Publications de l`unité de recherche "Chimie générale, organique et

Publications de l'unité de recherche "Chimie générale, organique et biomédicale" pour
l'année 2012
Article/Dans un journal avec peer-review
Abdolahi M, Shahbazi-Gahrouei D, Laurent Sophie, Sermeus Corine, Firozian BJ, Allen S,
Boutry Sébastien, Muller Robert, "Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of MR molecular imaging
probes using J591 mAb-conjugated SPIONs for specific detection of prostate cancer" in Contrast
Media & Molecular Imaging, 8, 2, 175-184 (2012)
Shahbazi-Gahrouei D, Abdolahi M, Zarkesh-Esfahani H, Laurent Sophie, Sermeus Corine,
Gruettner C, "Functionalized magnetic nanoparticles for the detection and quantitative analysis
of cell surface antigen" in BioMed Research International, 1-9 (2012)
Verwilst Peter, Eliseeva Svetlana, Vander Elst Luce, Burtea Carmen, Laurent Sophie, Petoud
Stéphane, Muller Robert, Parac-Vogt T.N., De Borggraeve W.M., "A Tripodal
Ruthenium-Gadolinium Metallostar as a Potential a(v)ß(3) Integrin Specific Bimodal Imaging
Contrast Agent" in Inorganic Chemistry, 51, 11, 6405-6411 (2012)
Danhier Pierre, De Preter Géraldine, Boutry Sébastien, Mahieu Isabelle, Leveque Philippe,
Magat Julie, Haufroid Vincent, Sonveaux Pierre, Bouzin Caroline, Feron Olivier, Muller Robert,
Jordan B.F., Gallez B., "Electron paramagnetic resonance as a sensitive tool to assess the iron
oxide content in cells for MRI cell labeling studies." in Contrast Media & Molecular
Imaging, 7, 3, 302-307, doi: 10.1002/cmmi.497. (2012)
Burtea Carmen, Ballet Sébastien, Laurent Sophie, Rousseaux Olivier, Dencausse Anne,
Gonzalez Walter, Port Marc, Corot Claire, Vander Elst Luce, Muller Robert, "Development of a
magnetic resonance imaging protocol for the characterization of atherosclerotic plaque by using
vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and apoptosis targeted ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron
32, 6, e36-48 (2012)
880-4002-8DAE-6046F9DED5D1/ATVB_published final.pdf
Arsalani Nasser, Fattahi H, Laurent Sophie, Burtea Carmen, Vander Elst Luce, Muller Robert,
"Polyglycerol-grafted superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: highly efficient MRI contrast
agent for liver and kidney imaging and potential scaffold for cellular and molecular imaging " in
Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging, 7, 185-194 (2012)
Laurent Sophie, Burtea Carmen, Thirifays Coralie, Häfeli Urs O., Mahmoudi M., "The
Importance of toxicity assay modifications and "Cell Vision”" in PLoS ONE, 7, 1, e29997
Debroye E., Dehaen G., Eliseeva S., Laurent Sophie, Vander Elst Luce, Muller Robert,
Binnemans K., Vogt Thurid, "A new metallostar complex based on an aluminium(III)
8-hydroxyquinoline core as a potential bimodal contrast agent" in Dalton Transactions, 41,
10549-10556 (2012)
Laurent Sophie, Henoumont Céline, Vander Elst Luce, Muller Robert, "Current
Developments in contrast agents : Synthesis and Physico-Chemical Characterisation of
Paramagnetic Contrast Agents for MRI" in European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry [=EurJIC],
12, 1889-1915 (2012)
Henoumont Céline, Laurent Sophie, Muller Robert, Vander Elst Luce, "Effect of
non-enzymatic glycosylation on the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent binding to
human serum albumin" in Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 55, 8, 4015, 4019 (2012)
Laurent Sophie, Reza Ejtehadi M., Rezaei M., Kehoe P.G., Mahmoudi M., "Interdisciplinary
Challenges and Promissing theragnosis Effects of Nanomaterials in Alzheimer's Disease" in RSC
Advances, 2, 5008-5033 (2012)
Li Y., Beija M., Laurent Sophie, Vander Elst Luce, Muller Robert, Duong H.T.T., Lowe A.B.,
Davis T.P., Boyer C., "Macromolecular Ligands for Gadolinium MRJ Contrast Agents" in
Macromolecules, 45(10), 4196-4204 (2012)
Subbiahdoss G., Sharifi S., Grijpma D.W., Laurent Sophie, van der Mei H.C., Mahmoudi M.,
Busscher H.J., "Magnetic targeting of surface-modified superparamagnetic-iron-oxide
nanoparticles yields antibacterial efficacy against biofilms of gentamicin-resistant staphylococci"
in Acta Biomaterialia, 8, 2047-2055 (2012)
Rosier Caroline, Leys Natalie, Henoumont Céline, Mergeay Maximilien, Wattiez Ruddy,
"Purification and characterization of the acetone carboxylase of Cupriavidus metallidurans strain
CH34" in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78, 4516, 4518 (2012)
Pinho S., Laurent Sophie, Rocha J., Roch Alain, Delville M.-H., Carlos L., Vander Elst Luce,
Muller Robert, Geraldes C., "Relaxometric Studies of y-Fe203@SiO2 Core Shell Nanoparticles :
When the coating Matters" in Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials, Interfaces, and
Hard Matter, 116(3), 2285-2291 (2012)
