Geochemistry - Alpine Tectonics - Ore Deposits concentration GATO

Master in geology - 2016/2017
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Geochemistry - Alpine Tectonics - Ore Deposits concentraon
Coordinators : Othmar Müntener, Robert Moritz, Stefan Schmalholz
Terrestrial lithosphere is constantly reshaped by the igneous, metamorphic and tectonic processes strongly generated by heat
and mass transfer. The mountain ranges are places of intense volcanic, tectonic and/or seismic acvity, somemes located in
densely populated and heavily industrialized areas of the world. The study of the phenomena that shape our planet is also crucial
for social and economic issues. It has long been established that the Alps constute the ideal place to test revoluonary ideas
in geodynamics such as the theory of nappes , the geometry of connental passive margins, plate tectonics, regional or contact
metamorphism, unl the recent debate on the exhumaon of rocks formed under ultrahigh pressure. The Alps also allow to study
the relaonship between climate, erosion and orogenies.
The eldwork and data analyses are the rst step in understanding the formaon of mountain chains and the physical and
chemical processes that accompany them. It is then necessary to develop models that confront the petrological and thermome-
chanical processes with the acquired data.
Acquired during the two years of Master study in the orientaon Geochemistry, Alpine Tectonics, Ore Deposits, the training
provides the tools needed to elucidate the sequence of events recorded in the rocks of our planet, locate areas suitable for the
exploitaon of raw materials, or examine and explain the dynamic processes aecng the outer parts of our Earth, such as the
formaon and destrucon of mountain ranges, volcanic erupons or magma genesis. The theorecal and praccal courses cover
areas such as petrology, isotope geochemistry, tectonics, geodynamics, structural geology, ore deposits, the connuum mechan-
ics, numerical modeling, and analycal methods in laboratory and of course work in the eld. Throughout their curriculum in the
Master in Geology, students gain theorecal knowledge but also the opportunity to work in a series of state-of-the-art analycal
laboratories. Lectures are held in the form of courses, praccals, seminars, eld camp. The orientaon Geochemistry, Alpine
Tectonics, Ore Deposits oers unique courses in Switzerland and Europe through its interdisciplinary approach and the nearby
natural laboratory that is the Swiss Jura and the Alps, the number of experts involved, internal to the Universies of Geneva and
Lausanne and external guests. The vast and eclecc course oering of this orientaon allows students to make a personal univer-
sity curriculum to meet their needs for guidance, according to their career plan, both to an academic path, as to the professional
world, allowing them to focus on jobs in the mining industry, in geological and environmental impact oces or in governmental
PART A2 mandatory: 24 ECTS credits
The mandatory part A2 includes four modules:
Petrological processes in geodynamic environments
Quantave tectonics and rocks deformaon
Geophysics across scales for geologists
Field trips and reading seminar
Module Petrological processes in geodynamic environments
Teacher in charge /
Modality Evaluaon
Petrological processes in geodynamic environments
(Processus pétrologiques dans les environnements
U. Schaltegger, O. Müntener
S. Pilet, L. Caricchi
L. Baumgartner, S. Schmalholz
L. Fontboté
80h C PW E S Seminars 9
One ECTS credits corresponds to 25-30 hours of actual work
C: course – PW: Praccal work – E: Exercices – S: Seminars – F : Field – d : days (block course) – h: hours (weekly course)
This module must be followed during the rst semester of the Master and then validated during the following exam session. Il est validé et les 9 crédits
ECTS aribués si la note de l’évaluaon est de 4 au moins. It is validated and the 9 ECTS credits earned if the grade is at least 4.
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Module Quantave tectonics and rock deformaon
Teacher in charge /
Modality Evaluaon
Quantave tectonics and rock deformaon S. Schmalholz Fall/Spring Praccal 6
Quantave tectonics (Tectonique quantave) S. Schmalholz Fall
42h C PW Praccal 4
Microtectonique (Microtectonics) JL. Epard, S. Schmalholz Spring
28h C PW Praccal 2
The courses of this module are validated and the 6 ECTS credits earned in a block if the credit-weighted grade average is at least 4 and if the valida-
ons are obtained.
Module Field trips and reading seminar
Teacher in charge /
Modality Evaluaon
Field trips and Reading seminar L. Baumgartner Spring Praccal / Valida-
on without grade 6
Main eldtrips
(Terrains principaux) ELSTE teachers Spring
8d F
(Report) 4
Reading seminars in Geochemistry, Petrology and
Ore Deposits (Séminaires de lecture en géochimie,
pétrologie et gîtes métallifères)
L. Baumgartner Spring
12h S
Validaon without
grade 2
The courses of this module are validated and the 6 ECTS credits earned in a block if the credit-weighted grade average is at least 4 and if the valida-
ons are obtained.
