Recent advances in the areas of automated reasoning and first-order theorem
proving paved the way to the developing of effective tools for the rigorous formal
analysis of computer systems. Nowadays many formal verification frameworks
are built over highly engineered tools (SMT-solvers) implementing decision
procedures for quantifier-free fragments of theories of interest for (dis)proving
properties of software or hardware products.
The goal of this thesis is to go beyond the quantifier-free case and enable
sound and effective solutions for the analysis of software systems requiring the
usage of quantifiers. This is the case, for example, of software systems handling
array variables, since meaningful properties about arrays (e.g., “the array is
sorted”) can be expressed only by exploiting quantification.
The first contribution of this thesis is the definition of a new Lazy Ab-
straction with Interpolants framework in which arrays can be handled in a
natural manner. We identify a fragment of the theory of arrays admitting
quantifier-free interpolation and provide an effective quantifier-free interpola-
tion algorithm. The combination of this result with an important preprocessing
technique allows the generation of the required quantified formulæ.
Second, we prove that accelerations, i.e., transitive closures, of an inter-
esting class of relations over arrays are definable in the theory of arrays via
∃∗∀∗-first order formulæ. We further show that the theoretical importance of
this result has a practical relevance: Once the (problematic) nested quantifiers
are suitably handled, acceleration offers a precise (not over-approximated) al-
ternative to abstraction solutions.
Third, we present new decision procedures for quantified fragments of the
theories of arrays. Our decision procedures are fully declarative, parametric
in the theories describing the structure of the indexes and the elements of the
arrays and orthogonal with respect to known results.
Fourth, by leveraging our new results on acceleration and decision proce-
dures, we show that the problem of checking the safety of an important class
of programs with arrays is fully decidable.