Volume 35 - N°5-2005Acta Endoscopica
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The portal hypertension syndrome (PHT) islinked
tothe increase of portal pressuresecondary toa block
in the portalarea.The natureand the seatof thisbloc
are notalways easy torecognize. Asamatterof fact,
the causesof PHT are numerous and vary from one
country tothe other.
InSouthAmerica, in Antillesand in Egypt, bilhar-
zia caused bySchistosomamansoni is the most fre-
quentcause[1] .
InIndia and FarEast countries(Japan, China,
Indochinese peninsula)the main causeresponsible for
PHT isbilharzia caused bySchistosomajaponicum
bilharsiosis[1] .
InIvory Coast,the main etiologiesarecirrhosis,
especiallyafterhepatitis,primary livercancerand
hepatosplenic bilharzia[12] .
InMali,studieshavebeen dedicated tocirrhosis[2,
3],to primary livercancer[4,5,6,7,8]and tobilhar-
zia[10].None of them mentioned the place of these
affectionsamong the causesof PHT in our country.
Our studyis thus of particularinterest.Itaimsatdeter-
mining the frequencyof PHT and its differentcauses.
Wecarried out aretrospectivestudyfrom January
1990 toDecember1998 and aprospectivestudyfrom
January toDecember1999 in the InternalMedicine
unitof the Point«G»Hospitaland in the hepatogas-
troenterology unitof the Gabriel TouréUniversity
Inclusion criteria
We included in the studypatients presenting atleast
one clinicalsign of portal hypertension (ascitis,sple-
nomegaly, collateralvenous circulation),one endosco-
picsign (esophagealand/orcardialvarices,portal
hypertension gastropathy),one ultrasonographicsign
(dilatation of the portaland splenicveins,repermeabi-
lisation of the umbilicalvein) and who hadbeen sub-
mitted toaliverbiopsy.
Non inclusion criteria
Patients withPHT without liverbiopsy have not
been included.