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User’s Manual
May 2002
THE SYSTEM’S ARCHITECTURE ..................................................................................................................... 2
DATA FILES ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
INPUT FILES ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
FIXED DATA FILES IN THE DADIR FORMAT........................................................................................ 3
FIXED DATA FILES IN THE SICRE FORMAT ......................................................................................... 5
Situation data file in DAVA format ............................................................................................................. 5
Situation data files in SICRE format ........................................................................................................... 6
Pages’ file ................................................................................................................................................... 6
THE DATABASE .................................................................................................................................................... 6
The database’s files .................................................................................................................................... 6
OUTPUT FILES ................................................................................................................................................. 7
PROGRAMS’ MANUALS....................................................................................................................................... 8
ACQ - DATA ACQUISITION .................................................................................................................................. 8
SIM - SIMULATION OF THE TRANSIENT .............................................................................................................. 10
List of the directives .................................................................................................................................. 11
Generic directives ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Simulation directives ................................................................................................................................. 14
Variable viewing and setting .................................................................................................................... 26
DBE - HOW TO ACCESS THE DATABASE ........................................................................................................ 27
PAG - THE GRAPHIC PAGE DISPLAY .................................................................................................................. 27
CNF - THE EDITOR OF THE GRAPHIC PAGES .................................................................................................... 27
LNK - THE ACQUISITION OF THE GRAPHIC PAGES .............................................................................................. 27
SMM – SHARED MEMORY MANAGER ................................................................................................................ 27
SICRE – STARTER OF SIMULATION ................................................................................................................... 28
GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE ...................................................................................................................... 30
-SIMGEST- SIMULATION CONTROL PANEL ...................................................................................................... 30
-PAG- SYNOPTIC SCHEMES BROWSER ............................................................................................................... 35
-CNF- SYNOPTIC SCHEMES COMPOSER .............................................................................................................. 39
-FDT- SCALAR DIAGRAM OF TIME FUNCTION .................................................................................................... 41
1 The System’s architecture
SICRE consists in a set of programs and data files.
Electric system files
Graphic pages files
SICRE’s programs
Input files
Internal file
Output files
Fig. 1: SICRE’s structure
In fig. 1 it is represented the data file structure of SICRE:
the electric system’s files contain the data of the electric system: they are organized in different
ASCII files. It contains the network topology, the parameter of the mathematical models and the variable data of the load-flow situation; most of the files are supplied by other programs; some of them
are prepared by the user with the help of SICRE.
the graphic pages’ files contain the description of the graphic pages (network scheme, function of
time diagrams): they are used to display the electric system and to execute manouvres in the simulation. They are text files prepared using the SICRE’s graphic configuration program.
the internal file contains the data of the electric system and other data in a structured binary form
(database) that is directly accessible by the programs.
the output file contains the files prepared by SICRE: they can be read by the user, managed by
SICRE or by external programs (i.e. imported in electronic sheets).
SICRE’s programs act contemporary or one for time and execute the followings:
read input file and creation of the internal database
automatically generate the input files in the SICRE format
prepare and modify graphic pages
simulate transients and animate the graphic pages
perform the electric system analysis
supply other services
There are two ways to use the programs:
batch: it is the common way to activate the program from a UNIX shell terminal: it reads the data
files (standard input and other files), elaborates the data with the help of the user if necessary by typing directly on the prompt and prepares the output files (standard output and other files);
client-server: it is the way to allow a set of programs or processes to operate in a concurrent mode.
In the description of the programs are reported the allowed modalities.
The organization of the simulation environment is composed by two environments:
the system environment: it consists of a directory (the system directory) which contains the executable files of SICRE, the on-line documentation and help, and other files for the configuration of the
the user’s environment: it consists of a directory (user directory) which contains all the data files
for a specific electric network and some customized procedures. One or more directories may exist
on the same workstation.
The system directory is created, at installation time, by a particular user, the SICRE manager, which is responsible for the installation and the updating of the software. Normally the system’s files should not be
modified by the users.
The user directory is created by a user of the simulation station: he creates the input files and is responsible
for the configuration for a use correct use of the system environment.
2 Data files
Input files
The input files describe the electric system topology, the models (models’ parameters) and the graphic pages.
They are a set of files in ASCII format, supplied by other systems (i.e. CRESO or SPIRA) or automatically
generated by SICRE.
The input files are divided into:
fixed data files which contain the fixed data of the entire electric system: of the real and of the
equivalent part;
situation file which contains the foreground data of the electric system;
pages’ files which contain the data for the graphic pages;
It contains the physical data of the electric system (of the real and of the equivalent part) in a standard format
called DADIR /1/.
Here it is reported the list of the DADIR files for the network. Each file is identified by a string referred to
the type of the component and contains al the data for that component.
thermal plants
hydro plants
thermal generating units
hydro generating units
synchronous compensators
3 winding-transformers
equivalent transformer
AC/DC converters
compensation reactors and capacitors
static compensators
secondary voltage regulators
secondary frequency regulators
Tab. 1 network’s files in DADIR format
For the Italian network the DADIR files are managed by the Transmission Division (DT). For other network
it is possible to prepare the data with the software SPIRA /2, 3/.
For the protections and the automatic devices is reported a list in which each component is identified by a
string referred to the device type and contains all the data for that component.
apparatus management unit
distance protections
fast-reclosure devices
fast-valving devices
non-opening devices
minimum backup impedance devices
slow-reclosure devices
phase comparison devices
differential protection devices
minimum impedance and out-of-step devices
minimum impedance and out-of-step devices 2
current devices
voltage devices
power devices
frequency devices
loss-of-excitation devices
Tab. 2 devices’ data files in DADIR format
It is an integration of the DADIR files for the electric system’s dynamic data. It contains fixed data for the
electric system, regulation and adduction systems and other data for SICRE.
The data are organized following their typology and are memorized in different files. Here it is reported the
list of the files.
system global data
primary voltage regulation
secondary voltage regulation
primary frequency regulation
transit sections
secondary frequency/power regulation
parameters of generators
AVR + PSS parameters
parameters of loads
parameters of load shedders
parameters of DC lines
parameters of AC/DC converters
parameters of the HVDC master control
variables in evidence
Tab. 3 fixed data files in SICRE format
All the files are created by the user who should collect from qualified sources the requested data and insert
them using a text editor. The SICRE program acq helps the user preparing the files with standard data in the
correct format. Some of this data are extracted from the DADIR file, the other are deduced by the specific
experience. The user must verify the correctness of automatically created data and modify them if they are
not correct.
The tables 1, 2 and 3 are available in any configuration file of fixed data if it is created automatically by the
acq program.
2.1.3 Situation data file in DAVA format
The situation file contains the variable data of the electric system for a load-flow and it is used by SICRE to
initialize the simulation.
The file is a unique ASCII text in DAVA /4/ format and contains all the variable data for the components of
the DADIR file. It contains the data for: AREA, CD, IDR, IPLT, LINE, MAR, NAZ, NODE, POLO, SR,
network’s variable data
Tab. 4 network’s file in DAVA format
The DAVA file is created automatically by one of the two ENEL’s software: CRESO /5, 6/ and SPIRA. For
each of them is available the load-flow capability and the possibility to create the DAVA file.
