Responsable du cours : Beatrice ROSSI-BOUCHRARA
Statut de l'enseignement : Anglais obligatoire, cours Optionnel
Objectifs de l'enseignement :
The course offers a global approach to organizational leadership helping future economists, managers or leaders build skills in
functional areas so that they can be more effective. Through specialized study and case analysis with emphasis on contemporary
problems faced by business organizations, students gain a foundation on the fundamentals deepening their understanding of
major fields of economy and management.
Description de l'Enseignement
Management in international economy (business philosophies and management practices: Eastern and Western
Knowledge management (in particular the role of tacit knowledge)
Workplace development and talent development (the role of intuition in decision making and when managing
Organizational behaviour (through the use of drama)
Dynamic Leadership, Dealing with change in organizations (using improvisation)
The challenge of team management (teambuilding)
Exercising power and responsibility: Power through the use of rhetoric, the role of metaphors in business
Skills in managing conflict in organizations (conflict resolution)
Managing negotiations (dialogue, debate and discussion)
How to communicate creatively (storytelling)
Leadership and Crises management (competitive decision making, sense giving and problem solving)
Méthodes de l'Enseignement
This course uses interactive exercises, simulations and teamwork methods. It focuses attention on the sources of firm
performance through diversity. It is based on learning by doing.
Pré requis : none
Mode d'évaluation : Course, student presentation, exam
Bibliographie sommaire
Ikujiro Nonaka, The Knowledge Creating Company
Karl Weick, Sensemaking in Organizations
James March, different texts on leadership