No-load characteristic
Evolution of the voltage Evin a stator phase
vs. intensity of the excitation current Ie, for a
given rotation speed and with no generated
stator current
avec)I(fE ev
Magnetic flux produced
by the inductor and seen by the
stator winding
Non linearity with hysteresis
due due remanent magnetization
•The rotor winding, carrying the DC current Ieand ro ta t in g
at speed ω/p,produces in the airgap asl i ding m.m.f. Fe
(as seen from the stator).
• Fegenerates amagnetic flux density Br(with the sa me
phase) in the airgap, which induces si nu soi da l e.m.f.s Ev
in the stator windings,with aphase lag of
Synchronous machines
average characteristic
average characteristic
with constant speed