2.1.4 Situation data files in SICRE format
This is an integration of the DAVA files for the electric system’s dynamic data. The data are organized following their typology and are memorized in different files. Here it is reported the list of the files.
primary voltage regulation
data for generators
secondary voltage regulation
frequency/power regulation
Tab. 5 network’s file in SICRE format
The tables 4 and 5 are available in any configuration file of variable data if it is created automatically by the
ACQ program.
2.1.5 Pages’ file
The pages file contains the data for the description of the graphic pages.
Each page is described by a file that contains dimension, position, color of the element present in the page.
The files are in text format but are modified only by the SICRE’s graphic editor cnf.
This format is not documented.
2.2 The database
The database contains the data of the electric system and the data for the graphic visualization. It is stored in
a file and it is loaded into memory during the simulation by the database allocator program which lets other
programs to use it.
2.2.1 The database’s files
The database consists of two files normally present in the work directory:
the main database (i.e. sicre.db) contains the data of the electric system: the fixed data and the situation data; the situation may be the initial situation (i.e. from the load-flow) or the final situation obtained by the simulation; in the latter case the database contains also the sampled transient of the variable in evidence.
the database of the variables in evidence (i.e. evi.db) contains the data to build the function of time
diagrams of the variables in evidence that is the variables (voltages, currents, ...) which are sampled
and stored during the simulation.
It is possible to have in the same work directory two or many main databases (with different names) which
contain different situations. Each of them (together with only one database of the variables in evidence) may
be used as a starting point for the simulation or for other activities.
When the database is allocated in the memory by the database allocator program or by another program, it is
organized in such a way to permit direct access and controlled access by the shared database. Some programs
permit to the user the direct access to the shared database (see the VAR directive of the programs sim and
dbe). The program cnf, during the creation of a page, lets the user assign any variable of the database in order to display its value or to build the function of time diagram. For this it is necessary to know the structure
of the database and the description of the contained variables.
Each element of an array is a structured data and describes an element of the electric system.
Inj is an array of data for all the injectors of the electric system (units, loads)
Inj.BRTX45 is a structure of data of the injector with code BRTX45
Inj.#23 is a structure of data of the injector in position 23 of the array
Inj.BRTX45.P is the value of the active power (MW) of the injector with code BRTX45
Other variables those may be interesting for the user are (* stands for the code of the element):
Inj.*.Cod code of injector’s identifier
Inj.*.P active power injected by the injector (MW)
Inj.*.Q reactive power injected by the injector (MVAr)
Brc.*.AT.P transit of active power at the first end of the branch (MW)
Brc.*.BT.P transit of active power at the second end of the branch (MW)
Remark: the injected power are positive if they are generated for injectors like generating units and capacitors, while they are positive if they are absorbed by loads.
It is the set of files those are prepared by different programs of SICRE: they may be read by the user or are
elaborated by the programs of SICRE or by external programs (i.e. by electronic sheets).
The output files are described with the description of the programs they refer to.
3 Programs’ manuals
SICRE is formed by a set of programs those may be activated in different ways:
directly from the command line of a UNIX terminal specifying all the parameters and the options
from the customized procedures contained in the work directory
from other programs of SICRE
The following remarks are generally valid:
a program, activated by terminal without parameters, gives a quick help about its name and version,
a description of its main features and of the parameters on the command line, the list of the input
files, output files and working files.
some programs, those are activated from the terminal, ask specific questions (conversational interaction): the answer can consist in a single line statement followed by <RETURN>. Usually a standard
answer is provided for.
some programs have a conversational interaction with a “command modality” like the UNIX shell.
They present a prompt to which answer with a command followed by parameters (usually called “directive”). One of the command is the directive “HELP” that gives the list of the directives.
almost all the programs use the electric network’s data so using the network’s database. In the batch
modality the first parameter of the command line is the name of the database. In the client-server
modality the first parameter of the command line is the “-online” option that must be supplied as an
alternative to the name of the file of the database. In the latter case it is necessary to activate the database allocator (smm) before the activation of the client.
In the following there is a view of the manuals of the programs of SICRE. They are part of the on-line documentation of SICRE.
3.1 ACQ - Data acquisition
It is the data acquisition program for the network’s input files and it creates the network’s database.
It is a batch program and it is possible to activate it directly from the command line (specifying all the parameters) or via a customized procedure (i.e. xa).
The program acq without parameters gives the following text:
Syntax : acq [ -online | filedb ] [options]
It acquires the data of the net archive and prepares the database named filedb
Options :
-f filefix it acquires the fixed data of the net.
The list of the data files is read form the configuration file named
If the file does not exist it is automatically created with an interactive
It creates the database file named filedb or, if it exists, covers it.
It deletes, if they exist, the database of the pages an the database
of the registered variables.
After having been acquired the net fixed data, all MMI pages must be
compiled with the lnk program.
-dpr (default) during fixed data acquisition reads protection data in DADIR
during fixed data acquisition reads protection data in SICRE format.
-s filesit
it acquires the variable data of a load situation.
The list of the data files is read form the configuration
file named filesit.
If the file filesit does not exist, it is automatically created
with an interactive procedure.
It updates the file named filedb.
-r filereg it acquires from file filereg the data of the registered
variables and append they to the existing in the data base
it erases all the registered variables and the transient
It deletes the transient and resets to zero the current time
leaving the situation unchanged.
-online the program is used as a client of the shared databas.
The option is an alternative to the name of the database file.
The acquisition of the fixed data (option “-f”) and of the situation (option “-s”) can be executed at the same
time (if “-f -s” is specified) or in two different times (specifying first the “-f” option). If there are two or
many different initial situations and the corresponding configuration files, the activity for the acquisition of
the situation updates the database substituting in case the previous situation.
The options “-online”, “-t” and “-x” are not useful for a standard use of the program.
3.2 SIM - Simulation of the transient
The program sim execute the simulation of the transient caused by a sequence of perturbations on the electric
system manually executed by the user or automatically generated by the intervention of the protections. The
transient is automatically computed starting from the situation that has been memorized in the network’s database; the transient lasts for a time decided by the user. The final situation may be memorized and used as
initial situation for a new simulation.
The program can be activated in two different modalities:
batch: the program loads the initial situation from the database file and receives the directives for
the simulation from keyboard; this modality is used for batch simulations with off-line analysis.
client: the program uses the database from the shared database and receives the directives for the
simulation from keyboard; this modality is rarely used;
The user has two ways to execute a simulation;
activate sim in batch modality giving the directives from keyboard
use the graphic interface and all the graphic objects to control the simulation (traffic-lights, breakers,
In the first case the user must know the directives, their parameter, the identifiers of the network elements to
do the perturbations on; this approach is suggested only for special cases.
In the second case the use is simpler and the simulation may be followed on-line using the same graphic interface; the directives are assembled by the graphic interface in a completely transparent way then they are
transmitted to the program sim that executes them; this is the common approach.
The knowledge of the directives is necessary in the case of a scheduled simulation. One of the directive is the
command “SCHED” followed by a file name. It allows to schedule a complete simulation that is it lets a sequence of directives, contained in the file, be activated. For a scheduled simulation is necessary that, before
the simulator is activated, the user prepares a file with an exact sequence of all the directives. After that, it is
possible to schedule the file from the traffic-light menu with the command “schedule simulation”.
