La Société canadienne de la sclérose en plaques
et la National Multiple Sclerosis Society
tiennent à remercier les collaborateurs
à la présente publication.
Brenda L. Banwell, MD, FAAP, FRCPC
Director of the paediatric MS unit
Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto (Ontario) Canada
(416) 813-6660
Kimberly Calder, MPS
Consultant, Consumer Health Advocate
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
New York, NY
Kathy Gips
Director of Training
Adaptive Environments, Inc.
Boston, MA
800-893-1225, poste 23
Rosalind Kalb, PhD
Director, Professional Resource Center
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
New York, NY
Lauren Krupp, MD
Director, of the National Pediatric Center
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY
William MacAllister, Ph.D.
Neuropsychologist, National Pediatric MS Care Center
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY