Publications présentées dans ce manuscrit de thèse :
Loureiro M., Lecourtier L., Engel M., Lopez J., Cosquer B., Geiger K., Kelche C., Cassel J.-
C., Pereira de Vasconcelos A. (2012) The ventral hippocampus is necessary for expressing a
spatial memory. Brain Structure and Function. 217: 96-106.
Loureiro M., Cholvin T., Lopez J., Merienne N., Cosquer B., Geiger K., Cassel J.C., Pereira
de Vasconcelos A. (2012) The ventral midline thalamus (reuniens and rhomboid nuclei)
contributes to the persistence of spatial memory. Journal of Neuroscience. 32(29): 9947-9959.
Loureiro M., Cholvin T., Cassel R., Cosquer B., Geiger K., Kelche C., Pereira de
Vasconcelos A., Cassel J.-C. Ventral midline thalamus inactivation disrupts strategy shifting,
not recall of spatial memory in rats. Manuscrit en preparation.
Publications issues de collaborations pendant la thèse :
Jacquet M., Lecourtier L., Cassel R., Loureiro M., Cosquer B., Escoffier G., Miglioratti M.,
Cassel J.C., Roman F.S., Marchetti. Dorsolateral striatum and dorsal hippocampus : a serial
contribution to learning of olfactory cue-reward associations in rats. En revision pour
Behavioral Brain Research.
Cassel J.C., Pereira de Vasconcelos A., Loureiro M., Cholvin T., Dalrymple-Alford J.,
Vertes R. The ventral midline thalamus: a crucial relay for cognitive behaviors requiring
functional interactions between the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus. Soumis à Progress
in Neurobiology.
Goutagny R., Loureiro M., Jackson J., Chaumont J., Williams S, Isope P., Kelche C, Cassel
J.C., Lecourtier L. The lateral habenula is differentially coupled to prefrontal and
hippocampal networks. Soumis à Journal of Neuroscience.
Communications affichées :
Loureiro M., Engel M., Lopez J., Lecourtier L., Herbeaux K., Cosquer B., Lazarus C., Cassel
J.C., Pereira de Vasconcelos A. Implication of hippocampal subregions in the retrieval of a
spatial reference memory task : a study using reversible inactivation in the Rat. 7
Meeting of
the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), Amsterdam (Pays-Bas), Juillet
Loureiro M., Cassel R., Cholvin T., Lecourtier L., Herbeaux K., Pereira de Vasconcelos A.,
Cassel J.C. The nucleus reuniens contributes to memory retrieval in a simple spatial learning
task. 10
Meeting of the French Neuroscience Society, Marseille (France), Mai 2011.
Pereira de Vasconcelos A., Cholvin T., Cassel R., Loureiro M., Lecourtier L, Cassel J.C.
Ventral midline thalamus (reuniens and rhomboid nuclei, ReRh) and spatial cognition in rats.