Executing the program without parameters it gives the following text:
Syntax: sim filedb [filedat] [-out] [-trk FileName] [-cmd FileName] [-log FileName]
It executes the simulation of the transient starting from the situation
relative to the database filedb and according to the directives given by
keyboard or possibly by filedat.
In addition to the simulation directions other directives are available
for the analysis and the modification of the database.
The information about the available directions can be obtained using the HELP
The simulation is executed in a 'off line' modality i.e. using a local data base.
The program produces the following output files in the working directory:
- sicre_sim.log (trace of the events)
- sicre_sim.trk (additional information)
When the program is activated by the Simulation Control Panel it
produces the following output files in the working directory:
- sicre_sim_server.log (trace of the events)
- sicre_sim_server.trk (additional information)
-log FileName it specifies the file name containing the 'trace of the events'
-trk FileName it specifies the file name containing the track of output events
-cmd FileName it specifies the file name containing the track of intput events
it activates the logging of the whole transient in the text file named
Remarks for an advanced use of sim:
- The Simulation Control Panel activates the simulation program
in background with the command: $ sim -server
In this case the simulation directions are given only by the user
Here the list of the directives is reported: all the directives can be used in the schedule. The following text is
part of the on-line documentation of the program.
3.2.1 List of the directives
Let's have an overview on the commands of sim. They are used for executing and controlling the simulation
of the transient. They can be used in one of the following ways:
in a transparent way through the menus and the masks of the user's interface
in a direct way by keyboard through the sim program
in a scheduled way listing the commands in a text file ordering them in the same manner they have
to be executed and scheduling the file itself as in the previous steps.
Some commands have a different behavior depending on the way they are used.
The following text is obtained with the directive “HELP”
INTROSIM overview on the commands of sim
show help
show help
display the simulation status
assign a title to the simulation
visualize a message in a window
tell MMI to visualize a file
nullify the current simulation time and the transient
RESTORE load a situation
save the situation
schedule a simulation
execute a simulation
execute a simulation
change the integration method
change the STD integration step
change the LTD integration step
change the STD sampling step
change the LTD sampling step
change the simulation function
REALTIME set/reset synchonization with real time
TOLLER it changes the tolerance for the convergence of the load flow
open a switch
CLOSE close a switch
RAMPON modify the ramp load
RAMPOFF stop the ramp load modifying
change the load value
DLOAD assign a variation to the load value
SHUNT modify the shunt
GRUPRIF modifies the load request to the unit load programmer
UNIPRIF modifies the load request to the combined cycle unit load programmer
GRUVRIF modify the Vrif of a generating unit with primary voltage regulation
MODTGT commutate the operating mode of a Turbotecnica-Nuovo Pignone turbogas unit
MODIDR commutate the operational mode and the load request of a hydraulic generating unit
MODCOM commutate the regulation modality of a combined cycle load coordinator
MODRFP change the control mode of a secondary frequency/power regulator.
DISGVR CodGruTv CodgruTg
PESP0 modify the reference of power that is exported from the area
DPESP0 assign a variation to the power that is exported from the area
GRURFP set if a generating unit participates or doesn't to the teleregulation
GRURTS insert or not insert a generating unit in the secondary voltage regulation
R2VRIF modify the Vrif of a secondary voltage regulator
TCHVRIF change the voltage reference of a tap changer
TCHREG insert/not insert a tap changer in the regulation
TCHTRIF Modify the voltage reference type for a tap changer with step regulation
TCHMRIF change the correction program of the reference voltage of a tap changer
with step regulation
PDCRIF it changes the power request to the master control of a HVDC system
TENSDC it changes the main inverter voltage set-point of a HVDC system
CORSPI it changes the tap converter current order of a HVDC system
POTSPI it changes the tap converter power order of a HVDC system
GAMMAREF it changes the gamma angle set-point of an HVDC inverter
ALFAREF it changes the alfa angle set-point of an HVDC rectifier
SHORT execute a three-phase short circuit with impedance or direct to ground
SHORTM execute a single-phase short circuit with impedance or direct to ground
SHORTB execute a two-phase short circuit with impedance or direct to ground
ELIMSH eliminate the short circuit
activate a protection system device
deactivate a protection system device
set blocking of the switch opening
ELBLAP remove blocking of the switch opening
set blocking of the switch closing
ELBLCH remove blocking of the switch closing
RICHMAN manual reclosing with an automatic control for the parallel
define the localization bar of a line, a transformer or a generating unit
SETLOC define the localization bar of the faults on a bus-bar
show or modify the value of a variable of the database
show or modify the value of a variable of the database
find a key in identifiers of data base elements
find a key in identifiers of data base elements
3.2.2 Generic directives
INTROSIM overview on the commands of sim
Overview on the commands of sim
The commands of sim are used for executing and controlling the simulation
of the transient. They can be used in one of the following ways:
1) in a transparent way through the menus and the masks of the user's
2) in a direct way by keyboard through the sim program
3) in a scheduled way listing the commands in a text file ordering them
in the same manner they have to be executed and scheduling the file
itself as in 1) or 2).
WARNING: some commands have a different behaviour depending on the
way they are used with.
HELP show help
H show help
HELP [command]
or H [command]
It shows the list of commands or the help of a command.
Use * to show the help of all commands.
STAT display the simulation status
displays the simulation progress status
TIT assign a title to the simulation
TIT string
it assigns a title to the simulation. This is reported on the printings of
the time function diagrams together with the title of the net and the title
of the situation.
MSG visualize a message in a window
MSG messaggio
visualize a message in a window
utilized only in schedulation files
MMI tell MMI to visualize a file
MMI pag filename
tell MMI to visualize the file filename
RESET nullify the current simulation time and the transient
nullify or set the current simulation time to t
and nullify the transient
RESTORE load a situation
RESTORE [filedb]
it loads a situation previously saved in the filedb file
If filedb is misssed, it takes the initial data base name
SAVE save the situation
SAVE [filedb] [RESET]
it saves the situation (data base file) in the filedb file
If filedb is misssed, it takes the initial data base name With the option RESET,
it nullifies the hystory and the current time before saving
3.2.3 Simulation directives
SCHED schedule a simulation
SCHED filename
it schedules a simulation with the commands of the file filename
SIM execute a simulation
it executes a simulation for a simulated time equal to t seconds.
SIMTO execute a simulation
it executes a simulation till the simulated time is equal to t seconds.
METINT change the integration method
it changes the integration method. Allowed values of name are:
EULE Explicit Euler method;
RGK2 2nd order Runge-Kutta method (trapezoidal rule);
RGK3 3rd order Runge-Kutta method;
RGK4 4th order Runge-Kutta method;
ABM3 3rd order Adam-Bashfort-Moulton method;
ABM4 4th order Adam-Bashfort-Moulton method.
