• Henoumont Céline, Laurent Sophie, Muller Robert, Vander Elst Luce, "Effect of
non-enzymatic glycosylation on the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent binding to
human serum albumin" in Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 55, 8, 4015, 4019 (2012)
• Laurent Sophie, Reza Ejtehadi M., Rezaei M., Kehoe P.G., Mahmoudi M., "Interdisciplinary
Challenges and Promissing theragnosis Effects of Nanomaterials in Alzheimer's Disease" in RSC
Advances, 2, 5008-5033 (2012)
• Li Y., Beija M., Laurent Sophie, Vander Elst Luce, Muller Robert, Duong H.T.T., Lowe A.B.,
Davis T.P., Boyer C., "Macromolecular Ligands for Gadolinium MRJ Contrast Agents" in
Macromolecules, 45(10), 4196-4204 (2012)
• Subbiahdoss G., Sharifi S., Grijpma D.W., Laurent Sophie, van der Mei H.C., Mahmoudi M.,
Busscher H.J., "Magnetic targeting of surface-modified superparamagnetic-iron-oxide
nanoparticles yields antibacterial efficacy against biofilms of gentamicin-resistant staphylococci"
in Acta Biomaterialia, 8, 2047-2055 (2012)
• Rosier Caroline, Leys Natalie, Henoumont Céline, Mergeay Maximilien, Wattiez Ruddy,
"Purification and characterization of the acetone carboxylase of Cupriavidus metallidurans strain
CH34" in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78, 4516, 4518 (2012)
• Pinho S., Laurent Sophie, Rocha J., Roch Alain, Delville M.-H., Carlos L., Vander Elst Luce,
Muller Robert, Geraldes C., "Relaxometric Studies of y-Fe203@SiO2 Core Shell Nanoparticles :
When the coating Matters" in Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials, Interfaces, and
Hard Matter, 116(3), 2285-2291 (2012)
• Pereira G.A., Peters J. A., Terreno E., Castelli D.D., Aime S., Laurent Sophie, Vander Elst
Luce, Muller Robert, Geraldes C.F.G.C., "Supramolecular Adducts of Negatively Charged
Lanthanide(III) DOTP Chelates and Cyclodextrins Functionalized with Ammonium Groups :
Mass Spectrometry and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies" in European Journal of Inorganic
Chemistry [=EurJIC], 12, 2087-2098 (2012)
• Sharifi S., Behzadi S., Laurent Sophie, Laird Forrest M., Stroeve P., Mahmoudi M., "Toxicity
of Nanomaterials" in Chemical Society Reviews, 41, 2323-2343 (2012)
Colloque/Présentation - communication orale
• Hannecart Adeline, Laurent Sophie, Sandre Olivier, Stanicki Dimitri, Vander Elst Luce,
Muller Robert, "Greffage de polymères thermosensibles à la surface de nanoparticules d’oxyde
de fer" in "Journée annuelle de la SRC, "L'analyse chimique, outil des experts"" , Louvain la
Neuve,, Belgique (2012)
Colloque/Présentation - poster
• den Adel B., Burtea Carmen, Laurent Sophie, Suidgeest E., Poelmann R.E., Muller Robert,
Van der Weerd L.M., "Stageing of atherosclerotic plaques by a vascular cell adhesion protein-1
targeted contrast agent" in "Fourth annual meeting of the ISMRM Benelux" , Leuven, Belgique
• Henoumont Céline, Place Sarah, Vander Elst Luce, Laurent Sophie, Muller Robert, "Study by
the STD NMR technique of the interaction between peptides targeting the aVß3 integrin and