PART B2 : a choice of 24 ECTS credits
The student must select four modules among those proposed in this part:
Stable and radiogenic isotope geochemistry
Petrology and uids in the Earth’s crust
Orogenic processes
Advanced petrology and volcanology
Géologie structurale avancée (Advanced structural geology)
Fundamentals of numerical modelling and data analysis
Ore deposits
Mineral exploraon
Applied and environmental mineralogy
Géologie environnementale (Environmental geology)
Introducon to uid ow for geologists
Praccal seismic reecon
Borehole logging
Analyse spaale appliquée à la géologiec (Spaal analysis applied to geology and risk)
Méthodes analyques (Analycal Toolbox)
Module Geophysics across scales for geologists
The part A2 is validated if each of the four modules is validated.
Teacher in charge /
Modality Evaluaon
Geophysics across scales for geologists
(Géophysique à diérentes échelles pour géo-
György Hetényi, B. Quintal, M. Lupi,
D. Do Couto
28h C PW Wrien exam 3
Master in geology - 2016/2017
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Module Petrology and uids in the Earth’s crust
Module Orogenic processes
Teacher in charge /
Modality Evaluaon
Petrology and uids in the Earth’s crust R. Moritz Fall/Spring Validaon sans note 6
Fluids in Earth crust
(Fluides dans la croûte terrestre) L. Baumgartner Spring 28h C PW Validaon without
grade 2
Low-temperature alteraon in the Upper Crust
(biennial) (Altéraons de basse température sur la
croûte supérieure)
S. Schmidt
Tous les semestres
Fall 3d C PW
Validaon without
grade 1.5
Inclusions uides (Fluid inclusions) R. Moritz Fall 3d C PW Validaon without
grade 1.5
Reading rocks – Rock textures and uids
(Lecture des roches - textures de roches et uides) K. Kouzmanov Spring 2d C PW Validaon without
grade 1
Teacher in charge /
Modality Evaluaon
Orogenic processes S. Schmalholz Fall/Spring Seminar
Praccal 6
Geology of the Alps and other Orogens
(Géologie des Alpes et autres orogènes)
S. Schmalholz, JL. Epard, O.
Müntener, L. Baumgartner
and colleagues
14hC 28S Seminar 3
Géotraverse alpine
(Alpine Geotraverse) JL. Epard Spring
6d F
(Report) 3
The courses of this module are validated and the 6 ECTS credits earned in a block if the credit-weighted grade average is at least 4 and if the valida-
ons are obtained.
The courses of this module are validated and the 6 ECTS credits earned in a block if the credit-weighted grade average is at least 4 and if the valida-
ons are obtained.
Module Advanced petrology and volcanology
Teacher in charge /
Modality Evaluaon
Advanced petrology and volcanology
(Courses of this module cannot be taken indivi-
L. Caricchi, , L. Pioli, C.
Bonadonna, S. Pilet Fall/Spring Seminar
Praccal (Report) 6
Volcanic rocks (Roches volcaniques) L. Pioli, C. Bonadonna Fall
28h C Seminar 2
Volcano petrology (Pétrologie volcanique) L. Caricchi, S. Pilet Spring
28h C Seminar 2
Volcano eldtrip (Excursion volcanique) L. Caricchi, C. Bonadonna, S.
Pilet, L. Pioli
5d F Praccal (Report) 2
Teacher in charge /
Modality Evaluaon
Stable and radiogenic isotope geochemistry
(Géochimie des isotopes stables et radiogéniques)
M. Chiaradia, E. Samankas-
sou, U. Schaltegger, R.
Spikings, T. Vennemann
84h C PW S Wrien exam 6
Prerequisite: solid background in the basic principles of isotope geology
Module Stable and radiogenic isotope geochemistry
The courses of this module are validated and the 6 ECTS credits earned in a block if the credit-weighted grade average is at least 4 and if the valida-
ons are obtained.
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The courses of this module are validated and the 6 ECTS credits earned in a block if the credit-weighted grade average is at least 4 and if the valida-
ons are obtained.
Module Ore deposits
Teacher in charge /
Modality Evaluaon
Ore deposits L. Fontboté Fall Praccal
Wrien exam 6
Advanced ore deposits (Gîtes métallifères - avancé)
Prerequisite: course «Ore microscopy» or equivalent
L. Fontboté, K. Kouzmanov,
M. Chiaradia, R. Moritz
10d C PW + perso-
nal work
Praccal (report,
Wrien exam
Ore microscopy (Microscopie des minerais) L. Fontboté, K. Kouzmanov Fall
6d C PW Wrien exam 2
The courses of this module are validated and the 6 ECTS credits earned in a block if the credit-weighted grade average is at least 4 and if the valida-
ons are obtained.
