Résumé en anglais
Body appeared as a crucial element in any approach of Valère
Novarina’s work. Certainly, the author is interessed by many other
themes –politics, television, etc…– however body remains his central
preoccupation. Novarian vision of the body seems to belong to a
traditional perception of it – coming from Antiquity– which could also be
linked to certain modernity –Jarry, Artaud, etc…–
Valère Novarina highlights creative/ original notions. An animality
illustrated through a positive way, the « pantinitude » of the actor and
the paradoxical saintliness of Louis de Funès. The strange and
unfamiliar body is strongly present in his work: a superhuman body
and at the same time a really human one. The mystical aspect of the
Novarian body indicates references to Bible and Holly Scriptures: he
draws again historical figures of the Bible (Adam, Job, Moses) and the
life of Jesus, from his birth to his ressurrection, through a highly
original style/ way.
We are here in front of a delicate topic, subject to debate and
which concernes each of us: the duality between body and soul.
Reflexions on the finality of the Novarian body lead us to discover a
certain specificity of the actor body: importance of a
vacuum/emptiness, body offerring and kinship/ relationship between
scene and sacred.
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