Pereira G.A., Peters J. A., Terreno E., Castelli D.D., Aime S., Laurent Sophie, Vander Elst
Luce, Muller Robert, Geraldes C.F.G.C., "Supramolecular Adducts of Negatively Charged
Lanthanide(III) DOTP Chelates and Cyclodextrins Functionalized with Ammonium Groups :
Mass Spectrometry and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies" in European Journal of Inorganic
Chemistry [=EurJIC], 12, 2087-2098 (2012)
Sharifi S., Behzadi S., Laurent Sophie, Laird Forrest M., Stroeve P., Mahmoudi M., "Toxicity
of Nanomaterials" in Chemical Society Reviews, 41, 2323-2343 (2012)
Colloque/Présentation - communication orale
Hannecart Adeline, Laurent Sophie, Sandre Olivier, Stanicki Dimitri, Vander Elst Luce,
Muller Robert, "Greffage de polymères thermosensibles à la surface de nanoparticules d’oxyde
de fer" in "Journée annuelle de la SRC, "L'analyse chimique, outil des experts"" , Louvain la
Neuve,, Belgique (2012)
Colloque/Présentation - poster
den Adel B., Burtea Carmen, Laurent Sophie, Suidgeest E., Poelmann R.E., Muller Robert,
Van der Weerd L.M., "Stageing of atherosclerotic plaques by a vascular cell adhesion protein-1
targeted contrast agent" in "Fourth annual meeting of the ISMRM Benelux" , Leuven, Belgique
Henoumont Céline, Place Sarah, Vander Elst Luce, Laurent Sophie, Muller Robert, "Study by
the STD NMR technique of the interaction between peptides targeting the aVß3 integrin and
PANC-1 cells" in "Young belgian magnetic resonance scientists symposium" , Spa, Belgique
Henoumont Céline, Vander Elst Luce, Stanicki Dimitri, Laurent Sophie, Muller Robert,
"Study of the iron oxide nanoparticle surface by NMR" in "Young belgian magnetic resonance
scientists symposium" , Spa, Belgique (2012)
Capette Loic, Laurent Sophie, Granato Luigi, Vander Elst Luce, Muller Robert, "Design and
characterization of paramagnetic dendrimer intended for molecular imaging" in "Journée
annuelle de l'Ecole Doctorale CHIM sur "L'analyse chimique, outil des experts"" ,
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique (2012)
Van Koninckxloo-Van Bever Aurore, Vander Elst Luce, Henoumont Céline, Laurent Sophie,
Muller Robert, "NMR study of micelle interaction with peptides designed for cell apoptosis
targeting" in "Ecole doctorale en sciences pharmaceutiques" , Université libre de Bruxelles,
Belgique (2012)
Capette Loic, Laurent Sophie, Granato Luigi, Vander Elst Luce, Muller Robert, "Design and
characterization of paramagnetic dendrimer intended for molecular imaging" in "Journée
scientifique annuelle de la SRC sur "L'analyse chimique, outil des experts", " ,
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique (2012)
denAdel Brigit, Burtea Carmen, Laurent Sophie, Suidgeest Ernst, Poelmann Robert E, Muller
Robert, van der Weerd Louise, "Imaging Anti-Atherosclerotic Therapy Response and
macrophage polarization in ApoE-/- Mice Using E-selectin Targeted USPIOs" in "World
Molecular Imaging Congress" , Dublin, Irlande (2012)
denAdel Brigit, Burtea Carmen, Suidgeest Ernst, Laurent Sophie, Poelmann Robert E, Muller
Robert, van der Weerd Louise, "Molecular MRI of Atherosclerosis and Anti-Atherosclerotic
Therapy Outcome by a Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 Targeted Contrast Agent" in "World
Molecular Imaging Congress" , Dublin, Irlande (2012)
Ansciaux Emilie, Burtea Carmen, Vander Elst Luce, Laurent Sophie, Muller Robert,
"Développement de nouveaux agents de contraste vectorisés destinés au diagnostic par IRM de
la maladie d'Alzheimer" in "Doctoriales Franco-Belges" , Mont Saint-Aubert, Belgique (2012)
Henoumont Céline, Vander Elst Luce, Stanicki Dimitri, Laurent Sophie, Muller Robert,
"Etude de la surface de nanoparticules de fer par RMN" in "Conférence du GERM" , Domaine
Saint-Hilaire, France (2012)
Ansciaux Emilie, Burtea Carmen, Laurent Sophie, Vander Elst Luce, Muller Robert,
"Développement de nouveaux agents de contraste vectorisés destinés au diagnostic par IRM de
la maladie d'Alzheimer" in "11ème Réunion sur la Maladie d'Alzheimer et les Symptomes
Apparentés" , Toulouse, France (2012)
Muller Robert, Eizirik Decio, Sermeus Corine, Laurent Sophie, Burtea Carmen, Beckers M-C,
Flamez Daisy, "Molecules specifically binding pancreatic beta cells biomarkers" (2012)
Burtea Carmen, Laurent Sophie, Muller Robert, Sermeus Corine, Eizirik Decio, "Molecules
specifically binding pancreatic beta cells biomarkers" (2012)
Divers/Notes de cours
Burtea Carmen, "Biologie, y compris les éléments de génétique humaine, Syllabus" (2012)
Travail avec promoteur/TFE
Dupont Aurélie, Blankert Bertrand, Laurent Sophie, "Synthèse et évaluation de
magnéto-liposomes pour la libération de molécules d'intérêt thérapeutique" , Blankert Bertrand,
Laurent Sophie, 2012-06-20 (2012)
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