DELSTD change the STD integration step
it changes the STD integration step: the value of t is expressed in seconds
DELLTD change the LTD integration step
it changes the LTD integration step: the value of t is expressed in seconds
CAMSTD change the STD sampling step
it changes the STD sampling step
n is the sampling step that is given in integer p.u. rated to the STD integration
CAMLTD change the LTD sampling step
it changes the LTD sampling step
n is the sampling step that is given in integer p.u. rated to the LTD integration
FUNSIM change the simulation function
it changes the simulation function. Allowed values of name are:
STD (Short Term Dynamics) forced
LTD (Long Term Dynamics) forced
STD/LTD STD or LTD (with automatic switch from STD to LTD)
REALTIME set/reset synchonization with real time
set/reset synchonization with real time
TOLLER it changes the tolerance for the convergence of the load flow
TOLLER EpsilonP EpsilonQ
it changes the tolerance for the convergence of the load flow and assigns the values of EpsilonP (MW) and EpsilonQ (MWAr)
OPEN open a switch
It disconnects an injector element of code CodInj.
The injector element can be a generating unit, a load, a shunt compensator or a
SVC or an induction motor.
OPEN CodBrc CodSez [Phase]
It opens a branch of code CodBrc at the end corresponding to the section
If the Phase is missing the opening is three-phase otherwise it is single-phase
and phase can assumes the values R, S or T.
N.B. The single-pahse opening is not allowed with 'Only LTD' simulation function
CLOSE close a switch
CLOSE CodInjGru [Patt] Vmors [Freq dTeta] [CodNod]
It reconnects the generating unit of code CodInjGru at the bus of code CodNod.
If a bus code is not specified, the reclosure is made at the bus the
injector was previously connected to.
Patt Generated active power (MW) excluding the unit auxiliaries.
The reactive power is set to 0.
If the unit is a steam turbine of a combined cycle, the Patt is ignored becouse
its value depends on turbogas active power.
Vmors Terminal voltage (kV) at the above described load.
Freq Frequency (hz) corresponding to the unit angular speed.
dTeta Phase difference (degrees) between the terminal voltage at the above described load and the voltage of the busbar the unit has to be connected to.
If this busbar is not energized, dTeta is the absolute value of the terminal voltage phase.
If the situation is disimmetrical, the weighted mean on the 3 phases R, S and T is
considered as the phase of the voltage busbar.
N.B. Freq e dTeta are ignored in 'Only LTD' simulation function
CLOSE CodInj [CodNod]
It reconnects the injector element of code CodInj at the bus of code CodNod.
If a bus code is not specified, the reclosure is made at the bus the injector was
previously connected to.
The injector element can be a load, a shunt compensator or a SVC or an induction
CLOSE CodBrc CodSez [CodNod]
It recloses the branch of code CodBrc to the end corresponding to
the section CodSez.
CodNod is the code of the bus at which the reclosure has to be done and it must be
specified only if the bus is different from the original one.
RAMPON modify the ramp load
RAMPON Cod RampP RampQ
it modifies the load following a ramp till the command RAMPOFF
it is the code of the load.
RampP it is the slope of the active power ramp (MW/min)
RampQ it is the slope of the reactive power ramp (MVAr/min).
RAMPOFF stop the ramp load modifying
it stops the ramp following assigned to the load Cod
LOAD change the load value
LOAD Cod NewP NewQ
it modifies the reference value of the load
code of the load
NewP, NewQ new reference powers of the load.
The powers (MW and MVAr) refer to the load excluding the possible
automatic load shedding.
WARNING: for a disconnected load the modification takes effect at the moment of
the reconnection (see commands OPEN and CLOSE)
DLOAD assign a variation to the load value
DLOAD Cod DeltaP DeltaQ
it varies the reference value of the load
code of the load
DeltaP, Q variation of the reference powers of the load.
The powers (MW and MVAr) refer to the load excluding the possible automatic load shedding.
WARNING: for a disconnected load the modification takes effect at the moment of the
reconnection (see commands OPEN and CLOSE)
SHUNT modify the shunt
It assigns a rated power value to the shunt compensator.
code of the shunt compensator
NewQ new rated power in MVar of the shunt compensator
WARNING: the effective supplied power will depend from the voltage
For other commands relative to manoeuvring the shunt compensator see the
directions: OPEN, CLOSE.
GRUPRIF modifies the load request to the unit load programmer
GRUPRIF cod Prif
It modifies the load request to the unit load programmer.
It is allowed only if the unit is not in teleregulation.
If the unit is part of a combined cycle, the load coordinator must be in
manual mode and the load request must be done to the turbogas units.
"cod" is the generating unit code
"Prif" [MW] is the new load request to the unit load programmer
Every manual changin request acts until a "GRURFP cod ON"
command (insertion in teleregulation of the cod unit).
In this case the load ramp goes on since the teleregulator is
in tracking of the manual load request.
UNIPRIF modifies the load request to the combined cycle unit load programmer
It modifies the load request to the unit load programmer of a combined cycle.
It is allowed only if the unit is not in teleregulation and if the load
programmer is in coordinated mode.
"codU" is the combined cycle unit code
"Prif" [MW] is the new load request to the unit load programmer
Every manual changin request acts until a "GRURFP cod ON"
command (insertion in teleregulation of combined cycle of the cod unit).
In this case the load ramp goes on since the teleregulator is
in tracking of the manual load request.
"MODCOM CodU MAN" (unit load programmer commutation in manual mode).
In this case the load ramp does not go on since the turbogas the load request
is in tracking of the turbogas generated power.
GRUVRIF modify the Vrif of a generating unit with primary voltage regulation
it modifies the reference voltage Vrif (kV) of the generating unit of
code CodGru with primary voltage regulation
MODTGT commutate the operating mode of a Turbotecnica-Nuovo Pignone turbogas unit
MODTGT CodGru Modality
it commutates the operating modality of a thermal generating unit with a
turbogas Turbotecnica-Nuovo Pignone.
it is the generating unit code
Modality it can assume one of the followings:
AUTN it commutates in the normal automatic modality.
It can be done starting from the fast automatic modality
if the generating unit participates to the secondary
frequency/power regulation. The changing is automatically if
the unit is inserted in secondary frequency/power regulation.
If the unit is excluded from the secondary frequency/power
regulation the modality is automatically changed to manual.
AUTV it commutates in the fast automatic modality.
It can be done starting from the normal automatic modality
if the generating unit participates to the secondary
frequency/power regulation.
If the unit is excluded from the secondary frequency/power
regulation the modality is automatically changed to manual.
MODIDR commutate the operational mode and the load request of a hydraulic generating unit
MODIDR CodGru Modality Prif [Tiniz] [Tramp]
It commutates the operational modality and the load request of a hydraulic
erating unit
it is the generating unit code
Modality it can assume one of the followings:
GENE commutation in generation modality.
It can be done starting from the pumping modality and must come together with a
not negative load request.
In any case the unit is not inserted in teleregulation.
Use if needed the command "TLRG ON".
POMP commutation in pumping modality.
It can be done starting from the generation modality and must come together with a
negative load request.
Obviously the unit is in any case excluded from the teleregulation.
Prif it is the load request (MW) to the generating unit by the operator in manual
Tiniz it is the waiting time (s) during that the hydraulic unit's power is kept zero.
If it is not supplied the value 20 is assumed when Modality=GENE and the value 60
is assumed when modality=POMP.
If Modality=GENE for Tiniz seconds the modality cannot be changed.
