MONDAY MAY, 4th at 12.00 am
Information session
Jessica Dessy
Département des Ressources humaines
Service de Support et missions transversales
POINT CENTRE, auditorium
Rue G. Lemaître 19, 6041 Gosselies
«Séance d'information sur la nouvelle formule des examens d'accession»
THURSDAY MAY, 7th at 12.00 am
Franck Teyssier et Sara Milosevic
eBioscience, an Affymetrix company
IBMM, auditoire BRACHET
Rue Jeener et Brachet 12, 6041 Gosselies
«PrimeFlow RNA assays : Enter a new dimension of RNA expression analysis at single-cell level»
Invited by Frédéric Paulart, IMI
MONDAY MAY, 11th at 13.00 pm
Jérôme Mutterer
Bioimage & Bioinformatics plateforme, University of Strasbourg
Salle Jeener
«Easy article figures and data integrity using FigureJ»
Invited by Erika Baus, Biopark Formation and Laure TWYFFELS, CMMI
TUESDAY MAY, 26th at 12.00 am
Prof. Jiahuai Han
Professor, School of Life Sciences Director, State Key
Laboratory of Cellular Stress Dean, Faculty of Medicine and
Life Sciences Vice President, Xiamen University
IBMM, auditoire BRACHET
Rue Jeener et Brachet 12, 6041 Gosselies
«Molecular mechanisms of tumor necrosis factor-induced necrosis (necroptosis)»
Invited by Pr Véronique KRUYS, IBMM
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