Page le français 3 nom_________________________ ch. 4 les

le français 3
ch. 4 les phrases conditionnelles
date _________________________
possible tenses for “si” clause (if)
possible tenses for result clause
le présent
le présent; le futur; l’impératif (command)
le conditionnel
le p-q-p
le conditionnel passé
A. Le conditionnel passé + le p-q-p avec le vocabulaire (if this had happened, then that would have
happened as a result)
1. I would have phoned her if I had known her phone number.
2. They would not have become angry with each other if they had talked to each other.
3. If he had read the advice column carefully, he would have understood his girlfriend better!
4. If you had asked, I would have offered you some advice.
5. If he had become engaged, he would have told it to everyone.
6. If she had wanted to break up with Manuel, she would have spoken to him directly.
8. If they had married each other (gotten married), where would they have lived (or moved)?
7. What would have happened if you had met him first?
B. Une histoire en spirale:
Créez une histoire qui fait une spirale. Utilisez le verbe qui est au conditionnel passé à la fin de la
première phrase au début de la deuxième phrase au plus-que-parfait, etc. Il faut avoir au moins 6
phrases. (Create a spiral story where the verb at the end of the sentence changes to p-q-p and
becomes the beginning of the next sentence.)
exemple : Si j’avais eu une maison à la Martinique, je serais allé à la plage.
Si j’étais allé à la plage, je aurais nagé dans la mer.
Si j’avais nagé dans la mer, j’aurais fait attention aux poissons.
Si j’avais fait attention aux poissons, ….
Quelques sujets possibles (possible topics):
Si une belle fille m’avait téléphoné…
Si j’avais rencontré un garçon intéressant …
Si j’avais eu une baguette magique…