Le futur proche et le futur simple

Mélange de fête!
Le présent, le futur, le passé, … et les prépositions de lieu
Traduis les phrases suivantes comme il faut. Utilise le propre temps de verbe.
1. I am travelling to India
2. They met on the beach in
3. She’ll stay in a hostel in
4. We swam with dolphins in
5. It was kinda warm in
Iceland, ironically
6. I’ll visit the Pyramids in
7. He’s snowboarding in
British Columbia
8. I’ll pet a Merino sheep in
New Zealand
9. You flew over the Great
Barrier Reef in Australia?!
10. He wants to BASE jump off
the Troll Wall in Norway
11. I won’t watch bullfighting in
12. She ran a half-marathon in
Las Vegas
13. We’ll climb to Matchu
Picchu in Peru
14. I’m going to the Netherlands
to eat some Gouda cheese
15. They took a gondola ride in
Venice (in Italy)
16. We’re choosing where to
travel to next
Temps de verbe (TDV)
P = passé
Pré = présent
F = futur
Mini-dictionnaire :
beach = plage (n.f.)
bullfighting = tauromachie (n.f.)
dolphin = dauphin (n.m.)
gondola = gondole (n.f.)
Great Barrier Reef = Grande barrière de corail (n.f.)
half-marathon = demi-marathon (n.m.)
hostel = auberge de jeunesse (n.f.)
ironically = ironiquement (adv.)
it = il (pron.)
kinda = quasiment, un peu (adv.)
next = prochain, ensuite (adj.)
off = de (prép.)
over = au-dessus de (prép.)
Pyramid = Pyramide (n.f.)
ride = promenade (n.f.)
sheep = mouton (n.m.)
to BASE jump = faire du BASE jump (exp.)
to climb = monter (v.)
to fly = voler (v.)
to pet = flatter (v.)
to snowboard = faire de la planche à neige (exp.)
Troll Wall = Mur Troll (n.m.)
warm = chaud (adj.)
Mini-dictionnaire :
beach = plage (n.f.)
bullfighting = tauromachie (n.f.)
dolphin = dauphin (n.m.)
gondola = gondole (n.f.)
Great Barrier Reef = Grande barrière de corail (n.f.)
half-marathon = demi-marathon (n.m.)
hostel = auberge de jeunesse (n.f.)
ironically = ironiquement (adv.)
it = il (pron.)
kinda = quasiment, un peu (adv.)
next = prochain, ensuite (adj.)
off = de (prép.)
over = au-dessus de (prép.)
Pyramid = Pyramide (n.f.)
ride = promenade (n.f.)
sheep = mouton (n.m.)
to BASE jump = faire du BASE jump (exp.)
to climb = monter (v.)
to fly = voler (v.)
to pet = flatter (v.)
to snowboard = faire de la planche à neige (exp.)
Troll Wall = Mur Troll (n.m.)
warm = chaud (adj.)
Mini-dictionnaire :
beach = plage (n.f.)
bullfighting = tauromachie (n.f.)
dolphin = dauphin (n.m.)
gondola = gondole (n.f.)
Great Barrier Reef = Grande barrière de corail (n.f.)
half-marathon = demi-marathon (n.m.)
hostel = auberge de jeunesse (n.f.)
ironically = ironiquement (adv.)
it = il (pron.)
kinda = quasiment, un peu (adv.)
next = prochain, ensuite (adj.)
off = de (prép.)
over = au-dessus de (prép.)
Pyramid = Pyramide (n.f.)
ride = promenade (n.f.)
sheep = mouton (n.m.)
to BASE jump = faire du BASE jump (exp.)
to climb = monter (v.)
to fly = voler (v.)
to pet = flatter (v.)
to snowboard = faire de la planche à neige (exp.)
Troll Wall = Mur Troll (n.m.)
warm = chaud (adj.)
Mini-dictionnaire :
beach = plage (n.f.)
bullfighting = tauromachie (n.f.)
dolphin = dauphin (n.m.)
gondola = gondole (n.f.)
Great Barrier Reef = Grande barrière de corail (n.f.)
half-marathon = demi-marathon (n.m.)
hostel = auberge de jeunesse (n.f.)
ironically = ironiquement (adv.)
it = il (pron.)
kinda = quasiment, un peu (adv.)
next = prochain, ensuite (adj.)
off = de (prép.)
over = au-dessus de (prép.)
Pyramid = Pyramide (n.f.)
ride = promenade (n.f.)
sheep = mouton (n.m.)
to BASE jump = faire du BASE jump (exp.)
to climb = monter (v.)
to fly = voler (v.)
to pet = flatter (v.)
to snowboard = faire de la planche à neige (exp.)
Troll Wall = Mur Troll (n.m.)
warm = chaud (adj.)