FR10 Révision au début de l`année

Début de l’année
Nom _____________________
Révision des temps de verbe
1. Le présent: composed of a stem and an ending.
: the stem comes from the infinitive minus the –er, -re, -ir.
: regular verbs all have the same endings.
* irregular verbs have their own individual stems and endings.
Here are the ones you have seen in FR8 and FR9:
1. avoir (to have)
2. être (to be)
3. vouloir (to want)
4. pouvoir (to be able to; can)
5. savoir (to know)
6. connaître (to know)
7. aller (to go)
8. venir (to come)
9. faire (to do; to make)
10. devoir (to have to; should;)
11. prendre (to take)
12. mettre (to put; to put on)
13. boire (to drink)
14. voir (to see)
15. sortir (to go out)
16. partir (to leave)
17. dormir (to sleep)
18. acheter (to buy)
19. préférer (to prefer)
20. payer (to pay)
21. lire (to read)
22. dire (to say; totell)
23. écrire (to write)
* include all 23 verbs on your verb sheet. Also indicate each verb’s past participle.
2. Le futur proche: composed of an auxiliary verb (aller) and an infinitive.
*technically, le futur proche is not a verb tense but it is used to describe an
action that is going to happen. (ex. Je vais danser. = I am going to dance.)
3. Le passé composé: composed of an auxiliary verb (avoir or être) and a past participle.
: all regular verbs form their past participle the same way.
-er verbs use the infinitive stem minus –er, plus –é
(ex. regarder – regardé)
-re verbs use the infinitive stem minus –re, plus –u
(ex. vendre - vendu)
-ir verbs use the infinitive stem minus –ir, plus –i
(ex. choisir – choisi)
*most verbs will use avoir as their auxiliary verb; however, some verbs use être. One of
these verb lists is called the Vandertramp verbs. They are:
D – devenir (devenu) = to become
R- revenir (revenue) = to come back; come again
M – monter (monté) = to go up; get on
R – rester (resté) = to stay
S – sortir (sorti) = to go out
V – venir (venu) = to come
A – aller (allé) = to go
N – naître (né) = to be born
D – descendre (descendu) = to go down; get off
E – entrer (entré) = to enter
R - retourner (retourné) = to return (to a place you’ve already been)
T - tomber (tombé) = to fall down
R – rentrer (rentré) = to return home; to re-enter a place
A – arriver (arrivé) = to arrive; to happen
M – mourir (mort) = to die
P – partir (parti) = to leave
*sometimes the verb passer is included on this list. It depends on how it is being used.
1. passer = to pass by; go by *used with être (ex. Elle est passée par l’école. = She went by the school.)
2. passer = to spend time *used with avoir (ex. Elle a passé deux semaines en France. = She spent two weeks
in France.)
When the Vandertramp verbs are used in the passé composé, there is an additional
agreement between the subject and the past participle. This means that you might add
either an –e, –s, or –es to the end of the past participle, depending on the subject.
- when the subject is feminine, add an –e to the past participle (ex. elle est allée)
- when the subject is plural add an –s to the past participle (ex. ils sont allés)
- when the subject is feminine and plural, add both an –e and –s (ex. elles sont allées)
* there is no agreement with a masculine singular subject (ex. il est allé)