Module Mineral exploraon
Teacher in charge /
Modality Evaluaon
Mineral exploraon (Exploraon minérale) L. Fontboté Fall/
Praccal (Seminar)
Oral exam 6
Methods of exploraon (bisannuel)
(Méthodes d’exploraon)
Prerequisite: basic geological and mineral deposit knowledge
G. Beaudoin Every odd semester
Fall 10d CE
(Report) 3
Advanced ore deposits II (Gîtes métallifères - avancé II)
Prerequisite: Advanced ore deposits and Ore microscopy or equi-
L. Fontboté, K. Kouzmanov,
M. Chiaradia, R. Moritz
3d CE
Oral exam 2
Mining geophysics (Géophysique minière)
Prerequisite: Introducon to geophysics J. Irving Spring
4d CE
Praccal (Exercises,
oral presentaon) 1
The courses of this module are validated and the 6 ECTS credits earned in a block if the credit-weighted grade average is at least 4 and if the valida-
ons are obtained.
Teacher in charge /
Modality Evaluaon
Géologie structurale avancée
(Advanced structural geology) JL. Epard Fall/Spring Praccal 6
Géologie structurale alpine
(Alpine Structural Geology) JL. Epard Fall
26h C PW Praccal 3
Camp de géologie structurale
(Structural Geology, eld camp) JL. Epard, S. Schmalholz Spring
6d F
(Report) 3
Module Géologie structurale avancée
Module Fundamentals of numerical modelling and data analysis
Teacher in charge /
Modality Evaluaon
Fundamentals of numerical modelling and data analysis
(Les fondamentaux de la modélisaon numérique et l’an-
layse de données)
Y. Podladchikov Fall Praccal
(Report) 6
Introducon to data analysis with MATLAB
(Introducon à l’analyse de données avec Matlab) G. Simpson Fall 3d CE Praccal
(Report) 1
MATLAB as a language of scienc compung
(Matlab comme langage de calcul scienque) Y. Podladchikov Fall 42h CE Praccal
(Report) 3
Physics as a basis for modeling
(La physique comme base de modélisaon) Y. Podladchikov Fall 28h CE Praccal
(Report) 2
The courses of this module are validated and the 6 ECTS credits earned in a block if the credit-weighted grade average is at least 4 and if the valida-
ons are obtained.
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Module Géologie environnementale
Teacher in charge /
Modality Evaluaon
Géologie environnementale
(Environmental geology) S. Girardclos Spring Praccal 6
Sites contaminés
(Contaminated sites) S. Girardclos, J. Poté Spring
5d C PW Praccal 3
Geson, traitement et entreposage des déchets
(Management, processing and storage of waste) J. Poté, S. Girardclos Spring
5d C PW Praccal 3
Module Applied and environmental mineralogy
Teacher in charge /
Modality Evaluaon
Applied and environmental mineralogy O. Müntener Fall/Spring Praccal 6
(Gemmologie) L. Carer Spring
6d CE F
(Exercises) 2
Gemmology - eld
(Gemmologie - terrain)
Prerequisite : Gemmology
L. Carer Fall
2d F
without grade 1
Applied mineralogy
(Minéralogie appliquée) T. Vennemann, B. Putlitz Spring
4d C F
(Report) 2
Physics and structure of minerals
(Physique et structure des minéraux) O. Müntener Spring
14h C Praccal 1
The courses of this module are validated and the 6 ECTS credits earned in a block if the credit-weighted grade average is at least 4 and if the valida-
ons are obtained.
Module Praccal seismic reecon
Module Introducon to uid ow for geologists
Teacher in charge /
Modality Evaluaon
Praccal seismic reecon (Sismique réexion - praque)
(Courses of this module cannot be taken individually) A. Moscariello, D. Ariztegui Fall/
Spring Praccal 6
2D and 3D interpretaon (Petrel and Kingdom)
(Interprétaon 2D et 3D - Petrel et Kingdom) A. Moscariello Fall
28h C PW Praccal 3
Marine seismic acquision, interpretaon and data integra-
on (Acquision, interprétaon et intégraon de données
sismiques marines)
D. Ariztegui Spring
8d F Praccal 3
The courses of this module are validated and the 6 ECTS credits earned in a block if the credit-weighted grade average is at least 4 and if the valida-
ons are obtained.
Teacher in charge /
Modality Evaluaon
Introducon to uid ow for geologists
(Introducon aux écoulements uides pour géologues) M. Lupi and colleagues Spring
5d C 5d F Praccal 6
The courses of this module are validated and the 6 ECTS credits earned in a block if the credit-weighted grade average is at least 4 and if the valida-
ons are obtained. The oponnal course « Ore dressing, geometallurgy and environmental geochemistry of mine waste» (3 days, 1 ECTS credit) of
the part C2 of the GATO concentraon can meaningfully complement the module of Environmental geology.
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Geochemistry - Alpine Tectonics - Ore Deposits concentration GATO

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