribution Entities and Directly-connected Customers 33
2.6 System Services ................................................................................................... 34
2.7 Site Related Conditions ....................................................................................... 34
2.7.1 Responsibility for Operation and Maintenance 34
2.7.2 Responsibilities for Safety 34
2.7.3 Site and Equipment Identification and Labeling 35
2.7.4 Connection Point Drawings 36
2.7.5 Site Responsibility Schedules 39
2.7.6 Access to Sites 39
2.7.7 Maintenance Procedures 40
2.7.8 Site Operational Procedures 40
APPENDIX A2.1: Preparation of Site Responsibility Schedules ...................................... 42
A2.1.1 Principles 42
A2.1.2 Alterations to Existing Site Responsibility Schedules 43
A2.1.3 Responsible Managers 44
CHAPTER 3 PLANNING CODE ................................................................ 46
3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 46
3.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................. 46
3.3 Grid Planning ........................................................................................................ 46
3.3.1 Grid Planning Responsibility 46
Table of Contents
The Saudi Arabian Grid Code Electronic Update as of February 2020
3.3.2 Grid Planning Process 47
3.3.3 Submission of Grid Planning Data 47
3.3.4 Consolidation and Maintenance of Grid Planning Data 50
3.3.5 Planning Criteria and Standards 50
3.3.6 Grid Planning Studies 50
APPENDIX A3.1: Standard Planning Data ........................................................................... 52
A3.1.1 Historical Energy and Demand 52
A3.1.2 Energy and Demand Forecast 52
A3.1.3 Generating Unit/Station Data 53
A3.1.4 User System Data 54
Appendix A3.2: Detailed Planning Data .............................................................................. 58
A3.2.1 Generating Unit/Station Data 58
A3.2.2 User System Data 61
CHAPTER 4 OPERATING CODE ............................................................. 63
4.1 Chapter Overview ................................................................................................. 63
4.2 Operational Demand Forecasts .......................................................................... 64
4.2.1 Introduction 64
4.2.2 Definitions 65
4.2.3 Objectives 65
4.2.4 Data Required by the TSP for Operational Demand Forecasting 65
4.2.5 Transmission System Forecasts 68
4.3 Outage Planning ................................................................................................... 69
4.3.1 Introduction 69
4.3.2 Definitions 70
4.3.3 Objective 70
4.3.4 Planning of Generating Unit Outages 70
4.3.5 Planning of Transmission System Outages 79
4.3.6 Data Requirements 82
4.4 System Services ................................................................................................... 83
4.4.1 Introduction 83
4.4.2 Objectives 83
4.4.3 Frequency Control 84
4.4.4 Voltage Control 86
4.4.5 System Control 89
4.4.6 Operating Margin 91
4.4.7 Black Start 95
4.5 Operational Liaison .............................................................................................. 96
4.5.1 Introduction 96
4.5.2 Objectives 96
4.5.3 Procedure for Notification of Operations, Events, and Significant Incidents 97
4.5.4 Significant Incidents 97
4.5.5 Yellow Alert 98
4.5.6 Significant Incident Reporting Procedure 98
4.6 Operational Communication between the TSP and Users .............................. 99
4.6.1 Introduction 99
4.6.2 Objectives 99
4.6.3 Contact Locations and their Adequacy 100
Table of Contents
The Saudi Arabian Grid Code Electronic Update as of February 2020
4.6.4 Communication Systems and Equipment 100
4.6.5 Conditions of Monitoring and Recording Equipment 101
4.6.6 SCADA Systems 101
4.7 Contingency Planning ....................................................................................... 102
4.7.1 Introduction 102
4.7.2 Objective 103
4.7.3 Terms and Conditions 103
4.7.4 Demand Control 104
4.7.5 System Restoration 106
4.8 Operational Testing ........................................................................................... 107
4.8.1 Introduction 107
4.8.2 Objective 108
4.8.3 Operational Test Request 108
4.8.4 Establishing of the Test Group 109
4.8.5 Operational Test Program 110
4.8.6 Operational Test Report 111
4.9 Testing to Monitor, Investigate, and Verify Performance .............................. 111
4.9.1 Introduction 111
4.9.2 Objective 111
4.9.3 Monitoring 111
4.9.4 Investigation 112
4.9.5 Testing to Verify Performance 113
4.9.6 Commissioning Tests 113
4.9.7 Generating Unit Capability Tests 114
4.10 Cross-boundary Safety Assurance .................................................................. 117
4.10.1 Introduction 117
4.10.2 Objective 117
4.10.3 The Safety Rules 117
4.10.4 Safety at the Connection Point 118
4.10.5 Logs of Cross-Boundary Safety Precautions 119
4.10.6 Forms for Cross-Boundary Safety Precautions 119
4.10.7 Approval of Local Safety Instructions 119
4.10.8 Safety Representatives 120
4.10.9 Coordination on Safety Matters 120
CHAPTER 5 SCHEDULING AND DISPATCH CODE ............................. 124
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 124
5.2 Objective ............................................................................................................. 124
5.3 Generation Scheduling ...................................................................................... 124
5.3.1 Scheduling Process 124
5.3.2 Generator Declarations 125
5.3.3 Scheduling and Dispatch Parameters 126
5.3.4 Generator Nominations 126
5.3.5 Communication of Declarations and Nominations 126
5.3.6 The Generation Schedule 127
5.3.7 Issuance of Generation Schedule 131
5.3.8 Negative Minimum Demand Regulation (NMDR) 131
5.3.9 Inadequate Operating Margin 132
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