Mukaidono (1982), and gave birth to logic programming tools (Mukaidono et al., 1989 ; Orci,
1989 ; Ishizuka and Kanai, 1985). Another important trend in the multiple-valued logic view of
fuzzy sets stems from a seminal paper by J. Goguen (1969). In this work, directly inspired by
Lukasiewicz logic, the author points out the difficulty to produce a syntax for the logic of vague
concepts, when this syntax is in fact the one of classical logic. Ten years later Pavelka (1979)
found a solution to Goguen's problem by introducing truth values in the language (see also
Novák, 1990). Apart from these two "schools" of fuzzy logic, still other works have been
published on the relationship between multiple-valued logics and fuzzy sets (see Dubois, Lang
and Prade (1991a) for a survey).
Interestingly enough, Zadeh himself did not participate to these logical developments, but
started focusing on the representation of vague aspects in natural languages. In his (1975a) he
introduced the concept of fuzzy restriction, as a fuzzy relation that restricts the possible values
of a vector of variables in a flexible way, and developed a calculus of fuzzy relations which
extends all basic notions of constraint propagation, and can be viewed as a pioneering work in
hypergraph-based methods for reasoning under uncertainty (e.g. Shafer and Shenoy, 1990).
Quite at the same time, fuzzy truth-values were proposed as a means to evaluate the truth of a
vague statement, in the face of another vague statement that is taken as the reference. Zadeh
(1975b) names "fuzzy logic" a logic that handles vague statements and fuzzy truth-values. At
this point a misunderstanding apparently grew up between Zadeh and the community of
logicians. "Fuzzy logic" after Zadeh was severely criticized (Morgan and Pelletier, 1977 ;
Haack, 1979) for basically two reasons : first, Zadeh's fuzzy logic was claimed not to be a
logic. Indeed it has no syntax, and the problem of developping a syntax for a logic of vague
concepts has indeed never been addressed by Zadeh who adopted a computational view of
fuzzy reasoning, based on non-linear programming. A second critique addressed the usefulness
and meaningfulness of fuzzy truth-values, and the question of truth-functionality. Zadeh's
works were viewed as a debatable attempt to extend truth-functional logics beyond classical
logic, and fuzzy truth-values as a strange and gratuitous extension of numerical truth-values,
whose meaning has ever been controversial for logicians themselves. Apparently, Zadeh's
main thrust, namely that a truth-value was a local notion (Bellman and Zadeh, 1977), pertaining
to a state of knowledge itself expressed in fuzzy terms, was missed, perhaps due to the term
"fuzzy logic" that was used by other researchers to denote multiple-valued logic.
In his (1978a), Zadeh introduced the measure of possibility as a scalar index that evaluates
the consistency of a fuzzy proposition with respect to a state of knowledge expressed by means
of a fuzzy restriction. Attempts at introducing a non-probabilistic view of uncertainty, similarly
to Zadeh's approach can be traced back to a proposal by Shackle (1961) which was never
completely formalized. The notion of fuzzy restriction corresponds to a radical change in the
semantics of the membership function. A fuzzy restriction is a fuzzy set of possible values, and