Gustafson, Diana Lynn, "Cultural Sensitivity
a Problematic in Ontario
Nursing Policy and Education:
Integrated Feminist Codtextual
Analysis," University of Toronto, PhD,
(Margrit Eichler, advi-
This research interrogated the articulation of Transcultural
Nursing Theory in three sets of nursing texts that organize the
social relations among nurses and between nurses and clients.
The analysis concludes that nursing codtexts asserts dominant
white discourse about race and other social differences, and iden-
tifies spaces for systemic change in a revisioning of inclusive nurs-
ing research, policy and curricula.
Cette recherche s'interroge sur Yarticulation de la thkorie tran-
sculturelle du nursing dans trois series de textes qui structurent les
relations sociales entre les infirmieres et entre les infirmieres et
les clients. Canalyse conclut que le contexte du nursing privilegie
le discours blanc dominant concernant la race et les autres dis-
tinctions sociales, et identifie des espaces pour une revision sys-
tdmique des recherches comprenant le nursing, les politiques et les
Rowe, Geoffrey Tobin, "Social Mobility and Fertility in Canada: An
Exploratory Study," University of Alberta, PhD,
This thesis is an empirical examination of the link between
social mobility and fertility. The conclusion is that reciprocal rela-
tions between intragenerational social mobility and fertility exist,
but the relationship depends on the parity of the birth under con-
sideration. Relations involving intragenerational mobility have
markedly greater support than do relations involving intergener-
ational mobiity.
Cette these examine empiriquement le lien entre la mobilitd
sociale et la fertilitk. Cauteur conclut en l'existence de relations
reciproques entre la mobilite socl;;le intragbndrationnelle et la fer-
tilitd, mais dependamment de la parit6 des naissances dtudibes.
Les relations impliquant la mobilite intragenerationnelle sont sen-
siblement plus significatives que celles impliquant une mobilitd
Fletcher, Christopher M., "Equivocal Illness and Cultural Landscape in
Nova Scotia, Canada," Universite de Montreal, PhD, 2002
Bibeau and L. Kirmayer, advisors).
The sigruficance of medicine, illness, health and healing is rein-
vestigated as part of a broader cultural reassessment of modernity.
I categorize health conditions that have a popular adherence yet
lack a well-accepted scientific basis as "equivocal." Based on inter-
views with self-identified sufferers of environmental sensitivity, I
demonstrate how the social and experiential authority of
is grounded
the cultural landscape of the Maritime region.
La sigruficati~n de la medecine, de la maladie, de la santb et de
la perison est reexaminee
partir d'une reevaluation culturelle
plus large de la modernite. Par
je designe les con-
ditions de santk qui ont une acceptation populaire plutdt qu'une
base scientifique bien acceptee. En me basant sur des entrevues
avec des personnes s'identifiant comme victirnes de sensibilit6
environnementale, je demontre que l'autorite sociale et empirique
de cette maladie est fondee sur l'environnement culture1 de la
region des Maritimes.
Kiceniuk, Deborah Susan,
Study of Change in the Medical Education
Curriculum at Dalhousie Medical School from 1947 to 1967 (Nova
Scotia)," Dalhousie University, 2000 (Robert Berard, advisor).
The purpose of this study was to examine curriculum change
and the events surrounding those changes from within and out-
side the medical school environment from 1947 to 1967.
Cette thtSse a pour objectif d'exarniner les changements dans la
formation medicale et les kv6nements entourant ces changements,
l'interieur et
l'exterieur de l'ecole medicale de 1947
McLaren, Sheryl
Stotts, "Becoming Indispensable:
Biography of
Elizabeth Smith Shortt (1859--1949); York University, 2002, (Bet-
tina Bradbury, advisor).
Historians have paid little attention to Elizabeth Smith Shortt
despite her acclaim as one of Canada's first female physicians and
leading feminist and social reformer of the day. This study exam-
ines her entire life from 1859 until 1949.
Les historiens ont port6 peu d'attention
Elizabeth Smith
Shortt bien qu'elle soit acclamee comme l'une des premieres
femrnes medecins du Canada et comme la principale fbrniniste et
reformatrice sociale de son kpoque. Cette etude examine sa vie
entitSre de 1859
Jones, Ruth J.
"Canada and the United States: An Historical and Neo-
Institutional Study of Public Housing and Health Policies,"
McMaster University, 2000, (M. Stein, advisor).
This thesis seeks to explain the way
which assisted housing
and health policies evolved in Canada and the United States dur-
ing four watershed periods: the mid-1940s, the late 1960s, the late
1970s, and the mid-1980s.
Cette thbse cherche
expliquer comment les logements assist&
et les politiques de sante ont dvolu6 au Canada et aux ~tats-~nis
durant quatre pgriodes delimitees: le milieu des annees 1940,
des annCes 1960,
des ann6es 1970 et le milieu des annCes 1980.
