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Next-Generation Virus Genotyping for HIV-1 Surveillance and Clinical Management
Maria Casadellà Fontdevila
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty of Medicine
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Next-Generation Virus Genotyping for
HIV-1 Surveillance and Clinical
Maria Casadellà Fontdevila
IrsiCaixa – AIDS Research Institute
Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol
Director: Roger Paredes Deiros
Tutor: Jaume Farrés Vicen
Cover design: Núria Bosch Vilamala, 2016
Maria Casadellà Fontdevila was partially supported by Redes Temáticas de Investigación en
SIDA (ISCIII RETIC RD12/0017/0002), Acción Estratégica en Salud, Plan Nacional de
Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2008–2011, Instituto de Salud
Carlos III, and that can be cofunded by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER
funds) “Una manera de hacer Europa”.
The printing of this thesis was possible by the finantial aid of the Universitat Autònoma de
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