Le 4-5 novembre - MmeYoungofSmyrna

Le 4-7 novembre
 Qui est présent?
 Quelle heure est-il?
 La feuille pour étudier
 L’examen
 La Jéopardie!
Warm-up/Pour commencer
 Write these times using the 24-hour way
 1. 7h55 du soir
 2. 12h00 de l’après-midi
 3. 6h27 du matin
 Have your study guide out so I can check it
 Regardez Le verbe avoir
Les réponses
 1. 7h55 du soir
 Il est dix-neuf heures cinquante-cinq.
 2. 12h00 de l’après-midi
 Il est douze heures.
 Il est midi.
 3. 6h27 du matin
 Il est six heures vingt-sept
La feuille pour étudier
 Fill in the answers as we go over it if you haven’t
 You can earn half of the points back that you missed
today by filling it in
 Do not lose it, I will collect it before you take the test
La Jéopardie!
 The room will be divided in half to form two teams
 You will send one person from each team up to answer a
You must wait for me to finish reading the question
before you give your answer
(Except for multiple choice or T/F questions): If the first
team answers incorrectly, then it goes to the second team
to answer
Then it goes to the audience. The first team gets a second
chance to answer for half the amount of points
Winning team gets +2 points on the test…don’t forget to
write it next to your name!
Alternative Assignment
 This will be due at the end of class
 Exercices 1-6 dans le livre (p. soixante-six à soixante-
 Grammar & vocabulary: exercices 1-4 (p. dix à onze)
 Grammar & vocabulary: exercices 16-17 (p. quinze)
Final Jeopardy
 Topic: School Subjects
 Wager?
 What is the word for “study hall”?