Tramp it is the length (s) of the pumping ramp. It can be supplied only if Modality=POMP (if not supplied the value 20 is assumed).
if Modality=POMP for Tiniz+Tramp seconds the modality cannot be changed.
MODCOM commutate the regulation modality of a combined cycle load coordinator
MODCOM CodU Modality
It commutates the regulation modality of a combined cycle load coordinator.
it is the code of the generating unit
"Modality" it can assume one of the following values:
CO it returns to the 'co-ordinated' control.
It can be done starting from 'manual' control if is not in service only one turbogas.
MAN it returns to the 'manual' control.
It can be done starting from a co-ordinated control if unit is not in teleregulation.
MODRFP change the control mode of a secondary frequency/power regulator.
MODRFP CodRfp Modality
It changes the modality of control of a secondary frequency/power regulator.
CodRfp it is the code of the regulator.
Modality it is the new control modality and can assume the following values:
OFF no regulation (the level is "frozen")
F regulation of the frequency only
P regulation of the power exported from the area which belongs to only
FP frequency and power regulation
DISGVR CodGruTv CodgruTg
Disconnect a heat recovery steam generator (GVR) of the combined cycle steam
steam turbine
It is allowed only if the power coordinator is in coordinated mode and if the heat
recovery steam generator is not already disconnected.
CodGruTv it is the cod of the steam turbin unit
CodGruTg it is the cod of the gas turbin unit that identifies the heat
recovery steam generator to disconnect.
PESP0 modify the reference of power that is exported from the area
PESP0 CodRfp Prif
it modifies the secondary frequency power regulator reference of the power that is
exported from the area
CodRfp it is the code of the regulator
it is the new reference value (MW).
DPESP0 assign a variation to the power that is exported from the area
DPESP0 CodRfp DeltaPrif
it modifies the secondary frequency power regulator reference of the power that is
exported from the area
CodRfp it is the code of the regulator
DeltaPrif it is the variation to the reference value (MW).
GRURFP set if a generating unit participates or doesn't to the teleregulation
GRURFP CodGru Modality
It sets if a generating unit participates or doesn't to the teleregulation (secondary frequency power regulation)
If the unit is part of a combined cycle, it must be in coordinated regulation
and the command sets if all the unit participates or doesn't to the teleregulation.
CodGru it is the code of the generating unit
Modality it is the new situation of the generating unit as regards the secondary
frequency power regulation and can be:
OFF the unit is not inserted in the secondary frequency power regulation (no step
on the whole load request)
ON the unit is inserted in the secondary frequency power regulation (no step on
the whole load request)
GRURTS insert or not insert a generating unit in the secondary voltage regulation
GRURTS CodGru Modality [CodRts]
It modifies the status of the status of the unit as regards the secondary frequency power regulation
CodGru it is the code of the generating unit
Modality it is the new situation of the generating unit as regards the secondary
frequency power regulation and can be:
OFF the unit is not inserted in the secondary frequency power
ON the unit is inserted in the secondary frequency power regulation
CodRts it is the code of secondary frequency power regulation;
It must not be given if Modality is OFF
It is optional if Modality is ON
R2VRIF modify the Vrif of a secondary voltage regulator
R2VRIF CodRts Vrif
it modifies the reference voltage Vrif (kV) of the secondary voltage regulator of
code CodRts
TCHVRIF change the voltage reference of a tap changer
It changes the voltage reference of a tap changer (it can be in regulation or
not). If the tap changer is with step regulation
it takes effect only when the reference type is that from load-flow (or from
user) and not that of taring (see also the command TCHTRIF).
CodBrc it is the code of the tap changer transformer (Brc associated code);
it is the new value of the reference voltage (kV).
TCHREG insert/not insert a tap changer in the regulation
TCHREG CodBrc Modality [Vrif]
It stops/starts the voltage regulation on the side controlled by the tap changer.
CodBrc it is the code of the tap changer transformer
Modality it can assume one of the following values:
OFF: it stops the regulation; the transformation ratio keeps to the current value;
ON: it starts the regulation; the tap changer begins to vary the transformation
ratio so to bring back the voltage of the controlled side to the desired value.
Vrif it is the new value of the reference voltage (kV)(used only for "Modality=ON").
If nothing is specified the Vrif is assumed to be that already memorized in DB during the data acquisition phase or possibly the one supplied by the user with the
TCHVRIF or TCHREG commands.
If the tap changer is with step regulation it takes effect only when the reference
type is that from load-flow (or from user) and not that of taring (see also the
command TCHTRIF).
TCHTRIF Modify the voltage reference type for a tap changer with step regulation
It modifies the voltage reference type for a tap changer with step regulation (it
can be on regulation or not).
CodBrc it is the code of the tap changer transformer
TipRif it can assume the following values:
LDF: use the reference coming from the net solution (load flow)or possibly the one
modified by the user with the commands TCHVRIF or TCHREG;
SCH: use the reference assigned during the taring.
TCHMRIF change the correction program of the reference voltage of a tap changer with step regulation
It changes the correction program of the reference voltage of a tap changer with
step regulation (it can be on regulation or not).
CodBrc it is the code of the tap changer transformer
ModRif it can assume the followings values:
CST: the set Vrif is not modified
RF3: Vrif = 0.97*Vrif
RF5: Vrif = 0.95*Vrif
RF7: Vrif = 0.93*Vrif
PDCRIF it changes the power request to the master control of a HVDC system
PDCRIF CodBrc Prif
it changes the power request to the master control of a HVDC system CodBrc it is
the master control converter code
it is the new power request to the rectifier (MW)
TENSDC it changes the main inverter voltage set-point of a HVDC system
TENSDC CodBrc Vrif
it changes the main inverter voltage set-point of a HVDC system CodBrc it is the
main inverter code
Vrif it is the main inverter new voltage set-point (kV)
CORSPI it changes the tap converter current order of a HVDC system
CORSPI CodBrc Irif
it changes the tap converter current order of a HVDC system
N.B. The tap converter must be in current control (and not in power control)
CodBrc it is the tap converter code
it is the tap converter new current order (A)
POTSPI it changes the tap converter power order of a HVDC system
POTSPI CodBrc Prif
it changes the tap converter power order of a HVDC system
N.B. The tap converter must be in power control (and not in current control)
CodBrc it is the tap converter code
it is the tap converter new power order (MW)
GAMMAREF it changes the gamma angle set-point of an HVDC inverter
it changes the gamma angle set-point of an HVDC inverter CodBrc it is the inverter
code Gamma it is the new gamma angle set-point (degrees)
ALFAREF it changes the alfa angle set-point of an HVDC rectifier
it changes the alfa angle set-point of an HVDC rectifier CodBrc it is the rectifier code Alfa
it is the new alfa angle set-point (degrees)
SHORT execute a three-phase short circuit with impedance or direct to ground
it is the directive for the execution of a three-phase short circuit with
impedance or direct to ground at the bus-bar or along the branches.
