OCAK, Ahmet Yaşar
Licences: Faculté de Théologie Musulmane- Université d’Ankara (1967),
Département d’Histoire, Faculté des Lettres- Université d’Istanbul (1971).
Maîtrise : “Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Zâviyeler: XIV.-XVII. Yüzyıllar”, Faculté des
Lettres-Université de Hacettepe (1974).
Doctora:La Revolte de Baba Resul: Un Mouvement Socio-religieux dans la
Premiere Moitié du XIIIe Siecle en Anatolie, Université des Sciences Humaines
de Strasbourg ( 1978)
Carriere professionelle:
Maître Assistant: Faculté des Lettres-Université de Hacettepe (1978).
Professeur Associé: Faculté des Lettres-Université de Hacettepe (1983)
Professorat: Faculté des Lettres-Université de Hacettepe (1988)
1) "Islam in the Otoman Empire: A sociological framework for a new
interpretation", IJTS, IX/1-2 (2003), 183-198 (Bu makale, Tebliğler
kısmındaki 32 nolu makalenin yeniden düzenlenmiş şeklidir).
2) “The Wafâ’î Tarîqa (Wafâ’iyya) During and after the Periode of
the Seljuks of Turkey: A New Approach to the History of Popular
Mysticism in Turkey”, Les Seldjoukides d’Anatolie (Mésogeios), Ed.
Gary Leiser, 25-26 (2005), Pp. 209-248.
3) “Sufi Milieux and Political Othority in Turkish History: A
General Owerviev (Thirteenth-Seventheent Centuries”, Princeton Papers
(Interdisciplinary Journal Of Middle Eastern Studies), XV (2007), pp.
4) “The Interpretatıon of Islam by the Turks Throughout the
Hıstorıcal Process”, The Peoples Speaking Turkish, Eds. Doğan Kuban-
Ergun Çağatay, Prince Claus, Fund Library, Prestel 2007, pp. 318-345.
In press
1) “Islam in Asia Minor”, UNESCO, The Different Aspects of
Islamic Culture, vol iii: The Spread of Islam Throughout the World.
2) “Society, culture and intellectual life, 1071-1453”, Ed. K. Fleet,
The Cambridge History of Turkey, vol. 1, Cambridge.
3) “Islam’s Second Aspect in Turkey’s History: Rethinking The Shî’a
Element of Anatolia or about Isma’îlî Influences”, Festschrift Kemal
Karpat, University of Wisconsin.
4) “Vie Socio-Religieuse dans les Villes Anatoliennes du XIIIe au XVIe
Siecles (Un Coup d’Oeil General allant des Seldjoukides aux Ottomans)”,
Mélanges Suraiya Faroqhi , Fondation Temimi-Tunis.
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