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strategies for GMO”, Colloque “La protection juridique du végétal et ses enjeux
économiques”, 17-18 novembre, Université d’Angers.
Rousselière D., Rousselière S. (2009-10) “Food Beliefs, Food Risk, Food Safety: An
institutionalist analysis of consumer perception of Food Safety in Europe”, Biennal
conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics, Bremen, august 2010.
Rousselière D., Rousselière S. (2009-10) “Food Beliefs, Food Risk, Food Safety: An
institutionalist analysis of consumer perception of Food Safety in Europe”, Conference
2009 of the European Association of Evolutionary Political Economy, Amsterdam,
November 2009.
Rousselière D., Rousselière S. (2009) “On the impact of trust on willingness to purchase
GM Food: Evidence from a European Survey”, 17th Annual Conference of the European
Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, VU University Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, 24 - 27 June 2009.
Rousselière D., Rousselière S. (2008) “On consumer opposition to GMOs in Europe: The
Importance of Trust”, 2ème journées de recherche en sciences sociales, INRA-SFER-
CIRAD, Lille, 11-12 décembre.
Rousselière D., Rousselière S. (2008) “On consumer opposition to GMOs in Europe: The
Importance of Trust”, 17th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural
Economists, Gent, Belgique, 26-19 août.
Rousselière S., (2007) “Transition in technological paradigms: From the green revolution
to Bt cotton in India” Session plénière, 21st Century Challenges to Sustainable Agri-food
Systems: Biotechnology, Environment, Nutrition, Trade and Policy from 15-17th March
2007 Iowa State University, Ames, USA and ISEC Bangalore (India).
Rousselière S., (2007) “Transition in technological paradigms: From the green revolution
to BT cotton in India”, International Conference on Rational Choice and Social Institutions,
September 6–8, 2007, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Rousselière D., Rousselière S. (2006) “Confiance, Approbation et Opposition : une
approche simultanée des déterminants de l’opposition aux OGM en Europe”, 55ème
congrès annuel de l’Association française de science économique (AFSE), Paris, 14
septembre 2006 (contribution principale, atelier environnement).
Rousselière S. (2006) “Why does Monsanto introduce genetically modified seeds in every
country differently? An inquiry into the worldwide commercialization of Bt Cotton”,
55ème congrès annuel de l’Association française de science économique (AFSE), Paris, 15
septembre 2006 (contribution principale, atelier politiques de l’environnement).
Rousselière S. (2005) “Why does Monsanto introduce genetically modified seeds in every
country differently? European PhD Workshop “Economics and Social Sciences Research
in Food, Agriculture, Environment and Development” the Wageningen International
Centre (The Netherlands), September 22-23, 2005.