These are the modalities:
a) SHORT BUS CodNod Duration Rg Xg
Rg, Xg
the short
code of the bus where the short circuit has to be simulated;
time to stay of short circuit in s.
fault resistance and reactance respectively (Ohm). If they are missing
circuit is intended to be direct to ground.
b) SHORT LIN CodLin CodSez Duration Length Rg Xg
CodLin code of the AC branch where the short circuit has to be simulated;
CodSez code of the section the distance from the fault is calculated from;
Duration time to stay of short circuit in s.
length of branch included between the "CodSez" end and the point where
the fault occurs. The length is expressed as a percent rate of the whole length of
the branch; e.g.
Length=10, means that the fault occurs at a distance from "CodSez" equal to 10% of
the whole branch length;
Rg, Xg fault resistance and reactance respectively (Ohm). If they are missing the
short circuit is intended to be direct to ground.
SHORTM execute a single-phase short circuit with impedance or direct to ground
it is the
These are
directive for the execution of a single-phase short circuit with
or direct to ground at the bus-bar or along the branches.
the modalities:
BUS CodNod Phase Duration Rg Xg
code of the bus where the short circuit has to be simulated;
Phase it is the phase where the short circuit is applied (R,S,T);
Duration time to stay of short circuit in s.
Rg, Xg fault resistance and reactance respectively (Ohm). If they are missing the
short circuit is intended to be direct to ground.
b) SHORTM LIN CodLin CodSez Phase Duration Length Rg Xg
code of the AC branch where the short circuit has to be simulated;
code of the section the distance from the fault is calculated from;
Phase it is the phase where the short circuit is applied (R,S,T);
Duration time to stay of short circuit in s.
length of branch included between the "CodSez" end and the point where
the fault occurs. The length is expressed as a percent rate of the whole length of
the branch; e.g.
Length=10, means that the fault occurs at a distance from "CodSez" equal to 10% of
the whole branch length;
Rg, Xg fault resistance and reactance respectively (Ohm). If they are missing the
short circuit is intended to be direct to ground.
SHORTB execute a two-phase short circuit with impedance or direct to ground
it is the directive for the execution of a two-phase short circuit with impedance
or direct to ground at the bus-bar or along the branches.
These are the modalities:
a) SHORTB BUS CodNod Type Phase1 Phase2 Duration Rg Xg
CodNod code of the bus where the short circuit has to be simulated;
Type T = direct to ground
N = between the two phases
Phase1,2 it is the phase where the short circuit is applied (R,S,T);
Duration time to stay of short circuit in s.
Rg, Xg fault resistance and reactance respectively (Ohm). If they are missing the
short circuit is intended to be direct to ground.
b) SHORTB LIN CodLin CodSez Type Phase1 Phase2 Duration Length Rg Xg
CodLin code of the AC branch where the short circuit has to be simulated;
CodSez code of the section the distance from the fault is calculated from;
T = direct to ground N = between the two phases
Phase1,2 it is the phase where the short circuit is applied (R,S,T);
Duration time to stay of short circuit in s.
Length length of branch included between the "CodSez" end and the point where the
fault occurs. The length is expressed as a percent rate of the whole length of the
branch; e.g.
Length=10, means that the fault occurs at a distance from "CodSez" equal to 10% of
the whole branch length;
Rg, Xg fault resistance and reactance respectively (Ohm). If they are missing the
short circuit is intended to be direct to ground.
ELIMSH eliminate the short circuit
it eliminates short circuits.
How to use the command:
a) ELIMSH BUS CodNod : eliminate a short circuit in the bus CodNod
b) ELIMSH LIN CodLin : eliminate a short circuit ALONG the branch CodLin
ON activate a protection system device
it activates one of the protection system devices and the
calculus of the measured impedances.
How to use the command:
a) ON UGA Type CodBrc CodSez
SBA CodSez
GRU CodGru
b) ON PDZ Type CodBrc CodSez [Pos]
c) ON RRA LIN CodBrc CodSez
d) ON AGN Type SignallerType
e) ON PDT XFM CodBrc CodSez
SBA CodSez
f) ON PCF LIN CodBrc CodSez
g) ON RRL Type CodBrc CodSez
h) ON FVV GRU CodGru
a) ON UGA Type CodBrc CodSez activation of the line or transformer managing unit
SBA CodSez
activation of the bus-bar managing unit
GRU CodGru
activation of the generating unit managing unit
CodBrc code of the branch (line or transformer)
CodSez code of the section
CodGru code of the generating unit
can be LIN or XFM
b) ON PDZ Type CodBrc CodSez [Pos] activation of the line or transformer
distance protection
CodBrc code of the branch (line or transformer)
CodSez code of the section
can be LIN or XFM
only if Type=LIN; it can be 'p' (primary) or 's' (secondary)
c) ON RRA LIN CodBrc CodSez activation of fast reclosure
CodBrc code of the branch (line or transformer)
CodSez code of the section
d) ON AGN Type SignallerType activation generic starter
Type can be:
LIN ( line )
XFM ( transformer )
GRU ( generating unit )
SBA ( bus-bar )
this parameter can be omitted, in this case the value 1 is assumed. It can assume the followings values according to the Type:
Type = LIN: 1 impedance signal
2 current signal
Type = XFM: 1 impedance signal
2 current signal
for the GRU and SBA types only a signal exists
e) ON PDT XFM CodBrc CodSez transformer differential activation
SBA CodSez
bus-bar differential activation
CodBrc code of the branch (line or transformer)
CodSez code of the section
f) ON PCF LIN CodBrc CodSez activation of the phase comparing protection
CodBrc code of the branch (line or transformer)
CodSez code of the section
g) ON RRL Type CodBrc CodSez activation of slow reclosure of line or
can be LIN or XFM
CodBrc code of the branch (line or transformer)
CodSez code of the section
h) ON FVV GRU CodGru activation of the fast valving protection
CodGru code of the generating unit
OFF deactivate a protection system device
it deactivates one of the protection system devices.
How to use the command:
a) OFF UGA Type CodBrc CodSez
SBA CodSez
GRU CodGru
b) OFF PDZ Type CodBrc CodSez
SBA CodSez
GRU CodGru
c) OFF RRA LIN CodBrc CodSez
d) OFF AGN Type SignallerType
e) OFF PDT XFM CodBrc CodSez
SBA CodSez
f) OFF PCF LIN CodBrc CodSez
g) OFF RRL Type CodBrc CodSez
a) OFF UGA Type CodBrc CodSez deactivation
SBA CodSez
deactivation of the
GRU CodGru
deactivation of the
CodBrc code of the branch (line or
CodSez code of the section
CodGru code of the generating unit
can be LIN or XFM
b) OFF PDZ Type CodBrc CodSez Pos
of the line or transformer managing
bus-bar managing unit
generating unit managing unit
deactivation of the line or transformer
distance protection
SBA CodSez deactivation of the bus-bar distance protection
GRU CodGru deactivation of the generating unit distance protection
CodBrc code of the branch (line or transformer)
CodSez code of the section
CodGru code of the generating unit
can be LIN or XFM
c) OFF RRA LIN CodBrc CodSez deactivation of fast reclosure
CodBrc code of the branch (line or transformer)
code of the section
d) OFF AGN Type deactivation generic starter
Type can be:
LIN ( line )
XFM ( transformer )
GRU ( generating unit )
SBA ( bus-bar )
e) OFF PDT XFM CodBrc CodSez transformer differential deactivation
SBA CodSez
bus-bar differential deactivation
CodBrc code of the branch (transformer)
CodSez code of the section
f) OFF PCF LIN CodBrc CodSez deactivation of the phase comparing protection
CodBrc code of the branch (line or transformer)
CodSez code of the section
g) OFF RRL Type CodBrc CodSez deactivation of slow reclosure of line or
can be LIN or XFM
CodBrc code of the branch (line or transformer)
CodSez code of the section
h) OFF FVV GRU CodGru deactivation of the fast valving protection
CodGru code of the generating unit
BLAP set blocking of the switch opening
BLAP CodBrc CodSez [Phase1 Phase2 Phase3]
it sets the blocking of the switch opening at the end of a branch
code of the branch (line or transformer)
code of the section
Phase1 Phase2 Phase3 each of them can be R, S or T.
