1. In this Cooperative Plan:
(a) "agricultural product" means ___________________ harvested in the Province
of ___________________ during the 200_ crop year;
(b) "producer" means the producer of the agricultural product who delivers the
agricultural product to the pool for marketing by_________________________;
(c) "pool" means an account in which the proceeds of the sale of the agricultural
product are deposited.
2. This Cooperative Plan provides for the marketing of the agricultural product in a
Cooperative fashion.
3. This Cooperative Plan applies to all producers who are members of
4. The proceeds of the sale of the agricultural product shall be deposited in the
established pool account.
5. Producers shall receive equal returns for agricultural product of the like grade, variety
and types, and delivered by them under this Cooperative Plan.
6. The Cooperative shall make an initial payment to producers who deliver agricultural
product under this Cooperative Plan, pursuant to the Agreement entered into with the
Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food under the jurisdiction of the Agricultural
Marketing Programs Act (AMPA).
7. The Cooperative, after deducting from the pool, the initial payment, processing,
carrying and selling costs associated with marketing the agricultural product, and
reserves, shall distribute the remainder of the monies received from the sale of the
agricultural product, in such a manner that every producer receives a share of the
remainder in relation to the amount, variety, and grade of agricultural product
(signed by an Official of the Association of Producers/Processor/Selling Agent)
(signed by an Official of the Association of Producers/Processor/Selling Agent)
*Note to all processors and Selling Agents: This plan must be modified to include how the distribution of
profits, if any, will be made.