The date palm (Phoenyx dactylifera L) consisted, for the people of southern Algeria, as tree of
providence. Dates and their extracts are also used for many centuries as a medicine against
allergy, inflammation, constipation and gastro protective; they also have a high antibacterial
and antioxidant activity. However, no studies are conducted to evaluate the extract from the
leaves of date palm (Phoenyx dactylifera L) in point of view pharmacology effect. In this
study we have evaluated the phytochemical composition, antioxidant antibacterial, antifungal
and antimutagenic properties and anti-inflammatory properties determined by measuring the
inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) production of leaves extract of three varieties Ghars, Deglet
Nour and Hamraya from Phoenyx dactlylifera L. Moreover, the antidiabetic effect was
evaluated by inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase enzymes. According to the results, the
extracts have very important values for polyphenols, flavanoids, flavonols, condensed tannin,
anthocyanin and high antioxidant activity against DPPH, FRAP, ABTS, OH·. Also the three
extracts reveal a considerable antimicrobial potency and antifungal considerable activity. The
three varieties exhibited significant anti-inflammatory effects using in-vitro inhibition of NO,
exhibited potent antimutagenic high inhibitory level of the Ames response induced by the
indirect mutagen 2- aminoanthracene and also displayed high inhibition actions against α-
amylase and α-glucosidase enzymes. The results suggest that the leaves of the three selected
varieties of Phoenyx dactylifera L can be considered as a good source of natural antioxidant,
antimicrobial and anti-inflammation drugs as well as potent antidiabetic medicine.
Keywords: Phoenyx dactylifera L, leaves, Polyphenols, DPPH, Antidiabetic, Anti-
inflammatory, antimicrobial, south Algeria.
. Phoenyx dactylifera L) (
(NO ) .
α α .
DPPH FRAP ABTS٠ .OH . NO 2-aminoanthracene α α . .