S11 Energy and natural resources: Correction
1) Since the price of oil soared, more coal has been extracted.
2) For years, we squandered fossil fuels without thinking that one day they would
3) Wind turbines supply a sustainable form of energy but they require power stations
since their electricity cannot be stored.
4) Offshore oil production can endanger the environment, as the oil slick/spill caused by
an accident on an oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico showed.
5) China still relies heavily on coal mining to supply the energy it needs.
6) However, developed countries have turned to / switched to solar power, wind power
and geothermal energy for years.
7) After the first oil shock we had to cut (down on) our energy consumption and stop
squandering / wasting our finite resources.
8) The Chernobyl meltdown, radioactive waste and nuclear fallout generate fears in lots
of countries, to say the least.
9) Most coal mines are now closed in Europe but some remain open in China / there are
a few remaining ones in China.
10) The government tries to make people's habits regarding energy consumption change.
[to make somebody / something do something: le complément s’insère entre make et
le deuxième verbe]
11) It is vital for the European Union to adopt a common energy policy. [il est + adj que…
: construction infinitive en anglais: it is adj for sby to + BV]
12) The inhabitants of industrialised countries will have to stop wasting/ squandering the
finite energetic resources of the Earth.