Dean, Wesley Rayrnond, "Broken Promises: The Canadian Tainted-Blood
Scandal (Immune Deficiency)," University of Alberta, 2002,
(Harvey Krahn and Steve Hrudey, advisors).
By 1995, over 43% of the hemophiliacs in Canada had con-
through HIV tainted blood products. The analysis
follows the scandal from the events that precipitated the scandal,
through to an explosive proliferation of media accounts of tainted-
blood in the Canadian press to the resolution of the scandal with
a public inquiry and the replacement of the Canadian Red Cross
with two new institutions.
En 1995, plus de 43% des hkmophiles au Canada avaient con-
tact6 le SIDA par Yentremise de produits sanguins contarnines par
L'analyse suit le scandale
partir des kvdnements qui Yont
travers une proliferation de comptes-rendus de medias
sur le sang contarnine dans la presse canadienne jusqu'h la r6solu-
tion du scandale par une enqu6te publique et le remplacement de
la Croix-Rouge canadienne par deux nouvelles institutions.
Grekul, Jana Marie, "The Social Construction of the Feebleminded
Threat: Implementation of the Sexual Sterilization Act in Alberta,
1929-1972," University of Alberta, 2002 (Harvey Krahn and Tim-
othy Hartnagel, advisors).
This study analyzes the activities of the Eugenics Board and
the provincial mental hospitals involved in the social construc-
tion of the "threat of the feebleminded.
Cette thbse analyse les activites du Bureau Eugenique et des
hiipitaux psychiatriques de la Province impliquks dans la con-
struction sociale de la
menace des faibles d'esprit
Quiney, Linda J., "'Assistant Angels': Canadian Women As Voluntary
Aid Detachment Nurses during and after the Great War, 1914-
1930," University of Ottawa, 2002, (Ruby Heap, advisor).
This study recovers the history of Canada's Voluntary Aid
Detachment nurses, or VADs, from their creation as a reserve of
emergency auxiliary nursing assistants in 1914 under the aegis of
the St. John Ambulance Association, to their demobilization and
resettlement into peacetime civilian life to 1930.
Cette thbse porte sur l'histoire des infirmieres des detache-
ments d'aide volontaire du Canada, ou VAD, depuis leur creation
comme reserves d'assistantes infirmieres auxiliaires en 1914 sous
l'kgide de YAssociation de YAmbulance Saint-Jean jusqu'B leur
demobilisation et leur reaffectation, en temps de paix, dans la vie
civile en 1930.
Yuan, Wei, "Acupuncture Comes to Canada: The Struggle for Profes-
sional Recognition, 1970-1996," University of Ottawa, 2001 (Toby
Gelfand, advisor).
This study examines the introduction and development of
acupuncture in Canada covering the period from 1970 to 1996.
Cette these examine l'introduction et le developpement de
l'acupuncture au Canada durant la periode entre 1970 et 1996.
MacDonald, Heidi Elizabeth, "The Sisters of St Martha and Prince
Edward Island Social Institutions, 1916--1982,
University of New
Brunswick, 2000,
Acheson and Gad G. Campbell, advisors).
The Sisters of St Martha were founded in 1916 to serve the Dio-
cese of Charlottetown. In 1925 the Congregation were forced to
administer the Charlottetown Hospital. They also provided district
school and university education, and administered two social serv-
ice bureaus, an orphanage and a home for the elderly.
Les soeurs de St-Martha ont et6 fondees en 1916 pour servir le
dioc&se de Charlottetown. En 1925 la Congregation a assume un
statut plus professionnel quand
ont dii adrninistrer YHcipital de
Charlottetown. Elles ont aussi fourni de Yeducation
l'ecole de
district et
l'universitk, et administre deux bureaux de service
social, un orphelinat et un foyer pour les personnes &gees.
Orsini, Michael, "Blood, Blame, and Belonging:
Hepatitis C, and
Emergence of 'Tainted-Blood Activism' in Canada, 1985-2000,"
Carlton University, 2002 (Susan Phillips, advisor).
This research addresses the emergence of tainted-blood
activism in Canada using a social movement framework.
Cette these est consacree
l'emergence d'un activisme sur le
sang contarnine en utilisant un cadre pour ce mouvement social.
Opp, James William, "Religion, Medicine, and the Body: Protestant
Healing in Canada, 1880-1930." Carlton University, 2000
McKillop, advisor).
This work traces the development of divine healing within
Canadian Protestantism by examining a wide variety of groups
that engaged in the practice, including the Christian and Mis-
sionary Alliance, the Salvation Army, the Christian Catholic
Church, and Pentecostalism.
Cette these retrace le developpement de la gukrison divine
dans le Protestantisme canadien en examinant une grande var-
iete de groupes engages dans la pratique, incluant YAlliance
tienne et missionnaire, l'Arm6e du Salut, l'~~lise Catholique
romaine et le Pentecotisme.
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