If no phase code is present the block is set on all the three phases.
ELBLAP remove blocking of the switch opening
ELBLAP CodBrc CodSez [Phase1 Phase2 Phase3]
it removes the blocking of the switch opening at the end of a branch
code of the branch (line or transformer)
code of the section
Phase1 Phase2 Phase3 each of them can be R, S or T.
If no phase code is present the block is removed from all the three phases.
BLCH set blocking of the switch closing
BLCH CodBrc CodSez
it sets the blocking of the switch closing at the end of a line
code of the branch (line)
code of the section
ELBLCH remove blocking of the switch closing
ELBLCH CodBrc CodSez
it removes the blocking of the switch closing at the end of a line
code of the branch (line)
code of the section
RICHMAN manual reclosing with an automatic control for the parallel
it performs a manual reclosing with an automatic control for the parallel at
the end of a branch
code of the branch (line or transformer)
code of the section
LOC define the localization bar of a line, a transformer or a generating unit
it defines the localization bar of at the end of a line, a transformer or
a generating unit
a) LOC LIN CodSba CodBrc CodSez
code of the bus-bar (A, B or C)
code of the line
code of the section
b) LOC XFM CodSba CodBrc CodSez
code of the bus-bar (A, B or C)
code of the transformer
code of the section
b) LOC GRU CodSba CodGru
code of the bus-bar (A, B or C)
code of the generating unit
SETLOC define the localization bar of the faults on a bus-bar
it defines the localization bar of the faults on a bus-bar
code of the bus-bar (A, B or C)
Variable viewing and setting
VAR show or modify the value of a variable of the database
V show or modify the value of a variable of the database
VAR name [value]
V name [value]
it shows or modifies the value of a variable of the database.
If the variable is of the array type, it shows the list of the access codes.
If the variable is of the record type, it shows all the fields.
For some types of variable (int, real, Boolean and CodType)
it is possible to set the value which will be changed in the database loaded in
see help of the same command of the program dbe
FIND find a key in identifiers of data base elements
F find a key in identifiers of data base elements
FIND [ option ... ] key name ...
[ option ... ] key name ...
see help of the same command of the program dbe
DBE - How to access the DATABASE
The program dbe is a client of the shared database and is the way to access the database managed by the
online simulation program.
It is activated without parameters and use a conversational modality such as a command line modality. The
allowed directives may be listed with the command “HELP” and are the same listed for the program sim
from the database analysis. The difference is that dbe analyses the content of the on-line database.
PAG - The Graphic page display
The program pag displays a graphic page of SICRE. It is a client of the shared database and can be activated
in the following modalities:
 directly from the terminal specifying the name of the page file;
 from the program sicre;
 from the link of another page.
 From the program simgest
CNF - The EDITOR of the graphic pages
The program cnf prepares and modifies a graphic page of SICRE. It is a client of the shared database and can
be activated in the following modalities:
 directly form the terminal specifying the name of the page file;
 from the main menu of the program pag.
LNK - The acquisition of the graphic pages
The program lnk acquires the data of the graphic pages of SICRE. It is a client of the shared database; it is a
batch program and can be activated in the following modalities:
 directly from the terminal;
 from a customized procedure (i.e. xa).
Activating the program without parameters it gives the following text:
SMM – Shared memory manager
The program smm is the manager of the sharem memory data base.
Syntax: smm option
Shared memory manager of SICRE data base.
-a filedb
allocate the shared memory data base,
copy in it the initial situation from the file filedb,
craete the file smm.config in the current directory
reads the file smm.config, waits that all the processes registered as
clients of shared data base to be terminated, release the shared memory,
remove the file smm.config
reads the file smm.config and release the shared memory
reads the file smm.config, force the termination of all the processes
registered as clients of shared data base, release the shared memory,
remove the file smm.config
reads the file smm.config and list the processes registered as clients of
shared data base
list the currently allocated shared memory
-r num1 [num2] forces the release of the shared memory blocks identified from
num1 to num2
SICRE – Starter of simulation
The program sicre is the main starter of the online simulation program.
Syntax: sicre [ filedb filepag ]
It starts the network simulator: allocate shared memory
and activate the simulation manager or
displays the information about the SICRE's system of programs.
database file of SICRE
filepag name of the main page
it open the browser on home-page of SICRE
it displays the news of SICRE system
It do not starts simulation
-trace it displays information ti obtain detailed prints of SICRE's system of
programs (only to debugging purpouse)It do not starts simulation
-purge it removes, with a confirmation, all the temporary files of current
directory that is a working directory of sicre.
It removes data base files, log files (*.log)
and track files (*.trk).
It do not starts simulation
do not display simulation manager but only main page.
4 Graphical User interface
The graphical user interface of SICRE concerns the following function:
 Simulation Control Panel
 Synoptic schemes browser
 Synoptic schemes composer
 Scalar diagram of time function
In the menù name the character “…” informs about the presence of another page.
In the menù name the character “►” informs about the presence of another menù.
4.1 -SIMGEST- Simulation Control Panel
Output events
Reload DB
Step Simulate for
Simulate until
Main page
There are some icons with a command link. This command is present in the MENU’
Reload DB: To reload the start condition of actual data base. You can see the file name in the control panel (example “Database: sicre.db”).
Load DB from file: To load another data base from file.
Save DB as: To save the current situation into a new data base. You can choose if save all including
simulation story of variables or without history.
Register variables: To load file with a group of variables. After this operation all the variables in the
file are active and you can see the corresponding plots.
Save variables: To save all the actual recorder variables. You can see this variables in menù
view/Registered variables.
Export DAVA: To save a file of the actual situation in the DAVA format.
Open page: To open a personal page created with a CNF program .
Create page: To open a automatic page of station from data base. (See PAG program).
Exit: To close the control panel.
Start: To start the simulation.
Freeze: To stop the simulation.
Step: To active only one step of simulation.
Simulate for: To select the length of time simulation.
Simulate until: To select the final time of simulation.
Schedule: To execute a list of directives.
Directive: To write only one directive of simulation.
Std: To simulate only with short term dynamic step.
Ltd: To simulate only with long term dynamic step.
Std/Ltd: To simulate with automatic switch from Std to Ltd and to Ltd to Std.
Parameters: To choose the simulation options (step, integration method ect.).
Status: To see information about th network.
Main page: To open the main page.
Input events: To see all the directive activated with the synoptic schemes broser (see PAG program)
or with the schedule file. In this page you can create a personal schedule file (save command) and
you can write comments with the special caracter #.
Output events: To see all the information about the simulation and the dynamic behavior of models.
Some events (COLLASSO and MARE) are today in a experimental version and not completely tested.
Registered variables: To see all the variables registered in the actual simulation. You can save this
list in a file with the command save.
Load shedding: To see the activation of load shedding. The page shows the partial and the total load
F/p control: It isn’t active.
Sec. Volt. control: It isn’t active.
Statistics: Information about the objects network.
Violations: Information about the violations in the actual situation (only in italian).
4.2 -PAG- Synoptic schemes browser
When you use the graphical users interface, you can open an automatic scheme of station from information into the data base. In the menu file you select create page, after you see the menu with all
the station. When you select a station you call the program PAG (synoptic schemes brower).
For activing the zoom you push the center mouse button and select the area.
Generate Page: The same operation of create page menù.
Configure Page: To call the synoptic schemes composer (CNF).
Print: To print the current schemes.
Configure Print: To open the menù for configure the modality of printer
Config print: In this menù you can select a type of printer, a title, a number of copies and
orientation of scheme.
Flow: To select the type of flow value.
 Active Power (default)
 Reactive Power
 R phase Current
 S phase Current
 T phase Current
The actual type of value is present in the scheme with the correct unit (default: Active Power MW).
Voltage: To select the type of value to see near the busbar.
 Interlinked (default)
 R Phase
 S Phase
 T Phase
 Phase angle
 Frequency
The actual type of value is present in the scheme with the correct unit (default: Voltage kV).
Without zooming: To see the scheme with default dimension.
Re-read: To reload the scheme from data base.
Exit: To close the schemes.
No zoom (100%): To see the scheme with default dimension.
?: To show the help.
For select a link you push the left mouse button on the name and you push the right mouse botton
for open the menù. There are codes without a link, for example load code because there aren’t information about this device.
Station code:
Generate page (matching): To open a relative scheme.
(graphs): When you open the flow menù you can select different graphs (FDT) (default: PV
QV Plots, Z(x,y) plots).
Register: to register the variables and to select the relative graphs.
Register: to register the variables and to select the relative graphs.
Open: To open the switch in different mode:
 Three –phase
 Phase S
 Phase R
 Phase T
Close: To close the switch on the busbar. The number of busbar is different for the station.
Dialog: To see information about the switch.
Dialog: To see information about the transformer.
Dialog: To see information about the line.
Short Circuit: To select the kind, the lenght from side A and the time lenght of short circuit.
Dialog: To see information about the unit. In this menù you can see a different configurations for different type of units (thermal, hydraulic ect..). For example for the thermal unit
you can see, and change the information about power and voltage regulation.
Stop: To disconnect the unit
Start: To connect the unit. You must select the value of power, voltage, frequency and
(graphs): When you open the unit menù you can select different graphs (FDT) (default:
f(x,y)-PQ plot).
Register: to register the variables and to select the relative graphs.
Dialog: To see information about the bus.
Short Circuit: To select the kind and the time lenght of short circuit.
Open bus coupler: To simulate the opening of bus coupler.
Close bus coupler: To simulate the closing of bus coupler.
Config bus coupler: To simulate the configuration of buses. You can select the bus for the
Dialog: To see information about the load. You can change the reference power.
Dialog: To see information about the protection.
Deactive: To deactive the protection.
List: List and status (active or not active) of protection. In particular case you can open a relative graphs with the button “…” (Only for distance relaying).
Malfunctionings: To simulate a malfunction of protection.
 Opening block (three-pole, phase R, phase S, phase T)
 Closing block
Asynchronous motor:
Dialog: To see information about the asynchronous motor.
Register: to register the variables and to select the relative graphs.
Dialog: To see information about the capacitor or the reactor.
All the operation(directive) actived in the page is reported in the Input events in the menù View of
control panel (See SIMGEST program).
4.3 -CNF- Synoptic schemes composer
Create a
the page
When you use the synoptic schemes brower, you can open a synoptic schemes composer for creating a personal page. In the menu file you select configure page, after you see synoptic schemes
For selecting an element you push the left mouse button on the choice
For selecting a group of different elements you push the center mouse button and select the area
around the choices.
For moving the element, you must select and drag the object with the mouse.
There are some icons with a command link. This command is present in the MENU’
New: To open a new composer page.
Open: To open a page.
Save: To save with the actual name.
Save as: To save with another name.
Configure Print: To open the menù for configure the modality of printer
Config print: In this menù you can select a type of printer, a title, a number of copies and
orientation of scheme.
Print: To print the current schemes.
Visualize page: To call the synoptic schemes brower (PAG) with the actual page.
Exit: To close the composer.
Edit : This menù includes the standard window command for editing. (Cut, Copy, Paste, Under,
Over, Select All, Redraw, Resize)
Properties: To select the properties of page (title, dimensions, colors).
Toolbar: To active or to deactive the icons bar.
Grid: To active or to deactive the grid into the page. The grid creates an help for the correct position
of objects.
100%: To select the zoom.
Build: To open the list of station. You can choose a station and you can paste it into the page.
Fixed: This menù includes all the fixed element.
Attestazione: Electrical link.
Oriented line: Generic line.
Fixed test: Fixed test with a possibility to create a link to a page or a graph (dialog option).
Circle: Generic circle.
Rectangle: Generic Rectangle
After this there is a list of electical and generic objects, but it isn’t important because to create a page there is
an automatic generation (see PAG program).
For select a link you push the left mouse button on the name and you push the right mouse botton
for open the menù. There are different menù but all the possible lines are:
Dialog: To see and to change properties and informations about the objects. It’s different from an
object to another.
Type: To choose the positon of arrows (only for flow).
Change: To choose the direction of arrows (only for flow).
f(t): To select the active plots in the flow link.
Rotate: To rotate the object.
Cut: To cut the object.
Copy: To copy the object.
Paste: To paste the objects.
Build: To paste in the page the station from the station code (only for the station code) .
Toggle: To select the current object with all the objects in the page.
4.4 -FDT- Scalar diagram of time function
When you use the synoptic schemes brower, you can open a graph.
There are some icons with a command link. This command is present in the MENU’ .
There are some numerical information about the values on the graph.
Tracking: To active or to deactive the online track. In deactive mode (red light) you can move the
arrow on the graph and see the value.
Configure parameters: To modify and to save the parameters and the properties of the graph.
Scaling: To choose the value.
Curves: To create different tracks in the same graph.
Titles: To choose the title.
Colors: To change the track color.
Others: To change font name, refresh timer, srolling step ect..
Saving: To save the graph.
For approve the modifications you must push the Apply button.
Create table of values: Create a file with the graph value.
Print: To print the current graph.
Configure Print: To open the menù for configure the modality of printer
Config print: In this menù you can select a type of printer, a title, a number of copies and orientation of scheme.
Exit: To close the graph.
In this menù you can active or deactive the Toolbar, Messages, Scrollbar and the variables. You
can move into the graph.
This menù has the same command from the icons near the axes.
Y axe:
Y zoom +
Y zoom –
All Y values
X axe:
Time zoom +
Time zoom –
All Time values
For personal zoom you can select an area with the center mouse botton.
In this menù you can choose the scale value.